the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity functions in karst regions by particle swarm optimization with application to Lake Vrana, Croatia
Vanja Travaš
Luka Zaharija
Davor Stipanić
Siniša Družeta
- Final revised paper (published on 28 Mar 2023)
- Preprint (discussion started on 15 Aug 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'Comment on hess-2022-253', Jianfeng Wu, 14 Sep 2022
This paper presents an iterative method based on the application of particle swarm optimization for estimating the hydraulic conductivity functions associated with the semi-distributed lumped karts model in lake Vrana, Croatia. In my opinion, the topics of this paper might be of interest to the readers of this journal, but it cannot be considered acceptable for publication in its current state. I suggest that the authors consider a major revision of their work along the following comments.
1. An important concern is that the paper does not appear to be significantly innovative, but demonstrates a complex exercise that applies some approaches well established in the literature. The novelty of this paper should be reinforced to illustrate the scientific and academic findings in the study.
2. Another major concern relates to the estimate of the hydraulic conductivity functions of the karst aquifer. Although the mathematical model for simulating the exchange of fresh water and salt water is generally well calibrated, the uncertainty associated with precipitation recharge should be considered in model calibration. I strongly recommend authors investigate the sensitivity analysis regarding the inflow from precipitation recharge within the lake watershed.
3. Fig. 7 should be explained in detail. Nowhere can be found the description of groundwater level in the domain of interest.
4. If there are some measurement data of water salinity over time available, it’s better to consider the mass exchange of salinity between fresh water in karst aquifer and salt water in lake/sea coupled in the conceptual model.
5. Some specific typos are below:
(1) Line 53, salt water instruction --> salt water intrusion(2) Line 75, can by used to --> can be used to
(3) Line 312, is consider as --> is considered as
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Vanja Travas, 26 Jan 2023
REMARK: This paper presents an iterative method based on the application of particle swarm optimization for estimating the hydraulic conductivity functions associated with the semi-distributed lumped karts model in lake Vrana, Croatia. In my opinion, the topics of this paper might be of interest to the readers of this journal, but it cannot be considered acceptable for publication in its current state. I suggest that the authors consider a major revision of their work along the following comments.
ANSWER: We would like to thank the reviewer for all the remarks and comments, and we hope that with the answers given below and the changes made in the paper we managed to achieve the required quality for publication. We responded to all the comments and suggestions, and based on them, we believe that we have made appropriate corrections in the paper, which are marked by red text. Please note that we have made corrections and adaptations in the paper based also on the remarks and suggestions of other reviewers and so some corrections can overlap.
REMARK: An important concern is that the paper does not appear to be significantly innovative, but demonstrates a complex exercise that applies some approaches well established in the literature. The novelty of this paper should be reinforced to illustrate the scientific and academic findings in the study.
ANSWER: Please note that the model in consideration is represented by a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients (i.e. three calibration functions). Since it cannot be classified as an LTI system, it was to be expected that the task of calibrating such a model would be very complex (note that the calibration functions and also their domains are unknown). The calibration of the model first started with the trial-and-error method, and we immediately established that there is an exceptional sensitivity of the model results to even the smallest changes in the calibration functions. For this reason, we started trying other calibration methods, and of all the ones we tried, the PSO method was convincingly the most effective. This paper was written in order to share our experiences. In this sense, we believe that the modest novelty of the paper can be recognized in the application of the PSO method to the calibration of this type of model. Namely, by reviewing the literature, we did not find the same use of the PSO method. Moreover, we came across only a few papers that use the keywords PSO and karst model (but not in the same context as in this paper). In order to highlight the modest scientific significance of the paper, we supplemented the introduction by elaborating the problem of multimodality (that is encountered in such problems) and brought it into connection with the application of the PSO method and the considered modeling approach by system of ODEs (i.e. lumped karst models).
REMARK: Another major concern relates to the estimate of the hydraulic conductivity functions of the karst aquifer. Although the mathematical model for simulating the exchange of fresh water and salt water is generally well calibrated, the uncertainty associated with precipitation recharge should be considered in model calibration. I strongly recommend authors investigate the sensitivity analysis regarding the inflow from precipitation recharge within the lake watershed.
