the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Preferential pathways for fluid and solutes in heterogeneous groundwater systems: self-organization, entropy, work
Ralf Loritz
Yaniv Edery
Brian Berkowitz
- Final revised paper (published on 05 Oct 2021)
- Preprint (discussion started on 21 May 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on hess-2021-254', Daniele Pedretti, 17 Jun 2021
The manuscript (“Preferential Pathways for Fluid and Solutes in Heterogeneous Groundwater Systems: Self-Organization, Entropy, Work”) provides a new framework that combines the use of free energy and entropy to to characterize and quantify the emergence of preferential flow and channelled transport in heterogeneous media. Although the specific components of this framework are not novel themselves ,as correctly acknowledged by the authors, their combined use makes it a novel way that help disentangling open questions regarding the mechanisms of transport in heterogenous porous media.
The paper is well written. The objective, methodologies and conclusions are clear. I have summarized a line-by-line set of comments for the authors, which makes me recommending me accepting this manuscript after major revisions.
My major concern is that, while I consider this approach excellently explained, it should have been demonstrated on a 3D heterogeneous system. Percolation thresholds are different in 2D and 3D systems. As such, the results of this study could have been very different if drawn from 2D or 3D stochastic models. I ask the authors to at least comment on this issue critically in their manuscript.
Thanking the authors for considering our 2017 WRR publication, I also suggest having a look at our follow-up manuscript (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR where we extend our previous theory by computing the geological entrogram on evolving sampling scales. I think that most conclusions we got in those studies there are very much in line with those obtained through this study. Indeed, in the 2018 paper we also address the question of 2D vs 3D models, and described at page 4444 how solute particles tend to sample specific K clusters when travelling in the heterogeneous media.
Best Regards
Daniele Pedretti
University of Milan - UNIMI (Italy).Line-specific comments
L72-76 I wouldn’t be so strict. Someone has succeeded in this task (Zhang et al 2013 JH for instance). What is really complicated is finding a “universal” way to predict solute transport based on the aquifers geological structures. In Bianchi and Pedretti’s works on geological entropy we found an explanation for that: the lower the structure’s Shannon entropy, the more organized the flow and transport patterns in the field. In that set of works our aim was to start from the geology and not from “self-customed” flow fields (e.g. power-law distributed seepage velocities).
L97 “the probability of solutes to pass through HIGH (not low) conductivity regions”. Please , fix it.
L98 Please consider also our follow-up study (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR), where we study evolving scales of geological entropy rather than studying fixed-size blocks (as we did in the 2017 paper). In the 2018 paper we developed the concept of entrogram scale, which is also nicely correlated with the emergence of preferential flow and solute channelling.
L101 enigmatic OK, emergent not really I would say.
L104 Again, I wouldn’t be so strict (“virtually impossible”). I’d rather just say that such predictions remain challenging. For instance, Bianchi and Pedretti works or Zhang et al 2013 showed that it can be done. There is also a set of works by Rizzo and de Barros showing that predictions can be made starting from the aquifer structures.
L158 please see comment at L98.
L165-on. Rather than Objectives, these are Results and Conclusions.
L185 I wonder if all these nice concepts can be exported directly to 3D models, considering the different percolation thresholds between 2D and 3D models. Could the authors discuss on this?L216 why no local dispersion? This is a physical mechanism, which can substantially modify the solute pathways by increasing mixing and coalescence among the so-called “lamellas”. Why neglecting it? I think this should have been investigated, from low to high Peclet numbers.
L256 I totally agree, but again, I think that transversal dispersion could have a big impact here.
L388 see comment at L98
L395 how this new theory could be connected to previously developed ones, such as the “lamella” description of solute transport in heterogenous media (e.g. which also strongly depends on concentration gradients transversal to the main flow directions? or the concepts of “least-resistance paths” (e.g.
L403-405 this looks like a conclusion of this work, rather than a result. Consider moving it to the appropriate sections
L442 this is very similar to a conclusion by Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 (page 4444), which reads “ These observations are further confirmed by the CDFs of the subsamples of K values, which show a significantly higher variability for 2-D fields compared to 3-D (Figures 6c and 6d). These results strengthen the knowledge that solutes tend to travel in the upper 15–20% of the K distribution (K classes 32–40 in Figure 6), which tend to fully percolate in 3-D correlated random fields regardless of their overall structure (Fogg et al., 2000; Fogg & Zhang, 2016; Harter, 2005). “ Consider commenting on that
L457 I find it a bit complicated to relate “watts” to something related to groundwater. I mean, the entire derivation of power is clearly described in the previous sections, but as a hydrogeologist I have some problem to understand, for instance, if this is a high/low power. For instance would 2 watts be a high or lower power in this context?
