Articles | Volume 28, issue 12
Research article
27 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 27 Jun 2024

To bucket or not to bucket? Analyzing the performance and interpretability of hybrid hydrological models with dynamic parameterization

Eduardo Acuña Espinoza, Ralf Loritz, Manuel Álvarez Chaves, Nicole Bäuerle, and Uwe Ehret


Interactive discussion

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1980', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Oct 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Eduardo Acuna, 23 Oct 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-1980', Grey Nearing, 13 Nov 2023
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Eduardo Acuna, 04 Dec 2023

Peer review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision | EF: Editorial file upload
ED: Reconsider after major revisions (further review by editor and referees) (07 Dec 2023) by Daniel Viviroli
AR by Eduardo Acuna on behalf of the Authors (07 Feb 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Referee Nomination & Report Request started (14 Feb 2024) by Daniel Viviroli
RR by Anonymous Referee #1 (19 Feb 2024)
RR by Grey Nearing (02 Mar 2024)
ED: Reconsider after major revisions (further review by editor and referees) (06 Mar 2024) by Daniel Viviroli
AR by Eduardo Acuna on behalf of the Authors (16 Apr 2024)  Author's response   Author's tracked changes   Manuscript 
ED: Referee Nomination & Report Request started (17 Apr 2024) by Daniel Viviroli
RR by Grey Nearing (06 May 2024)
ED: Publish as is (08 May 2024) by Daniel Viviroli
AR by Eduardo Acuna on behalf of the Authors (10 May 2024)  Manuscript 
Short summary
Hydrological hybrid models promise to merge the performance of deep learning methods with the interpretability of process-based models. One hybrid approach is the dynamic parameterization of conceptual models using long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. We explored this method to evaluate the effect of the flexibility given by LSTMs on the process-based part.