Articles | Volume 28, issue 11
Research article
06 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 06 Jun 2024

Differentiating between crop and soil effects on soil moisture dynamics

Helen Scholz, Gunnar Lischeid, Lars Ribbe, Ixchel Hernandez Ochoa, and Kathrin Grahmann

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for SOIL (SOIL).
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Short summary
Sustainable management schemes in agriculture require knowledge of site-specific soil hydrological processes, especially the interplay between soil heterogeneities and crops. We disentangled such effects on soil moisture in a diversified arable field with different crops and management schemes by applying a principal component analysis. The main effects on soil moisture variability were quantified. Meteorological drivers, followed by different seasonal behaviour of crops, had the largest impact.