05 Dec 2024
 | 05 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

Catchment landforms predict groundwater-dependent wetland sensitivity to recharge changes

Etienne Marti, Sarah Leray, and Clément Roques

Abstract. This study investigates the influence of topography on the desaturation rates of groundwater-dependent wetlands in response to changes in recharge. We examined sixty catchments across northern Chile, which feature a wide variety of landforms. We categorized the landforms using geomorphon descriptors, identifying three distinct clusters: lowland, transition, and mountain settings. Using steady-state 3D groundwater models, we derived flow partitioning and seepage area extent for each catchment. Each cluster revealed consistent seepage areas evolution under varying wet-to-dry conditions. Our findings indicate that mountains exhibit reduced seepage area compared to lowlands at equivalent hydraulic conductivity to recharge (K/R) ratios but are less sensitive to recharge fluctuations with slower rates of seepage area variation. Statistical evidence demonstrates that geomorphons-defined landforms correlate with desaturation indicators, enabling the prediction of catchment sensitivity to climate change based solely on a topographic analysis.

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Etienne Marti, Sarah Leray, and Clément Roques

Status: open (until 16 Jan 2025)

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Etienne Marti, Sarah Leray, and Clément Roques
Etienne Marti, Sarah Leray, and Clément Roques


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Short summary
We show that the response of groundwater-dependent wetlands to recharge changes can be predicted based on landform properties, providing a practical approach for wetland vulnerability assessment. We reveal that mountain catchments are less sensitive to recharge changes than lowland catchments. It offers insights for evaluating the vulnerability of catchments to climate change impacts and has direct implications for water resource management and conservation planning in diverse landscapes.