Representation of water infrastructures in large-scale hydrological and Earth system models
Representation of water infrastructures in large-scale hydrological and Earth system models
Editor(s): Stefano Galelli, Sean Turner, Yadu Pokhrel, Jia Yi Ng, Andrea Castelletti, Marc Bierkens, Francesca Pianosi, Hester Biemans, Martina Flörke, and Wouter Buytaert
Macro-scale hydrological and earth system models are used increasingly to study the relationship between climate, water, energy, and land systems. In all these domains, the increased impact of anthropogenic interventions on wide-ranging hydrologic processes have prompted hydrologists to advance the representation of human–water interactions in macro-scale hydrological, land surface, and Earth system models. The simulation of water infrastructures (e.g., reservoirs, diversion dams) is receiving particular attention, owing to their growing presence and impact on both upstream and downstream hydrological, ecological, and socio-environmental processes.

This special issue calls for a broad spectrum of submissions on the representation of water infrastructures in hydrological and Earth system models, with particular emphasis on large-scale studies (from multi-basin to global scale). We welcome submissions focusing on — but not limited to — the following areas.

  • Numerical schemes for the representation of spatio-temporal reservoir storage patterns and release decisions across a large fleet of dams
  • Integrated models simulating the impact of reservoir systems on water temperature dynamics
  • Novel techniques for inferring storage patterns, filling strategies, and operating rules from different data sources (e.g., in situ measurements, satellite data), and their integration in numerical models
  • Innovative approaches to the conceptualization and calibration of hydrological and water management models (e.g., combination of process-based and machine learning models)
  • Representation of major water transfer schemes (e.g., withdrawal and transfer of water for for urban supply or irrigation)
  • Representation and conceptualization of human water use (withdrawal, consumptive use, return flows): source and sector apportionment and prioritization
  • Novel applications of hydrological–water management models, such as national-scale river forecasting, multi-sector studies (e.g., water–energy–food nexus), or social, environmental, and ecological impact assessments of water infrastructures
  • Comparative studies across basins or modelling approaches

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26 May 2023
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