ANSWER: We would like to recognize that the precipitation data are included in the groundwater flow component qkl,gw and the surface flow component qkl,sf which was obtained by field measurements (the same as the data of the flow component ql,pr from precipitation on the lake itself). In this way, these terms appear on the RHS as known functions in time and are not the subject of modeling. If the remark meant the model's sensitivity to these parameters, we would ask you to note that this was not the subject of the paper, but we focused on the problem of model calibration. Although we can equip the paper with a shorter sensitivity analysis, we believe that a complete sensitivity analysis would exceed the scope of this paper or would require writing a new paper. On the other hand, if the remark meant the sensitivity of the model with respect to the calibration functions, then we can state that the model result is extremely sensitive to a small change in the calibration functions (which was to be expected due to the nonlinearity of the model – note that the surface flow in Prosika channel is also modeled). For this very reason, it was necessary to apply the PSO method, which proved to be the best for global and local search of the domain of the objective function. The PSO method was used to search for the best solutions of the calibration functions, which will make the model solution the least sensitive to their change. Since the calibration functions are independent of time (model parameters), the obtained calibrated model represents the basis for further research, among which there will certainly be an analysis of the sensitivity of the model results to precipitations (we believe that this topic should be considered in another separate paper).
Fig. 7 should be explained in detail. Nowhere can be found the description of groundwater level in the domain of interest.
ANSWER: An additional description of the Figure in question is added in the paper (marked by red text). Namely, Fig. 7 shows the arrangement of the cross-section surface areas of cracks in the karst environment with respect to the elevation and thus includes the surfaces of conductors, caves, caverns, etc. Like hydraulic conductivity functions, this function is also unknown in advance and it is most often known that it decreases due to the dissolution process with the rise of the groundwater level (caverns and caves are usually located at deeper areas of the aquifer). On the other hand, as the groundwater level (variable hk) was one of the variables in the considered system of ODE, at the beginning of the time domain it was set as an initial condition (like the variable hl used to represent the water level in the lake). A description has been added for the interpretation of Figure 7, as well as a text related to the initial condition of groundwater level. “The initial conditions were given by the model variables hl(t0) and hk(t0) defined at time t0 i.e. at the beginning of the time domain. The initial condition hl(t0) was set to 0.81 m a.s.l. which is known by field measurements (as can be recognized in Fig. 3). On the other hand, the variable hk(t0) was set to 2.2 m a.s.l. and defined from model calibration so that a relatively rapid raise in water level hl, at the beginning of the time domain, is obtain (as evidenced by in situ measurements shown in Fig. 3).”
REMARK: If there are some measurement data of water salinity over time available, it’s better to consider the mass exchange of salinity between fresh water in karst aquifer and salt water in lake/sea coupled in the conceptual model.
ANSWER: Unfortunately, salinity measurements are only available for the lake and not in a continuous time series. On the other hand, it should be recognized that the lake is fed with fresh water from the karst aquifer, and therefore the flow in that part is only directed towards the lake (which is confirmed by the model i.e. sign of the flow component qgw,kl in Fig. 8 and Fig. 11). In this sense, there is no exchange of salt water between the lake and the karst aquifer.
REMARK: Some specific typos are below:
(1) Line 53, salt water instruction --> salt water intrusion
(2) Line 75, can by used to --> can be used to
(3) Line 312, is consider as --> is considered as
ANSWER: In accordance with the remarks, the necessary corrections were made.
AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Vanja Travas, 26 Jan 2023
RC1: 'Comment on hess-2022-253', Anonymous Referee #1, 31 Dec 2022
The authors use a system of two ordinary and nonlinear differential equations to describe the exchange of fresh and saltwater between the lake and its surroundings. The method of particle swarm optimization was used to optimize the model. The authors show a complex exercise of the model in the literature. However, the paper does not appear to be significantly innovative. It is suggested that the precipitation recharge should be considered in the model, which could influence the model obviously.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC1', Vanja Travas, 26 Jan 2023
REMARK: The authors use a system of two ordinary and nonlinear differential equations to describe the exchange of fresh and saltwater between the lake and its surroundings. The method of particle swarm optimization was used to optimize the model. The authors show a complex exercise of the model in the literature.
ANSWER: Thank you for all the constructive comments and remarks. Allow us to address the same below with a few non-pretentious answers.
REMARK: However, the paper does not appear to be significantly innovative.
