Articles | Volume 26, issue 2
Research article
26 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 26 Jan 2022

Aquifer recharge in the Piedmont Alpine zone: historical trends and future scenarios

Elisa Brussolo, Elisa Palazzi, Jost von Hardenberg, Giulio Masetti, Gianna Vivaldo, Maurizio Previati, Davide Canone, Davide Gisolo, Ivan Bevilacqua, Antonello Provenzale, and Stefano Ferraris

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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 1915–1934,,, 2024
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Regional multi-objective calibration for distributed hydrological modelling: a decision tree based approach
Matteo Pesce, Alberto Viglione, Jost von Hardenberg, Larisa Tarasova, Stefano Basso, Ralf Merz, Juraj Parajka, and Rui Tong
Proc. IAHS, 385, 65–69,,, 2024
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Western disturbances and climate variability: a review of recent developments
Kieran M. R. Hunt, Jean-Philippe Baudouin, Andrew G. Turner, A. P. Dimri, Ghulam Jeelani, Pooja, Rajib Chattopadhyay, Forest Cannon, T. Arulalan, M. S. Shekhar, T. P. Sabin, and Eliza Palazzi
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Applying different methods to model dry and wet spells at daily scale in a large range of rainfall regimes across Europe
Giorgio Baiamonte, Carmelo Agnese, Carmelo Cammalleri, Elvira Di Nardo, Stefano Ferraris, and Tommaso Martini
Adv. Stat. Clim. Meteorol. Oceanogr., 10, 51–67,,, 2024
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Predicting the productivity of Alpine grasslands using remote sensing information
Saverio Vicario, Marta Magnani, Maria Adamo, Gianna Vivaldo, Chiara Richiardi, Mariasilvia Giamberini, and Antonello Provenzale
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint archived
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 2603–2615,,, 2024
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Metamorphic testing of machine learning and conceptual hydrologic models
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The influence of human activities on streamflow reductions during the megadrought in central Chile
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 2483–2503,,, 2024
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Elevational control of isotopic composition and application in understanding hydrologic processes in the mid Merced River catchment, Sierra Nevada, California, USA
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Cited articles

Agnese, C., Baiamonte, G., Cammalleri, C., Cat Berro, D., Ferraris, S., and Mercalli, L.: Statistical analysis of inter-arrival times of rainfall events for Italian Sub-Alpine and Mediterranean areas, Adv. Sci. Res., 8, 171–177,, 2012. a
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Short summary
In this study, we evaluate the past, present and future quantity of groundwater potentially available for drinking purposes in the metropolitan area of Turin, north-western Italy. In order to effectively manage water resources, a knowledge of the water cycle components is necessary, including precipitation, evapotranspiration and subsurface reservoirs. All these components have been carefully evaluated in this paper, using observational datasets and modelling approaches.