Articles | Volume 26, issue 14
Research article
19 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 19 Jul 2022

Evaporation, infiltration and storage of soil water in different vegetation zones in the Qilian Mountains: a stable isotope perspective

Guofeng Zhu, Leilei Yong, Xi Zhao, Yuwei Liu, Zhuanxia Zhang, Yuanxiao Xu, Zhigang Sun, Liyuan Sang, and Lei Wang

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EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint archived
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Dataset of stable isotopes of precipitation in the Eurasian continent
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Soil salinity patterns reveal changes in the water cycle of inland river basins in arid zones
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Effects of urbanization on the water cycle in the Shiyang River basin: based on a stable isotope method
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Anomalous variations in stable precipitation isotopes driven by high-temperature events
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In arid areas, the processes of water storage have not been fully understood in different vegetation zones in mountainous areas. This study monitored the stable isotopes in the precipitation and soil water of the Xiying River Basin. In the four vegetation zones, soil water evaporation intensities were mountain grassland > deciduous forest > coniferous forest > alpine meadow, and soil water storage capacity was alpine meadow > deciduous forest > coniferous forest > mountain grassland.