Articles | Volume 28, issue 14
Research article
26 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 26 Jul 2024

Evolution of river regimes in the Mekong River basin over 8 decades and the role of dams in recent hydrological extremes

Huy Dang and Yadu Pokhrel

Data sets

ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

Evolution of river regimes in the Mekong River basin over 8 decades and the role of dams in recent hydrological extremes Yadu Pokhrel and Huy Dang

Short summary
By examining basin-wide simulations of a river regime over 83 years with and without dams, we present evidence that climate variation was a key driver of hydrologic variabilities in the Mekong River basin (MRB) over the long term; however, dams have largely altered the seasonality of the Mekong’s flow regime and annual flooding patterns in major downstream areas in recent years. These findings could help us rethink the planning of future dams and water resource management in the MRB.