Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
29 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 29 Jun 2017

Landscape-scale water balance monitoring with an iGrav superconducting gravimeter in a field enclosure

Andreas Güntner, Marvin Reich, Michal Mikolaj, Benjamin Creutzfeldt, Stephan Schroeder, and Hartmut Wziontek

Data sets

Superconducting gravimeter data of iGrav006 and auxiliary hydro-meteorological data from Wettzell Güntner, A., Reich, M., Mikolaj, M., Creutzfeldt, B., Schroeder, S., Thoss, H., Klügel, T., and Wziontek, H.

Superconducting gravimeter data from Wettzell – Level 1 Wziontek, H., Wolf, P., Nowak, I., Richter, B., Rülke, A., and Wilmes, H.

Short summary
Monitoring water storage changes beyond the point scale is a challenge. Here, we show that an integrative and non-invasive way is by observing variations of gravity that are induced by water mass changes. A high-precision superconducting gravimeter is successfully operated in the field and allows for direct and continuous monitoring of the water balance and of its components, such as actual evapotranspiration.