Articles | Volume 29, issue 4
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Non-asymptotic distributions of water extremes: much ado about what?
Francesco Serinaldi
School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Willis Research Network, 51 Lime St., London, EC3M 7DQ, UK
Federico Lombardo
Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Ministero dell'Interno, Piazza del Viminale, 1, Rome 00184, Italy
Chris G. Kilsby
School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Willis Research Network, 51 Lime St., London, EC3M 7DQ, UK
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 3191–3218,,, 2024
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Neglecting the scientific rationale behind statistical inference leads to logical fallacies and misinterpretations. This study contrasts a model-based approach, rooted in statistical logic, with a test-based approach, widely used in hydro-climatology but problematic. It reveals the impact of dependence in extreme-precipitation analysis and shows that trends in the frequency of extreme events over the past century in various geographic regions can be consistent with the stationary assumption.
Amy C. Green, Chris Kilsby, and András Bárdossy
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 4539–4558,,, 2024
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Weather radar is a crucial tool in rainfall estimation, but radar rainfall estimates are subject to many error sources, with the true rainfall field unknown. A flexible model for simulating errors relating to the radar rainfall estimation process is implemented, inverting standard processing methods. This flexible and efficient model performs well in generating realistic weather radar images visually for a large range of event types.
Francesco Serinaldi
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 3191–3218,,, 2024
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Neglecting the scientific rationale behind statistical inference leads to logical fallacies and misinterpretations. This study contrasts a model-based approach, rooted in statistical logic, with a test-based approach, widely used in hydro-climatology but problematic. It reveals the impact of dependence in extreme-precipitation analysis and shows that trends in the frequency of extreme events over the past century in various geographic regions can be consistent with the stationary assumption.
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 331–347,,, 2023
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Reanalysis datasets are increasingly used to drive flood models, especially for continental and global analysis. We investigate the impact of using four reanalysis products on simulations of past flood events. All reanalysis products underestimated the number of buildings inundated, compared to a benchmark national dataset. These findings show that while global reanalyses provide a useful resource for flood modelling where no other data are available, they may underestimate impact in some cases.
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 107–124,,, 2020
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We assimilate the recent ESA-CCI land surface temperature (LST) product to optimize parameters of a land surface model (ORCHIDEE). We test different assimilation strategies to evaluate the best strategy over various in situ stations across Europe. We also provide advice on how to assimilate this LST product to better simulate LST and surface energy fluxes. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this optimization, which is essential to better simulate future projections.
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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 5069–5085,,, 2024
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Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 3899–3932,,, 2020
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We overview and retrieve a great amount of global hydroclimatic data sets. We improve the quantification of the global hydrological cycle, its variability and its uncertainties through the surge of newly available data sets. We test (but do not confirm) established climatological hypotheses, according to which the hydrological cycle should be intensifying due to global warming. We outline a stochastic view of hydroclimate, which provides a reliable means of dealing with its variability.
Yves Tramblay, Louise Mimeau, Luc Neppel, Freddy Vinet, and Eric Sauquet
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In the present study the flood trends have been assessed for a large sample of 171 basins located in southern France, which has a Mediterranean climate. Results show that, despite the increase in rainfall intensity previously observed in this area, there is no general increase in flood magnitude. Instead, a reduction in the annual number of floods is found, linked to a decrease in soil moisture caused by the increase in temperature observed in recent decades.
Raghavendra B. Jana, Ali Ershadi, and Matthew F. McCabe
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3987–4004,,, 2016
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Interactions between soil moisture and terrestrial evaporation affect responses between land surface and the atmosphere across scales. We present an analysis of the link between soil moisture and evaporation estimates from three distinct models. The relationships were examined over nearly 2 years of observation data. Results show that while direct correlations of raw data were mostly not useful, the root-zone soil moisture and the modelled evaporation estimates reflect similar distributions.
Xiaoyong Sophie Zhang, Gnanathikkam E. Amirthanathan, Mohammed A. Bari, Richard M. Laugesen, Daehyok Shin, David M. Kent, Andrew M. MacDonald, Margot E. Turner, and Narendra K. Tuteja
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3947–3965,,, 2016
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The hydrologic reference stations website (, developed by the Australia Bureau of Meteorology, is a one-stop portal to access long-term and high-quality streamflow information for 222 stations across Australia. This study investigated the streamflow variability and inferred trends in water availability for those stations. The results present a systematic analysis of recent hydrological changes in Australian rivers, which will aid water management decision making.
Takayuki Sugimoto, András Bárdossy, Geoffrey G. S. Pegram, and Johannes Cullmann
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2705–2720,,, 2016
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This paper is aims to detect the climate change impacts on the hydrological regime from the long-term discharge records. A new method for stochastic analysis using copulas, which has the advantage of scrutinizing the data independent of marginal, is suggested in this paper. Two measures are used in the copula domain: one focuses on the asymmetric characteristic of data and the other compares the distances between the copulas. These are calculated for 100 years of daily discharges and the results are discussed.
L. Gudmundsson and S. I. Seneviratne
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Short summary
Non-asymptotic probability distributions of block maxima (BM) have been proposed as an alternative to asymptotic distributions from classic extreme-value theory. We show that the non-asymptotic models are unnecessary and redundant approximations of the corresponding parent distributions, which are readily available, are not affected by serial dependence, have simpler expression, and describe the probability of all quartiles of the process of interest and not only the probability of BM.
Non-asymptotic probability distributions of block maxima (BM) have been proposed as an...