Articles | Volume 27, issue 24
Research article
14 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2023

Towards robust seasonal streamflow forecasts in mountainous catchments: impact of calibration metric selection in hydrological modeling

Diego Araya, Pablo A. Mendoza, Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, and James McPhee

Data sets

A hydrological modeling dataset for ensemble streamflow forecasting in 22 snow-influenced basins in Central Chile D. Araya, P. A. Mendoza, J. McPhee, and E. Muñoz-Castro

Short summary
Dynamical systems are used by many agencies worldwide to produce seasonal streamflow forecasts, which are critical for decision-making. Such systems rely on hydrology models, which contain parameters that are typically estimated using a target performance metric (i.e., objective function). This study explores the effects of this decision across mountainous basins in Chile, illustrating tradeoffs between seasonal forecast quality and the models' capability to simulate streamflow characteristics.