Articles | Volume 27, issue 13
Technical note
10 Jul 2023
Technical note |  | 10 Jul 2023

Technical note: Statistical generation of climate-perturbed flow duration curves

Veysel Yildiz, Robert Milton, Solomon Brown, and Charles Rougé

Model code and software

Yildiz/ClimatePerturbed_FDCs: V1.0.2 (v1.0.2) Veysel Yildiz, Robert Milton, Solomon Brown, and Charles Rougé

Short summary
The proposed approach is based on the parameterisation of flow duration curves (FDCs) to generate hypothetical streamflow futures. (1) We sample a broad range of future climates with modified values of three key streamflow statistics. (2) We generate an FDC for each hydro-climate future. (3) The resulting ensemble is ready to support robustness assessments in a changing climate. Our approach seamlessly represents a large range of futures with increased frequencies of both high and low flows.