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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Quantifying multi-year hydrological memory with Catchment Forgetting Curves
Alban de Lavenne
Vazken Andréassian
Louise Crochemore
Göran Lindström
Berit Arheimer
- Final revised paper (published on 24 May 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 24 Jun 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on hess-2021-331', Anonymous Referee #1, 01 Jul 2021
Review of “Quantifying pluriannual hydrological memory with Catchment Forgetting Curves.”
This paper aims at better understanding how catchments' runoff response depends on the climate of the years preceding. The paper introduces a method to quantify these effects and applies this method to a large set of French and Swedish catchments. The results indicate that memory effects appear limited (“approximately 80% of the Swedish catchments and 89% of the French catchments showed no significant pluriannual memory”). Still, the catchments that do show memory appear to be more groundwater-dominated (in France), and the memory increases with aridity (both in France and Sweden). From this, it is concluded that there is a “need to account for catchment memory to produce meaningful and geographically coherent elasticity indices.”
Overall this study addresses a relevant topic, potentially suitable for HESS, and investigates this across a large spatial domain (several hundreds of catchments). Yet, at present, there are several things that need to be resolved. The main issues are:
- The main result that elasticity values are underestimated using a normal approach seems questionable. Eq. 1 quantifies how Q/P of year X varies with P/E_o of year X. These numbers are both hopefully of a similar sign typically. If the same is quantified using Eq. 2, the P/E_o values originate from multiple years, thereby having values that will often differ in sign from Q/P of year X. Since their combined weight (that is sum(omega_i)=1) is still 1, the associated elasticity value needs to be higher yield a similar effect of P/E_o on Q/P. A difference between epsilon_2 and epsilon_1 would therefore have little to do with physics, but rather (partly) arises from a mathematical artifact. This seems supported by the fact that even in catchments with no significant memory the epsilon_2 still typically very strongly exceeds epsilon_1.
- It is unclear how it is possible that so often a particular year’s aridity explains that year’s runoff ratio so poorly. Is this because the paper does not make use of water years, but calendar years instead?
- The writing is at times unclear. I made many detailed comments below, but those are not necessarily comprehensive in resolving all issues.
Detailed comments
Abstract: I think the relevance of the study would become a lot clearer by starting the abstract by introducing the problem that this paper addresses (e.g. a knowledge gap, or a paradigm that is challenged), rather than just stating what has been done.
L2: it is a “precipitation – runoff” relationship as many catchments will also experience snow.
L2: For clarity: rather than saying “focusing on” just describe what elasticity actually expresses.
L4: since “humidity” can refer to several hydrological conditions, I’d more accurately introduce this concept.
L5: make “distribution” plural to indicate that each CFC has its own parameterization.
L5: rather than say that a gamma distribution is used, provide some context of why a gamma distribution is used (e.g. it fits the data?).
L7: what are: “powerful aquifers”?
L7: “a long memory” can be made more specific and thereby more informative.
L8: state how aridity matters rather than that it matters.
L8: I am unsure what “appears to be one of the main drivers” really means here. Please rephrase it to be more accurate of how it matters.
L8-9: “Our work underlines the need to account for catchment memory in order to produce meaningful and geographically coherent elasticity indices.” Sounds like a nice conclusion but it does not seem to reflect that >80% of the catchments have no significant memory effect… This should be discussed in the abstract.
L15-16: I think a reference or two would not be inappropriate here.
L20: “will” seems redundant.
L21-24: I find it hard to fathom the statement “To make this discussion of a complex matter simple, we start with a first-order simplifying assumption: We hypothesize that a catchment may have both a short-term and a long-term memory (see e.g., Risbey and Entekhabi, 1996; McDonnell, 2017); we consider the short-term memory to be seasonal, and will not address it in this paper in order to focus on the long-term (pluriannual) memory effects.”. To me, this statement is unclear (how are seasonal and longer-term memory really separate?), it is not clear why the assumption you make can be made (because it is not explained), and the reference seems off (why refer to a paper about water ages, when the quantity you’re interested in are quantities of water?).
