A large-sample modelling approach towards integrating streamflow and evaporation data for the Spanish catchments
Data sets
A large-sample modelling approach towards integrating streamflow and evaporation data for the Spanish catchments /10.5281/zenodo.10670292
Anuario de aforos 2020-21: Red Integrada de Estaciones de Aforos (SAIH-ROEA) https://www.miteco.gob.es/en/cartografia-y-sig/ide/descargas/agua/anuario-de-aforos.aspx
Model code and software
A simple hydrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for general circulation models (https://github.com/UW-Hydro/VIC/tree/support/VIC.4.2.d) https://doi.org/10.1029/94jd00483