Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
01 Oct 2014
Research article |  | 01 Oct 2014

The use of taxation records in assessing historical floods in South Moravia, Czech Republic

R. Brázdil, K. Chromá, L. Řezníčková, H. Valášek, L. Dolák, Z. Stachoň, E. Soukalová, and P. Dobrovolný

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Global catalog of soil moisture droughts over the past four decades
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Spatiotemporal variability of flash floods and their human impacts in the Czech Republic during the 2001–2023 period
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Effects of weather and climate on fluctuations of grain prices in southwestern Bohemia, 1725–1824 CE
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Demographic yearbooks as a source of weather-related fatalities: the Czech Republic, 1919–2022
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Cited articles

Barriendos, M. and Coeur, D.: Flood data reconstruction in historical times from non-instrumental sources in Spain and France, in: Systematic, palaeoflood and historical data for the improvement of flood risk estimation, Methodological guidelines, edited by: Benito, G. and Thorndycraft, V. R., Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, Madrid, Spain, 29–42, 2004.
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Blöschl, G., Nester, T., Komma, J., Parajka, J., and Perdigão, R. A. P.: The June 2013 flood in the Upper Danube Basin, and comparisons with the 2002, 1954 and 1899 floods, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 5197–5212,, 2013.
Brázdil, R. and Kirchner, K. (Eds.): Vybrané přírodní extrémy a jejich dopady na Moravě a ve Slezsku (Selected natural extremes and their impacts in Moravia and Silesia), Masarykova univerzita, Český hydrometeorologický ústav, \'Ustav geoniky Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i., Brno, Praha, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 432 pp., 2007.