Articles | Volume 26, issue 19
Research article
06 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2022

Socio-hydrological modeling of the tradeoff between flood control and hydropower provided by the Columbia River Treaty

Ashish Shrestha, Felipe Augusto Arguello Souza, Samuel Park, Charlotte Cherry, Margaret Garcia, David J. Yu, and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

Data sets

Historical Streamflow Data (Monthly Data) Bonneville Power Administration

USGS Real-Time Water Data for USGS 14105700 Columbia River at the Dalles, OR USGS

Short summary
Equitable sharing of benefits is key to successful cooperation in transboundary water resource management. However, external changes can shift the split of benefits and shifts in the preferences regarding how an actor’s benefits compare to the other’s benefits. To understand how these changes can impact the robustness of cooperative agreements, we develop a socio-hydrological system dynamics model of the benefit sharing provision of the Columbia River Treaty and assess a series of scenarios.