L26: “its variability” in space, in time, or both? Please specify.
L28-29: I find it hard agree with the statement “is obviously a function of catchment storage capacity (in groundwater aquifers, wetlands, lakes or glaciers)”. It is not the “capacity” that matters, but rather the “storage amounts” which are largely independent of “capacity”. For example, there is a lot of storage capacity in the pores of Sahara sand, but only if these pores are filled (or not) will influence whether it has an influence on memory.
L29-30: “the originality of this paper will be in the quantification 30 of forgetting curves at catchment scale:”. I understand that this concept is original, but I think it needs to have more context of why this concept is useful compared to current knowledge. The latter is lacking from this part of the introduction, and only is introduced later. Putting this upfront will help the reader not being confused why this study is undertaken at all.
Section 1.2. I think this clarification does not need an entire section, but should be resolved in a single sentence (or maybe two at most). Once this is resolved, I would recommend to also remove any travel time stuff from the following section(s) as this is a separate topic that is not addressed in this paper.
Section 1.3: The statement that “existing methods aiming to analyze memory either summarize the memory by a single value and/or provide an index that cannot be directly interpreted as duration” provides (in theory) a clear motivation for your study. If you also state this at the start of section 1.3 the reader will much better understand what is lacking in these pasts works (rather than concluding it in hindsight). In general, this section can be condensed.
Section 1.4 this a description of why people have reported catchment memory before, but I am unsure how this is useful (in this format) as the introduction of the paper. Can it be reframed to introduce your work, rather than mostly just listing findings? Also, I do not thing that listing flood effects or water quality affects is useful here as these topics are not addressed in your own work.
Section 1.5: this a description of what people have reported, but I am unsure how this is useful (in this format) as the introduction of the paper. Can the main findings be used to introduce your work, rather than mostly just listing findings?
I understand that the above suggestions may sound a bit arbitrary, but I think you’d do the reader (and therefore your own paper) a huge favor by having a more to the point introduction.
Section 1.6 I think the study area needs to briefly mentioned with the scope, as this defines the scope of the paper.
L158: “that are not regulated” how is this defined?
L167: “We accepted a maximum of 10% of missing data per year”. OK, but what did you do with these missing data? Just calculate annual Q over fewer days?
L167: “respect”?
L168: “in order to be able to” or simply “to”.
L181: are these calculated over calendar years of based on hydrological years? The latter seems more useful?
Figure 1: Can a more typical example be shown? A catchment that does not respond to its current year conditions seems like a (very strong) outlier?
Line 199: “we hypothesized (after many attempts that we cannot report here)”. I have no idea what has been done here, but to still call it a hypothesis seems like a stretch?
L200: why mention transit time distributions? Transit times distributions have nothing to do with the presented study or approach so I am unsure why mentioning them helps?
L203: What does “would not be enough” mean is this context. Please rephrase.
L216: Since there is no real reason for 75%? If you take 50% you can simply multiply alpha by beta, and choose a more typical percentage? Or, would it be possible to present a scatter plot of different percentages so it can be seen if this metric is robust?
L221: “This shows that pluriannual catchment memory is neither common nor very uncommon.” Does it? Or does it suggest it’s uncommon?
L244: “If larger catchments tend to have larger memory in France, this trend is not confirmed in Sweden” is unclearly formulated.
L245: earlier “humidity” was used and now “aridity”; please be consistent.
L246: “whereas the hydrological behavior under less humid climate is more variable and linked to the dynamics of long-term water storage” such an explanation might be feasible but there is no evidence supporting it. It is unclear to me whether this statement is considered a finding or speculation?
L249: “clearly identifies” use a different verb (e.g. “is associated with”)
Section 3.4. I do not think this a physically meaningful comparison. Eq. 1 quantifies how Q/P of year X varies with P/E_o of year X. These numbers are both hopefully of a similar sign. If the same is quantified with Eq. 2, the P/E_o values come over multiple years, thereby having values that will often differ in sign from Q/P of year X. Since their combined weight (that is omega_i) is still 1, the associated elasticity value needs to be higher to still yield a similar effect of P/E_o on Q/P. This seems like is has nothing to do with physics, but rather arises from a mathematical artifact. This artifact seems supported by the fact that even in catchment with no signifivant memory the epsilon_2 still always exceeds epsilon_1. Maybe I get it wrong, but please convince me so in a clear manner.
