Articles | Volume 27, issue 13
Technical note
11 Jul 2023
Technical note |  | 11 Jul 2023

Technical note: The CREDIBLE Uncertainty Estimation (CURE) toolbox: facilitating the communication of epistemic uncertainty

Trevor Page, Paul Smith, Keith Beven, Francesca Pianosi, Fanny Sarrazin, Susana Almeida, Liz Holcombe, Jim Freer, Nick Chappell, and Thorsten Wagener

Model code and software

CURE Uncertainty Estimation Toolbox Trevor Page, Paul Smith, Keith Beven, Francesca Pianosa, Fanny Sarrazin, and Susana Almeida

Short summary
This publication provides an introduction to the CREDIBLE Uncertainty Estimation (CURE) toolbox. CURE offers workflows for a variety of uncertainty estimation methods. One of its most important features is the requirement that all of the assumptions on which a workflow analysis depends be defined. This facilitates communication with potential users of an analysis. An audit trail log is produced automatically from a workflow for future reference.