General comments:
The authors did a good job in improving the readability and overall quality of the manuscript in the last iteration. The authors’ response was considerate and explained the reasoning behind all relevant changes and decisions. The fact that I still have a lot of questions and comments is not a bad sign because I see that my former comments were appreciated and helped in improving the paper. Therefore I am sure that the authors will also be able to use the new review to the benefit of the manuscript.
My main questions that need attention concern the methods section. Some important details are still unclear to me:
• For constructing the TTDs you show in Figure 5 do you take all the particles arriving in a stream at the catchment outlet over the entire modeling period?
• So these are not individual backward TTDs for a single moment in time?
• They are, however, similar to flow weighted averages of all individual backward TTDs, is that right?
• Accordingly, your annual and seasonal MTTs are flow-weighted, right? You take all the particles arriving in a stream within a certain period of time (e.g. spring) and take the average of the distribution.
• How exactly do you account for the reduction of travel times due to overland flow? Please show the equation.
Please make sure to add all this relevant information to your methods section.
Specific comments:
It includes everything. Maybe a focus on the most important issue would be better. Is isotopic composition not part of the stream chemistry? For example, a more logical title would be:
How catchment characteristics influence flow pathways, travel times and stream chemistry in a boreal landscape
Key points
The last key point is confusing. The greatest seasonality is observed in silty soils because they contribute a larger amount of old water during winter baseflow compared to other soils? And why do you mention the mires in the same key point? Are they also related to the seasonality in catchments with silty soils?
Line 25: ‘…the pathways and associated travel times of water in 14 partly nested…’. First you use the model to investigate the pathways. Each of the pathways has an associated travel time. This is the logical order you could follow throughout the manuscript.
Line 29: Which seasonal changes? Meteorological changes?
Line 31: By ‘groundwater age’ you mean what exactly? The residence time of the groundwater, the travel time of the groundwater to the stream? The age of the fraction of streamflow fed by groundwater?
Line 41-45: Here you introduce the terms ‘age’, ‘residence time’ and ‘travel time’ somewhat interchangeably and without proper explanation. Also, I would mention flow pathways first (they cause/control the travel times and not the other way around). For example: ‘The pathways of water through the terrestrial landscape to stream networks and associated age is a…’.
Line 55: Only if you assume that the groundwater is fully mixed. If not, even groundwater can still be associated with certain hydrologic events.
Line 56-57: You should at least mention that a large fraction of young stream water can also be derived from shallow subsurface flow in the soil or at the soil bedrock interface (some call this ‘interflow’).
Line 65: It is the dampening of the isotopic tracer signal that provides MTT estimates.
Line 68: Precipitation-discharge relationships are not similar to the mentioned gamma distribution transfer functions. I would leave them out of this argument.
Line 86: How are ‘isotope models’ a method to calculate travel times? I understand how particle tracking can be used to calculate TTDs but ‘isotope models’?
Maybe you are talking about models that use solute transport routines (assuming conservative non-reactive tracers) to trace water pulses through a catchment system? Fitting references would include Remondi et al. (2018) and Heidbüchel et al. (2020).
Line 117: Age distributions or travel time distributions? Please be consistent in your terminology.
Line 118: Seasonality in what? Temperature? Precipitation amount? Weather in general?
Line 119: How do you compare calculated travel times to 10-year seasonal isotope signatures? Do you compare the relative damping of the signatures for different years to the calculated travel times?
Line 169: What is a ‘rapid transition in hydrology’?
Line 177: ‘measurements’ instead of ‘results’.
Line 177-179: Comprehensibility would benefit enormously from a more concise writing style. This sentence is a good example:
Instead of writing a long and convoluted sentence like this one:
‘Some of the sub-catchments are affected by evaporation from lake surfaces that result in isotopic fractionation that, consequently, affected the signal (Leach and Laudon, 2019)’.
Better write:
‘Isotopic fractionation caused by lake surface evaporation affects the isotopic signal of some of the sub-catchments (Leach and Laudon, 2019).
Line 179: ‘…was corrected by accounting for the percentage…’
Line 183: This is not a logical conclusion. Just because there is no groundwater recharge during winter this does not mean automatically that the stream is only fed by groundwater only. It could still be fed by overland flow from meltwater or from rain on snow...
Line 184: What aspect of the isotope (measurements? time series?) should be statistically related to average age of the groundwater?
Line 184: Are you aware of the fact that the average age of the groundwater is the mean residence time and not the mean travel time of the water reaching the stream? They can be very different. You need to be very careful with the terminology you are using. Please go through the manuscript and check each occurrence of the words ‘age’, ‘MTT’, ‘travel time’, ‘residence time’. Don’t use two terms for one and the same concept – like ‘average streamflow age’ and ‘MTT’ or ‘average groundwater age’ and ‘mean residence time’.
Line 185: Up until the point where full mixing is reached. Full mixing of what?