Figure 9: if these two values are compared, please show them on a similar color scale. However, as stated earlier, I do not think they are comparable.
All appendices can be Supp Info?
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AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Alban de Lavenne, 26 Jul 2021
Thank you for taking the time to review our paper and for all your remarks. We will take into account the detailed comments when preparing the revised version. For now, we would only like to answer to the following key remarks you made:
- The main result that elasticity values are underestimated using a normal approach seems questionable.
This is basically what Figure 6 shows, and we agree that epsilon_2 > epsilon_1 can be explained mathematically. Equations 1 and 2 both quantify how Q/P varies with P/E_o. However, Eq. 1 uses only one P/E_o value whereas Eq. 2 uses a weighted average of past P/E_o values. We could expect this averaging to smooth the values of P/E_o and, because we use the anomalies of these ratios, to lead to a value closer to zero (which is the long-term average value of P/E_o anomalies). Lower absolute value of anomalies of P/E_o could then be compensated by higher elasticity values.
Although it is mathematically logical, we do think that it is interesting to discuss how we evaluate this elasticity when catchments have a long-term memory. The important buffering role played by the catchment may prevent a correct estimation of the elasticity when considering each year independently (like in Eq. 1), which is the reason why we propose Eq. 2. We do not aim to emphasise the absolute difference between epsilon_1 and epsilon_2 as a main result of this paper (we may even avoid a comparison in absolute terms if it brings confusion), we rather want to emphasise the relative difference between these two approaches. This is done by the relative comparison of spatial distribution in Figure 9. Figure 6 also shows with two colours that catchments with pluri-annual memory usually have higher relative differences (in the sense of a distance to the abscissa) than the rest of the catchments. In this sense, we mean that the elasticity values may be underestimated when catchment memory is ignored. We will better distinguish the hydrological discussion from the mathematical explanation in the revised version.
- How it is possible that so often a particular year’s aridity explains that year’s runoff ratio so poorly?
This is not the case: as you did expect, a particular year’s aridity explains usually very well that year’s runoff ratio (also, we do use water years). Only a few catchments show a lack of relationship (the relationship is then lagged by one year), but it is the exception and not the rule. You may have got this impression because we used one of these exceptions as example in Figure 1. This is probably a bad choice and we will add a “normal” example in the revised version
- Short-term vs. long-term memory
We wrote in lines 22-24:
"we start with a first-order simplifying assumption: We hypothesize that a catchment may have both a short-term and a long-term memory; we consider the short-term memory to be seasonal, and will not address it in this paper in order to focus on the long-term (pluriannual) memory effects."
We agree with you that the memory of hydrological systems is a continuum and that there is some arbitrariness in separating the pluriannual/long-term and the seasonal/short-term memories. But we believe that we needed to make this simplification to make the method simpler to understand, as we wanted to be able to address the memory effect with annual values.
- Catchment memory vs. water age
Because many colleagues will have a tendency to associate memory issues with water residence time, we believe that to avoid misunderstandings it was essential to mention water age, and the difference between water celerity and velocity, just to underline that our method cannot address this issue (as you mention, addressing it would require water quality considerations).
CC1: 'Comment on hess-2021-331', Thomas Over, 26 Jul 2021
I found this a very interesting problem for consideration and possible solution. One aspect I became curious about as a thought about the proposed catchment forgetting curve is that the discharge anomaly is fit to the precipitation anomaly of each year independently of prior years (except for the need for the coefficients to sum to 1). Surely in a catchment with hydrologically relevant interannual carryover storage, the effect of anomalies of the prior years is an important factor. As I see it, the proposed method would determine the memory for a year some with kind of average history would have scatter around that average for each year's actual history. For a more complete understanding, the storage as a kind of state variable, either with a water balance model or possibly with an antecedent precipitation index, would need to be tracked. Do you agree?
