Articles | Volume 27, issue 23
Research article
07 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2023

Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of an artificial infiltration experiment monitored with ground-penetrating radar: synthetic demonstration

Rohianuu Moua, Nolwenn Lesparre, Jean-François Girard, Benjamin Belfort, François Lehmann, and Anis Younes


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Short summary
Hydraulic properties of soil include the ability of water to move through the soil and the amount of water that is held in the soil in dry or wet conditions. In this work, we further investigate a protocol used to evaluate such hydraulic properties. We propose a modified version of the protocol, with which we show (i) how the data obtained with this protocol are influenced by the soil hydraulic properties and (ii) how one can use it to estimate these properties.