Articles | Volume 26, issue 16
Research article
24 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 24 Aug 2022

Benchmarking global hydrological and land surface models against GRACE in a medium-sized tropical basin

Silvana Bolaños Chavarría, Micha Werner, Juan Fernando Salazar, and Teresita Betancur Vargas
Publisher's note: Teresita Betancur Vargas was added as co-author to this paper on 19 October 2022. They originally contributed to the manuscript but were missing in the author list upon publication.

Data sets

Improved methods for observing Earth’s time variable mass distribution with GRACE using spherical cap mascons M. M. Watkins, D. N. Wiese, D.-N. Yuan, C. Boening, and F. W. Landerer https: //

earth2observe/water- resource-reanalysis-v1: Revised Release J. Schellekens, E. Dutra, G. Balsamo, A. van Dijk, F. Sperna Weiland, M. Minvielle, C. Calvet, B. Decharme, S. Eisner, G. Fink, M. Flörke, S. Peßenteiner, R. van Beek, J. Polcher, H. Beck, A. Martínez-de la Torre, R. Orth, B. Calton, S. Burke, and G. Weedon


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Short summary
Using total water storage (TWS) from GRACE satellites, we assess the reliability of global hydrological and land surface models over a medium-sized tropical basin with a well-developed gauging network. We find the models poorly represent TWS for the monthly series, but they improve in representing seasonality and long-term trends. We conclude that GRACE provides a valuable dataset to benchmark global simulations of TWS change, offering a useful tool to improve global models in tropical basins.