I do not mean this is a criticism per se; I am mainly trying to understand the possible limits to the proposed approach.
I also had a couple more detailed questions / comments in the direction of explaining the methods better:
- The gamma distribution in figure 2 is not zero at year 0, that is, it is shifted to the left. I guess that is a feature of the method related to the discretization of the years. I'd suggest explaining more precisely how the gamma distribution is used in this respect.
- The optimization is said to be done with PSO, which I am not familiar with, but I assume it still requires an objective function to be specified. I'd suggest providing more information on the criterion that is being used in the optimization.
- Speaking of the optimization, it is stated that PSO is also used to determine ε1 in equation 1. Maybe the reason for doing so would be more clear if more details were given, but it seems a simple average or median of the annual values would suffice. Is there a reason it would not?
Thank you for this contribution.
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AC2: 'Reply on CC1', Alban de Lavenne, 29 Jul 2021
Thank you for your positive feedback. I think we fully agree with your description of what we have done in this paper. We also agree that for a more complete understanding of the system, the water volume would need to be tracked somehow. However, tracking a water volume from the moment it enters the system to the moment it gets out is not exactly what we aimed to do here. We had maybe a more modest ambition that we would like to remind just to avoid confusions. We used this name “forgetting curves” in order to avoid calling them “travel time distribution” deliberately for this reason. We preferred to use dimensionless variables (and anomalies), because we rather aim to describe catchment behaviour (in terms of Q/P) and for how long one climatic anomaly could affect this behaviour. We believe there is an interesting distinction to make here that we aimed to emphasise with the distinction of “water age” and “catchment memory” in the introduction. We would expect the age of the water to be much longer than what we have described here.
Apart from this limitation, we agree with you that quantifying the water storage (using a water balance model or antecedent precipitation index) is a key question. It might bring further physical understanding behind these “forgetting curves”, or at least a more easily understandable variable than P/E_0 ratios. Despite this conceptual description without any physical processes, we believe it provides an interesting understanding of catchment behaviour with a rather simple approach and a limited data requirement.
Below is our response to the other three points you raised:
- We chose the gamma distribution mainly for this reason (instead of a lag and route approach for instance). Its flexibility during calibration allows having a zero value at year 0 (it happens mostly in France) or to have this shift to the left with a non-zero value at year 0 (it happens mostly in Sweden), as in Figure 3. So, it’s not due to the discretisation of the year, but it’s rather because we looked at this distribution only between year 0 and year 5 (although it can be defined for any value, even negative.). It is then rescaled to sum up to 1. We will better explain that in the revised version.
- Thank you for pointing this, the objective function was missing in the description of the calibration. As the model estimates the anomalies of Q/P for each year, we simply used the RMSE of these anomalies.
- It is true that the complexity of this algorithm is probably not necessary to calibrate a single parameter. We have kept this strategy mainly for consistency between the calibration of Eq 1 and Eq 2 (where PSO is useful for calibrating the gamma distribution). The calibration of Eq 1 is simply a linear regression between the Q/P anomalies and the P/E_0 anomalies that we have classically fitted by minimising the RMSE, but other methods could have been used.
RC2: 'Comment on hess-2021-331', Anonymous Referee #2, 05 Oct 2021
This study works on catchment memory and performs a kind of sensitivity analysis to quantify the influence of past conditions on streamflow variability. The general topic of the paper is in the scope of HESS. Catchment Forgetting Curves (CFC) are introduced as a metric to characterize catchments’ memory. As other reviewers mentioned already some concerns, I try to focus on other details here. Overall, language and structure is a little bit cluttered, however I can follow the story of the paper, but some analyses should be revised. May be this is a personal issue, but I dont think that the word "pluriannual" is the best choice as "multi year" is more common in the community.
Major comments:
- L12-18: What about human water use? This aspect is also missing in the introduction (long term effects) (L103-110). I see the short paragraph (L139-144) about human influences on catchment memory, but this should be more integrated into the introduction (looks like a marginal note here). The word ‘human’ is only mentioned two times in the manuscript, I recommend to put more focus on this potential driver of catchment memory (at least in Introduction/Discussion).
