Articles | Volume 25, issue 9
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© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
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Applicability of Landsat 8 thermal infrared sensor for identifying submarine groundwater discharge springs in the Mediterranean Sea basin
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 1–3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit: Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Albert Folch
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 1–3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit: Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Jordi Garcia-Orellana
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals – ICTA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
Departament de Física, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
08193 Bellaterra, Spain
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Marc Diego-Feliu, Valentí Rodellas, Aaron Alorda-Kleinglass, Maarten Saaltink, Albert Folch, and Jordi Garcia-Orellana
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 4619–4635,,, 2022
Short summary
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Rainwater infiltrates aquifers and travels a long subsurface journey towards the ocean where it eventually enters below sea level. In its path towards the sea, water becomes enriched in many compounds that are naturally or artificially present within soils and sediments. We demonstrate that extreme rainfall events may significantly increase the inflow of water to the ocean, thereby increasing the supply of these compounds that are fundamental for the sustainability of coastal ecosystems.
Ana Moreno, Miguel Bartolomé, Juan Ignacio López-Moreno, Jorge Pey, Juan Pablo Corella, Jordi García-Orellana, Carlos Sancho, María Leunda, Graciela Gil-Romera, Penélope González-Sampériz, Carlos Pérez-Mejías, Francisco Navarro, Jaime Otero-García, Javier Lapazaran, Esteban Alonso-González, Cristina Cid, Jerónimo López-Martínez, Belén Oliva-Urcia, Sérgio Henrique Faria, María José Sierra, Rocío Millán, Xavier Querol, Andrés Alastuey, and José M. García-Ruíz
The Cryosphere, 15, 1157–1172,,, 2021
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Short summary
Our study of the chronological sequence of Monte Perdido Glacier in the Central Pyrenees (Spain) reveals that, although the intense warming associated with the Roman period or Medieval Climate Anomaly produced important ice mass losses, it was insufficient to make this glacier disappear. By contrast, recent global warming has melted away almost 600 years of ice accumulated since the Little Ice Age, jeopardising the survival of this and other southern European glaciers over the next few decades.
Ariane Arias-Ortiz, Pere Masqué, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Oscar Serrano, Inés Mazarrasa, Núria Marbà, Catherine E. Lovelock, Paul S. Lavery, and Carlos M. Duarte
Biogeosciences, 15, 6791–6818,,, 2018
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Efforts to include tidal marsh, mangrove and seagrass ecosystems in existing carbon mitigation strategies are limited by a lack of estimates of carbon accumulation rates (CARs). We discuss the use of 210Pb dating to determine CARs in these habitats, which are often composed of heterogeneous sediments and affected by sedimentary processes. Results show that obtaining reliable geochronologies in these systems is ambitious, but estimates of mean 100-year CARs are mostly secure within 20 % error.
Maxi Castrillejo, Núria Casacuberta, Marcus Christl, Christof Vockenhuber, Hans-Arno Synal, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Pascale Lherminier, Géraldine Sarthou, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, and Pere Masqué
Biogeosciences, 15, 5545–5564,,, 2018
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The investigation of water mass transport pathways and timescales is important to understand the global ocean circulation. Following earlier studies, we use artificial radionuclides introduced to the oceans in the 1950s to investigate the water transport in the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA). For the first time, we combine measurements of the long-lived iodine-129 and uranium-236 to confirm earlier findings/hypotheses and to better understand shallow and deep ventilation processes in the SPNA.
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Subject: Groundwater hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Remote Sensing and GIS
Influence of intensive agriculture and geological heterogeneity on the recharge of an arid aquifer system (Saq–Ram, Arabian Peninsula) inferred from GRACE data
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Preprocessing approaches in machine-learning-based groundwater potential mapping: an application to the Koulikoro and Bamako regions, Mali
Unsaturated zone model complexity for the assimilation of evapotranspiration rates in groundwater modelling
Technical note: Water table mapping accounting for river–aquifer connectivity and human pressure
Estimating long-term groundwater storage and its controlling factors in Alberta, Canada
Recent changes in terrestrial water storage in the Upper Nile Basin: an evaluation of commonly used gridded GRACE products
Mapping irrigation potential from renewable groundwater in Africa – a quantitative hydrological approach
How to identify groundwater-caused thermal anomalies in lakes based on multi-temporal satellite data in semi-arid regions
Statistical analysis to characterize transport of nutrients in groundwater near an abandoned feedlot
Hydrogeological settings of a volcanic island (San Cristóbal, Galapagos) from joint interpretation of airborne electromagnetics and geomorphological observations
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Derivation of groundwater flow-paths based on semi-automatic extraction of lineaments from remote sensing data
Groundwater use for irrigation – a global inventory
Pierre Seraphin, Julio Gonçalvès, Bruno Hamelin, Thomas Stieglitz, and Pierre Deschamps
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 5757–5771,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
This study assesses the detailed water budget of the Saq–Ram Aquifer System using satellite gravity data. Spatial heterogeneities regarding the groundwater recharge were identified: (i) irrigation excess is great enough to artificially recharge the aquifer; and (ii) volcanic lava deposits, which cover 8% of the domain, contribute to more than 50% of the total natural recharge. This indicates a major control of geological context on arid aquifer recharge, which has been poorly discussed hitherto.
