Articles | Volume 25, issue 12
Research article
09 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 09 Dec 2021

Simulating sediment discharge at water treatment plants under different land use scenarios using cascade modelling with an expert-based erosion-runoff model and a deep neural network

Edouard Patault, Valentin Landemaine, Jérôme Ledun, Arnaud Soulignac, Matthieu Fournier, Jean-François Ouvry, Olivier Cerdan, and Benoit Laignel

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Cited articles

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ARS: Bilan 2013 de la qualité des eaux destinées à la consommation humaine et la protection des captages en Seine-Maritime, available at: (last access: 1 September 2020), 2013. 
Baartman, J. E. M., Nunes, J. P., Masselink, R., Darboux, F., Bielders, C., Degre, A., Cantreul, V., Cerdan, O., Grangeon, T., Fiener, P., Wilken, F., Schindewolf, M., and Wainwright, J.: What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity?, Geomorphology, 367, 107300,, 2020. 
Short summary
The goal of this study was to assess the sediment discharge variability at a water treatment plant (Normandy, France) according to multiple realistic land use scenarios. We developed a new cascade modelling approach and simulations suggested that coupling eco-engineering and best farming practices can significantly reduce the sediment discharge (up to 80 %).