- L36-50: The difference between water age and catchment memory is very important to explain. Authors can consider to embed research in this field in other studies, e.g. different storage concepts in Staudinger et al.(2017). Catchment water storage variation with elevation. Hydrological Processes, 31(11), 2000-2015.
- L115-L119: I am not convinced here as there are a lot of studies finding large(r) groundwater storages in (relatively small) alpine headwater catchments (e.g., Staudinger et al., 2017 or other studies in Switzerland). Has the Merz et al. (2016) study in L120 multiple catchments in their analyses (with variation in size and elevation)? If so, is there a correlation between storages and elevation or area?
- L127-134: I am not sure if the examples from the Tropics and Sahara Desert are a valid justification of “baseflow importance”.
- For me it looks like that the choice of “1 year” as temporal resolution may be not appropriate to answer the research questions: The “1 year” includes all effects 7 up to 17 months, “2 years” embeds everything from 18-30 month, right? This classification might be really critical and as the data allows for a more comprehensive analysis (e.g., seasons, months).
- The authors stated that short-term memory is not considered (L23+24) but in Fig. 5 I found a short- vs. long-term analysis. This is confusing. By the way where is short- vs. long-term memory defined?
- It is stated that in Sweden 5% of catchments are regulated and that there is no regulation in French catchments (i.e., those are excluded). What kind of regulation is this and has it influence on the outcomes of the study?
- L245-248: This is not clear to me. Is about those drier catchments have a longer memory? If so, why they are drier as longer memory most likely come along with larger storages (which in turn will lead to more continuous flow, or?) Here more explanation is needed.
Minor comments:
L12: “biota”, do you mean vegetation?
L19: ‘past climatic sequences’, could you please make a more precise statement about this?
L24: Just a comment, the word ‘pluriannual’ is not very common, perhaps considering to switch to multi-year (cf. L88)
L162: What is exactly meant with ‘not regulated’ (only no dams?).
L165: Please state shortly the relevant variables to estimate E0.
L172: How many Swedish catchments have what amount of lake area?
L184-190: How is the maximum of parameter w (=5) justified? I can think about some catchments that have ‘a longer memory’ than five years.
L192ff: Might be easier to understand to name it x- and y-axis although the description of axes is correct.
L221: This sentence is not clear to me: “This shows that….”
L254: "thinner soils"; is there data/analysis on that (in more detail)?
L285: "is spread out", perhaps consider to rephrase here.
L326/327: Just a comment, perhaps a more in-depth differntiation between dry and wet years/seasons would be beneficial to better understand how variability in CFCs could be explained?
Fig. 5: Might be helpful to switch to another graph type here as boxplots may hide bi-modal distributions. Perhaps violin plots are more helpful here or the data points can be added with a jitter to the visualization.
Comments on the maps: I like the way French and Swedish catchments are compared with the point-maps. However, I suggest to reduce the point size a little bit to avoid too much overplotting. As the rest of Europe is not relevant for this study it might be also an improvement to have outlines of both countries next to each other to gain more space for the actual visualization (i.e., variability across the countries).
Please revise paragraph structure (e.g., often line breaks seem to be redundant, for example in the abstract?) Examples: L156, L109
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AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Alban de Lavenne, 16 Nov 2021
Thank you for taking the time to review our paper and for all your remarks. As we wrote to the previous reviewer, we will answer the main remarks here and address the detailed comments when preparing the revised version.
- “multi-year” is effectively more common in the literature, we just found “pluriannual memory” in comparison to “annual memory” easier to read. But we want to describe the same temporal aspect. “Multi-year” will be preferred in the next version.
- In Figure 5, we have divided the catchments with significant memory into two subgroups of equal size (short memory and long memory). In doing so, we have sought to refine the analysis of catchments with multi-year memory. However, the vocabulary in the introduction to the document can be confusing. In the next version, we will better distinguish between seasonal memory, short multi-year memory and long multi-year memory.