L455-478: these are great findings. It is particularly interesting that at some point the system behaves effectively as a 1D system. I’m wondering if they also hold for a 3D system, which is in general more percolated than a 2D one.
L487-488 for the same token, then solute injection mode (i.e resident vs flux-averaged) could be also important to control the “effective” system power, right? Even if the flow field is the same, you change the way particles are already injected into certain flow zones.
L505-507 this is well aligned with the result of Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018, who expressed geological entropy with the BTC moments.
L537 also similar to Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018.
L558 notice an underlined word: just a writing typo?
L564 and the 2018 work, which extends the previous one.
L571 I agree that the CTWR beta could be a good indicator to connect to entropy. In general, any indicator that explains the departure from the BTC symmetry could be also good. This is why in Bianchi and Pedretti 2017, 2018 we did not fit a power-law curve to our BTCs, but limited ourselves to the third moment of the BTC, which is strongly correlated with geological entropy indicators. However, in Pedretti and Bianchi 2018 ADWR ( we found that for a system with very-low geological entropy (i.e. high spatial order) all BTC tailing tended to the same power-law value, close to one. Any comment on that?
L604 I think it could have been worth looking at the probability of transitioning of a particle from a low to a high flow zone, and relate it to the derived power P.
L606-608 to me the framework should be also demonstrated on a 3D simulated aquifer to properly claim that this approach “holds the keys” to disentangle a problem that have been a great challenge for many researchers until now. I may agree with that, and it would be amazing, but it has to be proved.Citation: -
AC2: 'Response to review of Daniele Pedretti', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
We sincerely Daniele Pedretti (DP) for his thorough and thoughtful assessment of our
manuscript.DP: The manuscript ("Preferential Pathways for Fluid and Solutes in Heterogeneous
Groundwater Systems: Self-Organization, Entropy, Work") provides a new framework
that combines the use of free energy and entropy to characterize and quantify the
emergence of preferential flow and channelled transport in heterogeneous media.
Although the specific components of this framework are not novel themselves ,as
correctly acknowledged by the authors, their combined use makes it a novel way that
help disentangling open questions regarding the mechanisms of transport in
heterogenous porous media.
The paper is well written. The objective, methodologies and conclusions are clear. I
have summarized a line-by-line set of comments for the authors, which makes me
recommending me accepting this manuscript after major revisions.RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive comments.
DP: My major concern is that, while I consider this approach excellently explained, it
should have been demonstrated on a 3D heterogeneous system. Percolation
thresholds are different in 2D and 3D systems. As such, the results of this study could
have been very different if drawn from 2D or 3D stochastic models. I ask the authors to
at least comment on this issue critically in their manuscript.RESPONSE: We agree that a transfer of the proposed assessment to a three 3D
stochastic media would yield interesting insights, which will for sure differ somewhat
from what we found in 2D. However, we respectfully disagree that this might imply a
different qualitatively behavior, as long as we work in a confined system (no flow
boundary conditions for the upper, lower, inlet and outlet boundaries). The local
changes in power arise from the local feedback on the pressure head gradient in front
of the low conductivity bottlenecks. Gradients steepen ahead of the bottlenecks, which
implies a higher power, locally. This feedback will also occur in a 3D confined system, as
it is a direct result of the boundary conditions. It would not likely occur in an aquifer
with a free surface neither in 2D or 3D. In the revised manuscript we will state that an
analysis in 3 D is the next step of a forthcoming study, and explain why think that we
expect qualitatively similar results due to the above stated reasons.
We furthermore like to stress, that percolation considerations are not relevant here, as
the domains are well connected and well above a percolation threshold. Moreover, the
original study by Edery et al. (2014), which we cite, presented already a critical path
analysis in reference to the percolation threshold, based on the common assumption
that preferential flows are a manifestation of percolation, controlled by the lower cut-
off for the hydraulic conductivity from which a path is possible. The limitations of
percolation theory in evaluating the preferential flow are presented therein, and as
such, the equivalence or connection between percolation and entropy is not
straightforward.DP: Thanking the authors for considering our 2017 WRR publication, I also suggest
having a look at our follow-up manuscript (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR where we extend our previous theory by
computing the geological entrogram on evolving sampling scales. I think that most
conclusions we got in those studies there are very much in line with those obtained
through this study. Indeed, in the 2018 paper we also address the question of 2D vs 3D
models, and described at page 4444 how solute particles tend to sample specific K
clusters when travelling in the heterogeneous media.RESPONSE: We will be pleased to read your 2018 paper and refer to the study and
conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.
