Research article
17 Apr 2020
Research article |

17 Apr 2020
Required sampling density of ground-based soil moisture and brightness temperature observations for calibration and validation of L-band satellite observations based on a virtual reality
Shaoning Lv, Bernd Schalge, Pablo Saavedra Garfias, and Clemens Simmer
Data sets
Virtual catchment simulation based on the Neckar region version 1
B. Schalge, G. Baroni, B. Haese, D. Erdal, G. Geppert, P. Saavedra, V. Haefliger, H. Vereecken, S. Attinger, H. Kunstmann, O. A. Cirpka, F. Ament, S. Kollet, I. Neuweiler, H.-J. Hendricks Franssen, and C. Simmer