Articles | Volume 23, issue 9
Research article
27 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2019

Quantification of different flow components in a high-altitude glacierized catchment (Dudh Koshi, Himalaya): some cryospheric-related issues

Louise Mimeau, Michel Esteves, Isabella Zin, Hans-Werner Jacobi, Fanny Brun, Patrick Wagnon, Devesh Koirala, and Yves Arnaud

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Detection and attribution of flood trends in Mediterranean basins
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Cited articles

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Short summary
In a context of climate change, the quantification of the contributions of glacier melt, snowmelt, and rain to the river streamflow is a key issue for assessing the current and future water resource availability. This study discusses the representation of the snow and glacier processes in hydrological models and its impact on the estimated flow components, and also addresses the issue of defining the glacier contribution to the river streamflow.