Water use and regulation
- We have tried to avoid dealing with human influences in order to focus (as much as possible) on the natural behaviour of the catchments. In order to qualify these influences, we refer to the two hydrological databases we used for this study (in France and Sweden) where some indicators are provided. The degree of regulation is the percentage of the volume of the mean annual flow that can be stored in reservoirs located upstream of the gauged catchment outlet. We agree that this type of indicator does not fully qualify all possible human influences on hydrology and we share this view on the importance of this topic. However, this issue is beyond the scope of this paper where we specifically try to exclude influenced catchments. We will make this clearer in the next version.
Influence of elevation and catchment area
- As mentioned in the introduction, some papers explain catchment memory by catchment area. We have not been able to demonstrate this on a multi-year time scale, so we agree with the reviewer that small catchments may also have a long-term memory (we mention this point with the study by Tomasella et al. (2008)). The opposite relation between France and Sweden regarding the effect of catchment area underlines that even if a correlation could be found, catchment area is not a first-order determining factor of catchment memory. We simply use it in our graphs because it is a descriptor that is often used in the literature to understand catchment memory.
- We were not able to demonstrate an effect of elevation on multi-year memory. The effect of snow accumulation is not even visible in Sweden where northern catchments (where snow accumulation is important) do not show longer memory than the south. If snow obviously impacts seasonal memory, it does appear as a driver of multi-year catchment memory. However, our analysis looks at each catchment descriptor one at a time enabling only first order relation. We will discuss further the effect of elevation that was missing in our literature review.
Time steps
- The elasticity analysis is performed at annual time steps using hydrological years. Thus, "1 year" refers to all months between October 1st and September 30. We believe that this is a relevant time step to study multi-year memory. We do not use a moving average strategy. We have deliberately chosen not to use a finer time step, as we generally follow the idea of the common annual water balance analysis where precipitation volume, precipitation and evaporation are assumed to be comparable. Seasonal storage dynamics are therefore not addressed by this study. It is discussed as a limitation/perspective of this work, as we believe that the proposed methodology could not deal with both memories at the same time.
Link between memory and dry climate
- The analysis shows that in dry conditions, catchment memory is longer. We do not think that it means that water storage is larger in dry conditions. We rather mean that in dry catchments, the hydrological behaviour is more impacted by past meteorological conditions, just because in humid catchments the wet conditions erase the impact of past conditions by “resetting” the storage states. We will make that point clearer in the next version.
RC3: 'Comment on hess-2021-331', Anonymous Referee #3, 05 Oct 2021
This paper with the issue of catchment memory, it asks a novel question and is well in the scope of the journal. I have some issues that worry me, and should be clarified.
1 I think the analysis should be done using hydrological years and not calendar years. It is common in hydrological modelling studies to refer to the years starting in September, where the catchment storage is low and so catchment memory. Using calendar years, there is a higher chance that the meteorological conditions from the end of the summer, when the wet season starts, will have an impact on the runoff in the following months. This effect is largely related to meteorology, and has little to do with the catchment memory that the authors are trying to investigate, which instead, should reflect a catchment property.
2 Care should be taken to the fact that there is a spurious correlation between the variables Y=Q/P and H=P/E0, when such quantities are calculated for the same year. Both equations in fact contain the same variable P. I think the authors should recognize this fact and reflect on it, as it can have a strong impact on the analysis.
3 An improved mathematical notation could help. Since the authors are working in two dimension, difference from average and difference in time, it would be helpful to explicitly write what e.g. delta is differentiating. Moreover, the capital delta symbol should be used, as this is standard when calculating discrete differences, perhaps with some subscript to indicate in which dimension the difference is calculated.
4 Figure 1 shows that not only there is a lag 1 correlation between the Q-P and the P-E anomaly, but also that there is an autocorrelation of the P-E anomaly. This is largely an autocorrelation in climate properties, thus reflective of climate memory, rather than catchment memory. Such autocorrelation of climate should be analysed, and its effect removed or at least studied and recognized, otherwise there is a confounding effect.