Line 187: But now imagine a year where the average input signal is equal to the average annual precipitation signal (that can also be found in the deeper groundwater). In this case you cannot draw a conclusion about how old the winter groundwater signal is because it will be close to the long-term average no matter if there is more young recently recharged or more old groundwater in the mix. Maybe you can use the variability in the winter stream isotope signal. But I would like to see a better explanation on why this method would work.
Line 191: But does the preceding spring not influence the summer signature also? So how can you assume that the difference between winter and summer signature gives you the young water fraction in the summer if there is another overlaying signal from the spring? Somehow you have to take this into account.
Line 253: Why are the UZ processes only active in the SZ? Should they not be active first and foremost in the UZ?
Line 259: Do you mean all ‘soil layers’ not deeper than 2.5 m below the ground surface being average into one soil type?
Line 259-265: You used ‘In the Krycklan model…’ at the start of sentences three times in this short paragraph.
Line 276: Streamflow accumulated of what period of time? It makes a big difference if it is accumulated over a day or a year. So I would write ‘…able to reproduce daily accumulated discharge…’.
Line 306: Numerical constraints restricted the number of particles released to 0.5 particles/10 mm modelled groundwater recharge PER GRID CELL, which corresponds to a total of approximately 0.6 million particles FOR THE ENTIRE MODELED AREA IN THE FIRST YEAR.
Line 318: However, that does not mean that the distribution is significantly skewed if the SD is larger than half of the average.
I think what you want to express is that if the SD is smaller than half of the average, the distribution is not significantly skewed.
Line 324: Good job explaining why you chose to use the geometric mean. Makes sense to me.
Line 354-355: Be more consistent in the way you describe the catchments (size, soil, landuse). For example you say that C20 and C16 are both silt-dominated, yet in the parentheses you only repeat this for C20.
Line 371: However, the groundwater MTT of mire-dominated catchments supposedly showed less variation due to the smaller amount of groundwater recharge in your (not-overland-flow-corrected) particle tracking model. Is that the case?
Line 393: How are the annual and seasonal MTTgeo values computed? Are they flow weighted or simple time averages?
Line 445: What do you mean by ‘gamma transformation method’?
Line 453: Do you show this scaling function anywhere? Would be good to see it written out.
Line 483-484: These theoretical consideration strengthen the results of a winter MTTgeo being LONGER OR EQUAL TO four years. Are they also telling you that winter MTTgeo is BETWEEN four AND SIX years?
Line 529: What exactly do you mean by ‘synchronicity’? The seasonal patterns? Do you mean that the changes occur at exactly the same time during a year?
Line 531: ‘the areal coverage of silt’? Do you mean ‘the spatially averaged silt content of the soil layer’? Or ‘the areal fraction of soils with a certain silt content’?
Line 535: The variability of what?
Line 532-543: I would also mention the correlation between catchment size and silt content you observed when discussing this issue.
Line 545: ‘Silt fraction effect’ is unprecise wording. What fraction? In the soil? Across the landscape?
Line 570: What do you mean by ‘…silt dominated areas, that have more consistent hydrological conductive with soil depth…’?
Line 583-585: This is interesting and you should explain what this would entail. Where and in which way would transit times change in a warmer climate?
Figure 1: In the caption you use strange sentences (‘(b) The soil map used in the Mike SHE flow model and is based on the soil map…’, ‘(c) Depth to bedrock from the Swedish Geological Survey (2014) is shown in meters…’).
Figure 3: There are no labels on the graphic. Where is the UZ, the SZ? I don’t see the ten calculation layers either.
Figure 5: Are these TTDs specific for a certain point in time? Are they forward or backward TTDs? Are they weighted averages of multiple TTDs (master distributions)?
Figure 6: The blue outline of the surface runoff gives the impression that there is surface runoff happening constantly in b), c) and d). Rather make it a blue fill without an outline (like the green fill for the groundwater contributions).
Figure 7: I recommend using the same scale for MTT, BC and YWF for all axes. This way the different relationships (as well as the season-specific variabilities) become much clearer.
In the caption better write something along the lines of ‘Relationships of seasonal MTTgeo and young water fractions with seasonal stream isotopic composition and base cation concentration’.
Table 1 and 2: Just a suggestion: Why not grouping the catchments and nested sub-catchments instead of listing by catchment number (so all the green catchments together and all the red and blue catchments together as well)? The numbering is somehow arbitrary.
Table 5: I would rearrange the order in all the tables and group the catchments as mentioned earlier.
In the caption rather write ‘…that is younger than three months…’ instead of ‘…that is less than three months…’.
Table 6: Why did you remove the values that are smaller than 0.5? Please add them again - in the caption you are still mentioning the darker colors. Otherwise I like the new design (just make sure you either close all or none of the boxes around the seasons).
Line 869-870: ‘whereas’?
Remondi, F., Kirchner, J. W., Burlando, P., & Fatichi, S. (2018). Water flux tracking with a distributed hydrological model to quantify controls on the spatio‐temporal variability of transit time distributions. Water Resources Research, 54(4), 3081-3099.
Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., Musolff, A., Troch, P., Ferré, T., & Fleckenstein, J. H. (2020). On the shape of forward transit time distributions in low-order catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(6), 2895-2920. |