Articles | Volume 26, issue 23
Technical note
07 Dec 2022
Technical note |  | 07 Dec 2022

Technical Note: Space–time statistical quality control of extreme precipitation observations

Abbas El Hachem, Jochen Seidel, Florian Imbery, Thomas Junghänel, and András Bárdossy

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Cited articles

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Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (lfu Bayern): Landesmessnetz Wasserstand und Abfluss,, last access: 7 October 2020. a
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Short summary
Through this work, a methodology to identify outliers in intense precipitation data was presented. The results show the presence of several suspicious observations that strongly differ from their surroundings. Many identified outliers did not have unusually high values but disagreed with their neighboring values at the corresponding time steps. Weather radar and discharge data were used to distinguish between single events and false observations.