Articles | Volume 21, issue 2
Research article
20 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 20 Feb 2017

Geostatistical upscaling of rain gauge data to support uncertainty analysis of lumped urban hydrological models

Manoranjan Muthusamy, Alma Schellart, Simon Tait, and Gerard B. M. Heuvelink

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Subject: Urban Hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Uncertainty analysis
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Cited articles

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Short summary
In this study we develop a method to estimate the spatially averaged rainfall intensity together with associated level of uncertainty using geostatistical upscaling. Rainfall data collected from a cluster of eight paired rain gauges in a small urban catchment are used in this study. Results show that the prediction uncertainty comes mainly from two sources: spatial variability of rainfall and measurement error. Results from this study can be used for uncertainty analyses of hydrologic modelling.