ANSWER: In order to highlight the scientific significance of the paper, we supplemented the introduction by elaborating the problem of multimodality encountered in such modeling tasks and brought it into relationship with the application of the PSO method and the considered modeling approach by system of ODEs (i.e. lumped karst models). In addition to the mentioned, the list of literature was expanded in order to bring this paper into relationship with previous papers in which the problem of optimization was considered (general optimization and optimization of hydrological models).
As you stated in the review, the model in consideration is represented by a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients (i.e. three calibration functions). Since it cannot be classified as an LTI system, it was to be expected that the task of calibrating such a model would be very complex (note that the calibration functions but also their domains are unknown). The calibration of the model first started with the trial-and-error method, and we immediately established that there is an exceptional sensitivity of the model results to even the smallest changes in the calibration functions. For this reason, we started trying other calibration methods, and of all the ones we tried, the PSO method was convincingly the most effective (due to the multimodality of the problem and the need to perform a global and local search of the target function domain). This paper was written in order to share our experiences. In this sense, we believe that the modest novelty of the paper can be recognized in the application of the PSO method to the calibration of this type of karst models. Namely, by reviewing the literature, we did not find the same use of the PSO method. Moreover, we came across only a few papers that use the keywords PSO and karst model (but not in the same contest as in this paper).
REMARK: It is suggested that the precipitation recharge should be considered in the model, which could influence the model obviously.
ANSWER: In order to be able to implement appropriate changes or respond to your remarks, we would kindly ask you to clarify the statement "precipitation recharge should be considered". Thank you! We would like to recognize that the precipitation data are included in the groundwater flow component qkl,gw and the surface flow component qkl,sf which was obtained by field measurements (the same as the data of the flow component ql,pr from precipitation on the lake itself). In this way, these terms appear on the RHS as known functions in time and are not the subject of modeling. If the remark meant the model's sensitivity to these parameters, we would ask you to note that this was not the subject of the paper, but we focused on the problem of model calibration. Although we can equip the paper with a shorter sensitivity analysis, we believe that a complete sensitivity analysis would exceed the scope of this paper or would require writing a new paper. On the other hand, if the remark meant the sensitivity of the model with respect to the calibration functions, then we can state that the model result is extremely sensitive to a small change in the calibration functions (which was to be expected due to the nonlinearity of the model – note that the surface flow in Prosika channel is also modeled by not explained in details in the paper). For this very reason, it was necessary to apply the PSO method, which proved to be the best for global and local search of the domain of the objective function. The PSO method was used to search for the best solutions of the calibration functions, which will make the model solution the least sensitive to their change. Since the calibration functions are independent of time (model parameters), the obtained calibrated model represents the basis for further research, among which there will certainly be an analysis of the sensitivity of the model results to precipitations (we believe that this topic should be considered in another separate paper).
AC2: 'Reply on RC1', Vanja Travas, 26 Jan 2023
RC2: 'Comment on hess-2022-253', Anonymous Referee #2, 08 Jan 2023
This manuscript estimated the hydraulic conductivity using particle swarm optimization method and analyzed the effect of protection method for the lake Vrana. The topic is somehow interesting, however, I have some major concerns for this manuscript as shown below:
- The introduction is not well organized. A literature review for the optimization method for the hydrological model and groundwater flow model is missing. Therefore, why do you select the particle swarm optimization method and not select other methods? I suggest to add an introduction for the literature review for the method of optimization of model parameters.
- The assumption of fully turbulent and partially saturated water flow through karst conduits is used and the Darcy’s flow is neglected for the groundwater flow simulation. Does this assumption cause uncertainty for the simulation? The reasonability for this assumption need further explanation. The hydrogeology conditions for the study area need some more detail introduction.
- For the parameter optimization, it is necessary to show the process for the seeking the optimal parameters, and how about the efficiency of this method? I suggest to add some comparison of this method and other traditional method.
- A discussion for the comparison of results and method of this study and other similar studies are need.
- The conclusion seems too long, you can reduce some statements.
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on RC2', Vanja Travas, 26 Jan 2023
REMARK: This manuscript estimated the hydraulic conductivity using particle swarm optimization method and analyzed the effect of protection method for the lake Vrana. The topic is somehow interesting, however, I have some major concerns for this manuscript as shown below:
ANSWER: We would like to thank the reviewer for all the remarks and comments, and we hope that with the answers given below and the changes made in the paper we managed to achieve the required quality for publication. We responded to all the comments and suggestions, and based on them, we believe that we have made appropriate corrections in the paper, which are marked with blue text. Please note that we have made corrections and adaptations in the paper based also on the remarks and suggestions of other reviewers and so some corrections can overlap.