Best Regards
Daniele Pedretti
University of Milan - UNIMI (Italy).
Line-specific commentsDP: L72-76 I wouldn’t be so strict. Someone has succeeded in this task (Zhang et al
2013 JH for instance). What is really complicated is finding a universal way to predict
solute transport based on the aquifers geological structures. In Bianchi and Pedretti’s
works on geological entropy we found an explanation for that: the lower the structure’s
Shannon entropy, the more organized the flow and transport patterns in the field. In
that set of works our aim was to start from the geology and not from self-customed
flow fields (e.g. power-law distributed seepage velocities).RESPONSE: We thank DP for pointing this out, and will revise this passage to be less
strict.DP: L97 "the probability of solutes to pass through HIGH (not low) conductivity regions".
Please , fix it.RESPONSE: We will fix this; thanks for noting the typo.
DP: L98 Please consider also our follow-up study (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR),
where we study evolving scales of geological entropy rather than studying fixed-size
blocks (as we did in the 2017 paper). In the 2018 paper we developed the concept of
entrogram scale, which is also nicely correlated with the emergence of preferential flow
and solute channelling.RESPONSE: We will be pleased to read your 2018 paper and refer to the study and
conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.DP: L101 enigmatic OK, emergent not really I would say.
RESPONSE: Agreed. We will delete the term emergent.
DP: L104 Again, I wouldn’t be so strict ("virtually impossible"). I’d rather just say that
such predictions remain challenging. For instance, Bianchi and Pedretti works or Zhang
et al 2013 showed that it can be done. There is also a set of works by Rizzo and de
Barros showing that predictions can be made starting from the aquifer structures.RESPONSE: Agreed. We will revise this passage accordingly. We note, too, that we can
also achieve useful predictions of preferential transport of solutes in the partially
saturated zone, in cases where detailed information about the pdf of macropores in
soil and their connectivity are available.DP: L158 please see comment at L98.
RESPONSE: As for the L98 comment, we will read your 2018 paper and refer to the
study and conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.DP: L165-on. Rather than Objectives, these are Results and Conclusions.
RESPONSE: We agree that we provide here some foreshadowing on the results. The
idea is to interest and motivate the reader to study, in particular, the theory section. In
the revised manuscript, from the end of line 164 ("Specifically"), we will define the
text as a new paragraph.DP: L185 I wonder if all these nice concepts can be exported directly to 3D models,
considering the different percolation thresholds between 2D and 3D models. Could the
authors discuss on this?RESPONSE: We think that the above mentioned local feedback on the head gradient
will also occur in a 3D confined system. As such we expect qualitatively similar behavior
in three 3D, as noted in our response to the second comment above. In the revised
manuscript, we will include a brief consideration of these comments/responses in the
conclusion and outlook section.DP: L216 why no local dispersion? This is a physical mechanism, which can substantially
modify the solute pathways by increasing mixing and coalescence among the so-called
"lamellas". Why neglecting it? I think this should have been investigated, from low to
high Peclet numbers.RESPONSE: The modeling approach used here is well accepted and accurate/sufficient
for our purposes. Hydrodynamic dispersion is a macroscale fingerprint of diffusive
transversal mixing of solute between flow lines of different fluid velocities. Adding a
local dispersion term would incorporate implicit assumptions about subscale
heterogeneity in velocities.DP: L256 I totally agree, but again, I think that transversal dispersion could have a big
impact here.RESPONSE: We agree that transversal dispersion would of course work against
steepening of lateral gradients. But lateral dispersion is the result of variability in the
transversal flow field. We do not see much option for that, because the system is
confined and flow is at steady state.DP: L388 see comment at L98
RESPONSE: We will address this point, as noted in our response to the L98 comment.
