18 Jul 2018
 | 18 Jul 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

Impact of skin effect on single-well push-pull tests with the presence of regional groundwater flow

Xu Li, Zhang Wen, Hongbin Zhan, and Qi Zhu

Abstract. Single-well push-pull (SWPP) test is one of the most important ways to estimate aquifer transport parameters, e.g. porosity, dispersivity, rate of biogeochemical reaction, but its application for determining the regional groundwater velocity has rarely been discussed in previous studies. In this study, a new numerical model of SWPP test considering regional groundwater flow and skin effects was established using the finite-element COMSOL Multiphysics. The effects of regional groundwater flow velocity and skin properties on breakthrough curves (BTCs) were thoroughly analyzed. Several important results were obtained in this study. Firstly, the regional groundwater velocity affects the types of BTCs through changing the pattern and location of the dividing streamline. Secondly, a positive (or negative) skin leads to a slower (or faster) tracer transport process. That is, a positive skin results in a higher concentrations at early stage at a given time. Thirdly, a smaller hydraulic conductivity ratio δ of the positive skin to the formation results in greater solute plume retardation in the skin zone. Besides, a larger thickness of the positive skin leads to a higher tracer concentration around the well. The opposite is true if the skin is negative. The general conclusion is that the skin effects on SWPP test are significant and should be considered.

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Xu Li, Zhang Wen, Hongbin Zhan, and Qi Zhu
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Xu Li, Zhang Wen, Hongbin Zhan, and Qi Zhu
Xu Li, Zhang Wen, Hongbin Zhan, and Qi Zhu


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Short summary
Single-well push-pull (SWPP) test has been commonly used to estimate aquifer parameters. However, the regional groundwater velocity and the skin effect of the well have been rarely discussed in previous studies, which will be the purpose of this study. In this paper, a numerical model of SWPP test was developed by using COMSOL Multiphysics with considering these two issues. The impacts of the regional groundwater velocity and the skin effect on the SWPP test were thorough analyzed.