REMARK: The introduction is not well organized. A literature review for the optimization method for the hydrological model and groundwater flow model is missing. Therefore, why do you select the particle swarm optimization method and not select other methods? I suggest to add an introduction for the literature review for the method of optimization of model parameters.
ANSWER: We have reorganized the introduction. In order to explain the issue of calibrating hydrological and groundwater models in more detail, we have further elaborated and enlarged the introduction and accordingly increased the list of literature (the last paragraph of the introduction has been completely replaced and significantly expanded). Apart that, in the introduction we also stated the problem of multimodality and used it as an argument for the application of the PSO method. Other organizational corrections were made in the introduction (all marked in the new version of the paper). A new part of the introduction (the last paragraph of the introduction), as well as the newly introduced references, are listed below.
\bibitem[Beasley et al. (2012)]{Beasley1993}
Beasley, D., Bull, D.R., and Martin, R.R.: A Sequential Niche Technique for Multimodal Function Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, 1(2), 101-125, doi: 10.1162/evco.1993.1.2.101., 1993.
\bibitem[Beven (2006)]{Beven2005}
Beven, K.J.: A manifesto for the equifinality thesis, J. Hydrol., 320(1-2), 18-36, 2006.
\bibitem[Charlier et al. (2012)]{Charlier2012}
Charlier, J.-B., Bertrand, C., and Mudry, J.: Conceptual hydrogeological model of flow and transport of dissolved organic carbon in a small Jura karst system, J. Hydrol., 460-461, 52-64,, 2012.
\bibitem[Haddad et al. (2013)]{Haddad2013}
Haddad, O.B., Tabari, M.M.R., Fallah-Mehdipour, E., and Marino, M.A.: Groundwater Model Calibration by Meta-Heuristic Algorithms, Water Resources Management, 27, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1287350,, 2013.
\bibitem[Lu et al. (2018)]{Lu2011}
Lu, C., Shu, L., Chen, X., and Cheng, C.: Parameter estimation for a karst aquifer with unknown thickness using the genetic algorithm method, Environ Earth Sci, 63, 797-807,, 2011.
\bibitem[Mahmoud et al. (2021)]{Mahmoud2021}
Mahmoud, E.A., Hossam, A.A., Kassem, S.E., and Mohsen, M.E.: Estimation of groundwater recharge using simulation-optimization model and cascade forward ANN at East Nile Delta aquifer, Egypt, Journal of Hydrology 34, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1287350,, 2021.
\bibitem[\"Ozcan and Yilmaz (2007)]{Ozcan2007}
\"Ozcan, E., and Yilmaz, M.: Particle Swarms for Multimodal Optimization, Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, 4431,, 2007.
\bibitem[Rimmer and Salingar (2006)]{Rimmer2006}
Rimmer, A., and Salingar, Y.: Modelling precipitation-streamflow processes in karst basin: The case of the Jordan River sources, J. Hydrol. 331, 524-542,, 2006.
\bibitem[Wheater et al. (2022)]{Wheater1986}
Wheater, H.S., Bishop, K.H., and Beck, M.B.: The identification of conceptual hydrological models for surface water acidification, Hydrol. Processes, 1(1), 89-109, hyp.3360010109, 1986.
\bibitem[Wunsch et al. (2022)]{Wunsch2022}
Wunsch, A., Liesch, T., Cinkus, G., Ravbar, N., Chen, Z., Mazzilli, N., Jourde, H., and Goldscheider, N.: Karst spring discharge modeling based on deep learning using spatially distributed input data, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 2405-2430,, 2022.
\bibitem[Ye et al. (1997)]{Ye1997}
Ye, Ye, Bates, B.C., Viney, N.R., Sivapalan, M., and Jakeman, A.J.: Performance of conceptual rainfall-runoff models in low-yielding ephemeral catchments, Water Resour. Res., 33(1), 153-166, doi:10.1029/96WR02840, 1997.
\bibitem[Zambrano-Bigiarini and Rojas (2020)]{Zambrano2020}
Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., and Rojas, R.: hydroPSO: Particle Swarm Optimisation, with Focus on Environmental Models, R package version 0.5-1, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1287350,, 2020.