Claire Pascal, Sylvain Ferrant, Adrien Selles, Jean-Christophe Maréchal, Abhilash Paswan, and Olivier Merlin
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 4169–4186,,, 2022
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This paper presents a new validation method for the downscaling of GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) data. It measures the improvement of the downscaled data against the low-resolution data in both temporal and, for the first time, spatial domains. This validation method offers a standardized and comprehensive framework to interpret spatially and temporally the quality of the downscaled products, supporting future efforts in GRACE downscaling methods.
Víctor Gómez-Escalonilla, Pedro Martínez-Santos, and Miguel Martín-Loeches
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 221–243,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
Many communities in the Sahel rely solely on groundwater. We develop a machine learning technique to map areas of groundwater potential. Algorithms are trained to detect areas where there is a confluence of factors that facilitate groundwater occurrence. Our contribution focuses on using variable scaling to minimize expert bias and on testing our results beyond standard metrics. This approach is illustrated through its application to two administrative regions of Mali.
Simone Gelsinari, Valentijn R. N. Pauwels, Edoardo Daly, Jos van Dam, Remko Uijlenhoet, Nicholas Fewster-Young, and Rebecca Doble
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 2261–2277,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Estimates of recharge to groundwater are often driven by biophysical processes occurring in the soil column and, particularly in remote areas, are also always affected by uncertainty. Using data assimilation techniques to merge remotely sensed observations with outputs of numerical models is one way to reduce this uncertainty. Here, we show the benefits of using such a technique with satellite evapotranspiration rates and coupled hydrogeological models applied to a semi-arid site in Australia.
Mathias Maillot, Nicolas Flipo, Agnès Rivière, Nicolas Desassis, Didier Renard, Patrick Goblet, and Marc Vincent
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 4835–4849,,, 2019
Soumendra N. Bhanja, Xiaokun Zhang, and Junye Wang
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 6241–6255,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The paper presents groundwater storage conditions in all the major river basins across Alberta, Canada. We used remote-sensing data and investigate their performance using available ground-based data of groundwater level monitoring, storage coefficients, aquifer thickness, and surface water measurements. The water available for groundwater recharge has been studied in detail. Separate approaches have been followed for confined and unconfined aquifers for estimating groundwater storage.
Mohammad Shamsudduha, Richard G. Taylor, Darren Jones, Laurent Longuevergne, Michael Owor, and Callist Tindimugaya
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 4533–4549,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
This study tests the phase and amplitude of GRACE TWS signals in the Upper Nile Basin from five commonly used gridded products (NASA's GRCTellus: CSR, JPL, GFZ; JPL-Mascons; GRGS) using in situ data and soil moisture from the Global Land Data Assimilation System. Resolution of changes in groundwater storage (ΔGWS) from GRACE is greatly constrained by the uncertain simulated soil moisture storage and the low amplitude in ΔGWS observed in deeply weathered crystalline rocks in the Upper Nile Basin.
Y. Altchenko and K. G. Villholth
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1055–1067,,, 2015
U. Mallast, R. Gloaguen, J. Friesen, T. Rödiger, S. Geyer, R. Merz, and C. Siebert
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 2773–2787,,, 2014
P. Gbolo and P. Gerla
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 4897–4906,,, 2013
A. Pryet, N. d'Ozouville, S. Violette, B. Deffontaines, and E. Auken
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 4571–4579,,, 2012
F. Alkhaier, G. N. Flerchinger, and Z. Su
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1817–1831,,, 2012
F. Alkhaier, Z. Su, and G. N. Flerchinger
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1833–1844,,, 2012
U. Mallast, R. Gloaguen, S. Geyer, T. Rödiger, and C. Siebert
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2665–2678,,, 2011
S. Siebert, J. Burke, J. M. Faures, K. Frenken, J. Hoogeveen, P. Döll, and F. T. Portmann
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1863–1880,,, 2010
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Short summary
Satellite thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is a useful method for identifying coastal springs in karst aquifers both locally and regionally. The limiting factors include technical limitations, geological and hydrogeological characteristics, environmental and marine conditions, and coastal geomorphology. Also, it can serve as a tool to use for a first screening of the coastal water surface temperature to identify possible thermal anomalies that will help narrow the sampling survey.
Satellite thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing is a useful method for identifying coastal...