Articles | Volume 24, issue 1
Research article
24 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2020

On the configuration and initialization of a large-scale hydrological land surface model to represent permafrost

Mohamed E. Elshamy, Daniel Princz, Gonzalo Sapriza-Azuri, Mohamed S. Abdelhamed, Al Pietroniro, Howard S. Wheater, and Saman Razavi

Data sets

Aggregated gridded bedrock depth dataset for Mackenzie and Nelson-Churchill River Basin based on bedrock data by Shangguan et al. (2017) K. Keshav, A. Haghnegahdar, M. Elshamy, S. Gharari, and S. Razavi

Aggregated gridded soil texture dataset for Mackenzie and Nelson-Churchill River Basins K. Keshav, A. Haghnegahdar, M. Elshamy, S. Gharari, and S. Razavi

Model code and software

MESH - A Community Hydrology - Land Surface Model (Releases) University of Saskatchewan

Short summary
Permafrost is an important feature of cold-region hydrology and needs to be properly represented in hydrological and land surface models (H-LSMs), especially under the observed and expected climate warming trends. This study aims to devise a robust, yet computationally efficient, initialization and parameterization approach for permafrost. We used permafrost observations from three sites along the Mackenzie River valley spanning different permafrost classes to test the validity of the approach.