Regardless of the adopted approach, the success of model calibration can be depended on the number of parameters that are subject of calibration. Namely, for a lumped karst model in which the exchange of water between interconnected karst region is modeled by more than one ODE, a different values of calibration parameters can result in similar model prediction \citep{Wheater1986,Ye1997}. In other words, there may be multiple solutions (known as multimodality) which consequently leads to unreliability in the physical interpretation of model parameters \citep{Beven2005}. In order to reduce the influence of overparameterization and obtain a unique solution, the number of all possible solutions should be reduced by introducing additional constraint conditions imposed on calibration parameters. If no generic property can be defined for a particular calibration parameter, by which the constraint condition can be formulated, the additional constraint conditions are obtained through analysis on the relative relationships between the available hydrological time series (which is often carried out by correlation and cross-correlation analyses). In other words, solving multimodal problems most often requires the application of an algorithm for pattern recognition in the available hydrological time series. For this reason, it should not be surprising that artificial neural networks \citep{Kurtulus2010,Hu2008,Coppola2003,Coulibaly2001} and different machine learning methods \citep{Wunsch2022} have found their application in calibration of lumped karst models. However, the mentioned approaches are not that suitable in cases where the constraint conditions are known in advance and are given in the form of mathematical inequalities (as was the case in this paper). In such cases, it is opportune to treat the calibration of model parameters as an optimization problem \citep{Beasley1993} in which multimodality is commonly encountered. In such circumstances, the calibration of model parameters requires the definition of objective function that is depended on design variables (i.e. model parameters). Since the objective function is usually defined as a measure of difference between the considered predicted value and the one obtained by field measurements, the calibration of model parameters is reduced to its minimalization. For this purpose, the domain of the objective function is searched in an iterative fashion. Unless a specific search (local search) of the domain of the objective function is expected, the parameters of a karst model can be effectively calibrated by genetic algorithms \citep{Lu2011}. For more demanding optimization problems, in which it is expected that the objective function has many local minima permeated throughout the entire domain of the objective function (multimodality), both global and local search is necessary. In these situations, the bio-inspired algorithm known as particle swarm optimization (PSO method) is more suitable because it is based on simultaneous local and global search of the domain of the objective function \citep{Qian2019} and so, it is very attractive for solving multimodal problems \citep{Ozcan2007}. Moreover, this approach has previously been successfully applied to calibrate groundwater flow models in alluvial aquifers \citep{Haddad2013,Mahmoud2021} but also for calibrating flow parameters in environmental models \citep{Zambrano2020}. In order to examine the application of the PSO method and indicate the possibilities it offers in a contest of karst modeling, it was applied to the estimation of hydraulic conductivity functions used for modeling the exchange of fresh and salt water in lake Vrana, Croatia.
REMARK: The assumption of fully turbulent and partially saturated water flow through karst conduits is used and the Darcy’s flow is neglected for the groundwater flow simulation. Does this assumption cause uncertainty for the simulation? The reasonability for this assumption need further explanation. The hydrogeology conditions for the study area need some more detail introduction.
ANSWER: The introduced assumption certainly causes uncertainty, but with negligible influence for the scope of the model. Namely, the assumption can be justified by the purpose of the model, which was to describe the mass exchange of salt and fresh water between the lake and the sea. For this purpose, it should be noted that the lake is located in the immediate vicinity of the sea and that even a relatively small pressure gradients are reflected in the rapid exchange of water through karst conduits (which was also determined by field measurements in cases of different sea and water levels in the lake). The Darcy’s flow cannot compete in the rate of exchange of these quantities of water and is therefore justifiably neglected. In the same time, in the used framework of lumped karst models the Darcy flow component is not naturally included and combined modeling requires the application of the dual porosity model which cannot be linked to the subject of this paper which is devoted to the application of PSO methods for calibration of hydraulic conductivity functions. The hydrogeology conditions of the study area are further elaborated in the title Study area where the text below is added.
