Articles | Volume 27, issue 21
Research article
07 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 07 Nov 2023

Hydrological connectivity controls dissolved organic carbon exports in a peatland-dominated boreal catchment stream

Antonin Prijac, Laure Gandois, Pierre Taillardat, Marc-André Bourgault, Khawla Riahi, Alex Ponçot, Alain Tremblay, and Michelle Garneau

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The peatland dissolved organic carbon (DOC) lost through aquatic exports can offset a significant proportion of the ecosystem carbon balance. Hence, we propose a new approach to better estimate the DOC exports based on the specific contribution of a boreal peatland (Canada) during periods of high flow. In addition, we studied the relations between DOC concentrations and stream discharge in order to better understand the DOC export mechanisms under contrasted hydrometeorological conditions.