5 It is unclear how the data are organized in order to enable the calibration of Equation 3. Moreover, it is unclear how epsilon2 is calculated. Finally, once the authors will explain how they sort the data into an histogram in order to enable the calibration of Equation 3, it is unclear why the omegas cannot be calculated directly from the histograms, thus without having to fit a distribution.
6 The results and discussion section poses several questions and corresponding analyses that are not anticipated in the method. Thus, that section reads more like a newspaper than like a scientific article. The question and analyses are interesting, but the methods should be organized to anticipate the structure of the analyses.
7 I am not sure that Figure 5 in the way it is formatted really conveys the message. Why not doing simply scatter plots, perhaps showing Spearman correlation values? I have the impression that this more classical way of plotting results might be more informative.
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AC4: 'Reply on RC3', Alban de Lavenne, 16 Nov 2021
Thank you for this review. We will take into account the detailed comments when preparing the revised version. As we said to the previous reviewer, we will answer the main remarks here and address the rest of the review when preparing the revised version.
Time steps
We fully agree that the analysis should be done using the hydrological year and not the calendar year, which is why we start each year on October 1st. As answered to reviewer 2, our study is based on an annual water balance analysis, which makes more sense if the hydrological year is used. It avoids issues such as snow accumulating in a year and only melting in the next.
Correlation between Q/P and P/E
There is indeed the variable P in both sides of the elastic relationship between Q/P ~ P/E. However, we believe that it has a limited impact on our analysis for two reasons:
- It is the same P on both sides only for the current year 0: it is Q/P of year 0 that is explained by the different P/E of the previous years, which leads to a different P for years n-1, n-2... Moreover, it is reasonable to assume that each year is independent of the previous one (see comments on autocorrelation below).
- The analysis of the relationships of two correlated variables is not really a problem. We could have removed the P from one side and analysed Q ~ P/E. This would have led to even more highly correlated relationships with respect to Q/P ~ P/E. We chose to work with these ratios in order to study the relationship of two dimensionless variables. However, it is true that if Q and E were almost constant, the elastic relationship would look like f(x)=1/x and the elasticity index would be negative. Our analysis shows that this does not happen, and when catchment memory is taken into account, negative elasticity indices are no longer observed. We will however add this point to the discussion in the next version.
Autocorrelation of P/E
We agree that it is necessary to check this autocorrelation of the climate inputs, in order to avoid the analysis of the climate memory instead of the catchment memory. We have carried out the analysis of the autocorrelation of the P/E and have not detected any significant autocorrelation. The median value of the Pearson correlation between a P/E and the previous P/E is 0.05. For 90% of the catchments, this correlation is less than 0.2 and a statistical test shows no significant correlation, except for the few catchment areas in south-eastern France where the correlations are still very low (and where no multi-year memory is detected). We can therefore reasonably assume that the memory we have detected is the memory of the catchment and not the memory of the climate. The next version of the paper will refer to this autocorrelation analysis.
Calibration of Gamma distribution
We prefer to fit a Gamma distribution rather than calibrate each year independently as this reduces the number of parameters: the Gamma distribution has only two parameters whereas estimating the weight of each of the previous 5 years would require 6 parameters. It also provides a more consistent description of catchment memory. In order to use the Gamma distribution at a discrete time step, we proceeded as follows: the values of the Gamma distribution are extracted from year 0 to year 5 and then rescaled so that their sum is equal to one. The three parameters needed to construct the relationship described by equation 2 are calibrated together using a particle swarm optimisation. The objective function is a root mean square error (RMSE) of the Q/P anomalies. This will be better described in the next version.
Graphical representation of results
We tried different plotting strategies before proposing this one. Scatter plots are indeed the most direct way to approach the relationship between two variables. However, this visualisation is sensitive to outliers and the scatter of the 685 points makes the general trend difficult to visualise. We have therefore chosen to summarise the distribution by a boxplot, making the relationship much easier to interpret in our opinion. The scatter plots will be provided in the detailed response.
AC4: 'Reply on RC3', Alban de Lavenne, 16 Nov 2021
Peer review completion