Within the basin of lake Vrana, few groups of rocks can be recognized \citep{Rubinic2014}. First of all, these are Upper Cretaceous limestones, i.e. very permeable rocks within which an underground hydrographic network has been developed. On the other hand, it is also possible to determine the area within which the dolomites and limestones of the lower part of the Upper Cretaceous alternate, forming a medium permeable layer that can slow down the flow of underground water. Finally, a large part of the basin consists of impermeable or very poorly impermeable flysch deposits that in some places cause the formation of surface flows. For calibrating the model parameters, these surface flow components will be set based on known \textit{in situ} measurements. On the other hand, the groundwater flow components, which are realized as a consequence of the developed hydrographic network in the Upper Cretaceous limestones, will be modeled using the semi-distributed lumped karst model, relying on the assumption of a fully turbulent flow.
REMARK: For the parameter optimization, it is necessary to show the process for the seeking the optimal parameters, and how about the efficiency of this method? I suggest to add some comparison of this method and other traditional method.
ANSWER: To illustrate the convergence characteristics of the optimization procedure, a Figure has been added in the paper that shows the change in the global optimum during iterations (the best values of the objective function up to that iteration). It should be noted that complete convergence with a negligible error is not possible for the reason that the aforementioned would require a more detailed parameterization of the calibration functions (with more than 60 points – this comment is also important and is introduced in this new part of the paper). On the other hand, a more detailed parameterization of the calibration functions would make the calibration problem far more complex and would drastically affect the efficiency of the aforementioned method. Namely, in that case, the search space would be much larger, i.e. with a much larger number of dimensions. The efficiency of the method decreases drastically with the increase in the number of optimization variables, but at the same time it should be noted that it is subject to parallelization and that within one iteration the searching procedure of each particle is independent all other particles (which is attractive for openMP parallelization). Regarding the comparison of this method with other similar methods, it should be noted that for the given framework (lumped karst model) only automated calibration methods can compete (neural networks, deep search, genetic algorithms, etc.). On the other hand, although there are essential differences between the above, the PSO method is particularly attractive for the reason that it offers a simple implementation of constraints conditions over calibration parameters and for the reason that it performs global and local search simultaneously (which solves the problem of multimodality). For the description of the convergence, we have added the text attached below.
The convergence of the optimization process is illustrated in figure \ref{fig08} which shows the value of the objective function at points $\textbf{x}_{g,best}^{(e)}$ of the global optimum respect to the iteration number. For the adopted parametrization of the calibration functions, the objective function reached the lowest possible value, and further reduction of its value would require a larger number of parameters, i.e. a denser discretization of the calibration functions (more than 20 point per functions). On the other hand, such a procedure would significantly affect the number of necessary iterations to reach a smaller error, as well as the number of required particles (because the search space would be larger). In this sense, the parameterization of the calibration functions is determined based on a compromise between computational time and acceptable minimum value of the objective function.
REMARK: A discussion for the comparison of results and method of this study and other similar studies are need.
ANSWER: For these purposes, we have added the text below.
In order to compare the presented approach with other approaches, it should be emphasized that the framework of the model is defined by a system of two ordinary and non-linear differential equations with variable coefficients that also define the calibration functions. In these circumstances, automated methods such as genetic algorithms are usually used \citep{Lu2011,Nematolahi2018}. On the other hand, if by the method of trial and error it is determined that the model results are significantly sensitive to the calibration functions (model parameters), the application of genetic algorithms is probably not the most appropriate. Namely, this sensitivity of model results to calibration functions indicates a large number of local minima of the objective function by which the multimodality of the problem can be recognized. In such circumstances, it is not only necessary to carry out a global search of the domain of the objective function, as carried out by the method of genetic algorithms, but it is also necessary to examine local minima, that is, to enable a more detailed search of individual parts of the domain by carrying out local searches. Moreover, the search for local minima must be adaptive so that the solution in the current iteration can be updated by the new local solution that results in a more favorable variant of the calibration parameters. In this way, the possibility of searching for a larger number of local minima is realized, which is necessary for such multimodal problems. Considering all of the mentioned, and by noting that the model in question showed the characteristics of multimodal problems, the calibration of the model was performed using the PSO method which simultaneously performs global and local search of the domain of the objective function \citep{Ozcan2007,Kuok2012,Zambrano2013}. Considering the experience gained from the performed analysis, the application of the PSO method can be recommended for the calibration of a semi-distributed lumped karst models based on a system of nonlinear ODEs.
REMARK: The conclusion seems too long, you can reduce some statements.
ANSWER: The conclusion is shortened.
Peer review completion