Articles | Volume 25, issue 9
Research article
28 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 28 Sep 2021

A hydrography upscaling method for scale-invariant parametrization of distributed hydrological models

Dirk Eilander, Willem van Verseveld, Dai Yamazaki, Albrecht Weerts, Hessel C. Winsemius, and Philip J. Ward

Data sets

MERIT Hydro IHU D. Eilander, H. C. Winsemius, W. Van Verseveld, D. Yamazaki, A. Weerts, and P. J. Ward

HYDRO1K Elevation Derivative Database U.S. Geological Survey

Model code and software

PyFlwdir: Fast methods to work with hydro- and topography data in pure Python D. Eilander

Short summary
Digital elevation models and derived flow directions are crucial to distributed hydrological modeling. As the spatial resolution of models is typically coarser than these data, we need methods to upscale flow direction data while preserving the river structure. We propose the Iterative Hydrography Upscaling (IHU) method and show it outperforms other often-applied methods. We publish the multi-resolution MERIT Hydro IHU hydrography dataset and the algorithm as part of the pyflwdir Python package.