Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
19 Dec 2016
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2016

The importance of snowmelt spatiotemporal variability for isotope-based hydrograph separation in a high-elevation catchment

Jan Schmieder, Florian Hanzer, Thomas Marke, Jakob Garvelmann, Michael Warscher, Harald Kunstmann, and Ulrich Strasser

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We present novel research on the spatiotemporal variability of snowmelt isotopic content in a high-elevation catchment with complex terrain to improve the isotope-based hydrograph separation method. A modelling approach was used to weight the plot-scale snowmelt isotopic content with melt rates for the north- and south-facing slope. The investigations showed that it is important to sample at least north- and south-facing slopes, because of distinct isotopic differences between both slopes.