DP: L395 how this new theory could be connected to previously developed ones, such
as the "lamella" description of solute transport in heterogenous media (e.g. which also strongly depends on concentration
gradients transversal to the main flow directions? or the concepts of "least-resistance
paths" (e.g. We think these concepts are well connected. At the end of the day, an
increase in spatial organization implies to a steepen gradient. There are many ways to
express this, but there is only one mechanism to explain why this implies ordering and
this is the second law of thermodynamics. This is because production of physical
entropy implies essentially to deplete gradients.DP: L403-405 this looks like a conclusion of this work, rather than a result. Consider
moving it to the appropriate sectionsRESPONSE: Indeed we do a little bit of foreshadowing here, but we think this is helpful
to keep the reader on track. We state clearly that "In the following, we demonstrate".DP: L442 this is very similar to a conclusion by Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 (page 4444),
which reads " These observations are further confirmed by the CDFs of the subsamples
of K values, which show a significantly higher variability for 2-D fields compared to 3-D
(Figures 6c and 6d). These results strengthen the knowledge that solutes tend to travel
in the upper 15–20% of the K distribution (K classes 32–40 in Figure 6), which tend to
fully percolate in 3-D correlated random fields regardless of their overall structure
(Fogg et al., 2000; Fogg & Zhang, 2016; Harter, 2005). " Consider commenting on thatRESPONSE: We will happily include this point in our discussion here.
DP: L457 I find it a bit complicated to relate "watts" to something related to groundwater. I
mean, the entire derivation of power is clearly described in the previous sections, but
as a hydrogeologist I have some problem to understand, for instance, if this is a
high/low power. For instance would 2 watts be a high or lower power in this context?
RESPONSE: We absolutely agree that power and W/m is not very common
groundwater and vadose zone hydrology. Zehe et al. (2013) analyzed energy
conversion associated with infiltration and found that macropores increase power in
the infiltrating water flux. The maximum values during a rainfall event were of order 2
W/m2. The use of W/m2 is much more common when dealing with the landsurface
energy balance, as evaporation as water flux can be expressed as energy flux as well. In
this context it is interesting to recall that the climatological land-surface energy balance
is of order 100 W/m2. By comparison, a difference of 2 W/m2 is hence quite significant.
In the revised manuscript, we will add text to include this background information, and
comment on the significance of a 2 W per unit width increase as noted on L457.DP: L455-478: these are great findings. It is particularly interesting that at some point
the system behaves effectively as a 1D system. I’m wondering if they also hold for a 3D
system, which is in general more percolated than a 2D one.
RESPONSE: Thanks. You raise a very good point. We expect that the 3D system will
deviate even more from the 1D approximation, but the local feedback on the head
gradient will remain in a confined aquifer. As mentioned above, we will address this
point in the conclusions and outlook section of the revised manuscript.DP: L487-488 for the same token, then solute injection mode (i.e resident vs flux-
averaged) could be also important to control the "effective" system power, right? Even if
the flow field is the same, you change the way particles are already injected into certain
flow zones.
RESPONSE: Good point, thanks. We will mention this in the revised manuscript.DP: L505-507 this is well aligned with the result of Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018, who
expressed geological entropy with the BTC moments.
RESPONSE: Agreed. We will mention this in the revised manuscript.DP: L537 also similar to Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018.
RESPONSE: Agreed, See reply to the previous comment.DP: L558 notice an underlined word: just a writing typo?
RESPONSE: Indeed, we will fix this.DP: L564 and the 2018 work, which extends the previous one.
RESPONSE: Yes, we will read this work and refer to it where appropriate.DP: L571 I agree that the CTWR beta could be a good indicator to connect to entropy. In
general, any indicator that explains the departure from the BTC symmetry could be
also good. This is why in Bianchi and Pedretti 2017, 2018 we did not fit a power-law
curve to our BTCs, but limited ourselves to the third moment of the BTC, which is
strongly correlated with geological entropy indicators. However, in Pedretti and Bianchi
2018 ADWR ( we found that for a
system with very-low geological entropy (i.e. high spatial order) all BTC tailing tended to
the same power-law value, close to one. Any comment on that?
RESPONSE: We agree that various measures of non-symmetry in the BTC may act as
good measures of non-Fickian transport. Zehe and Flühler (2001), for example, used
also the skewness of vertical travel distance as a measure of preferential flow in
infiltration patterns. In fact, one could also use, for example, the difference in the
entropies of the actual BTC and the (homogeneous case) Fickian BTC. However, these
additional comments are beyond the focus of our current study.DP: L604 I think it could have been worth looking at the probability of transitioning of a
particle from a low to a high flow zone, and relate it to the derived power P.
RESPONSE: This is certainly an interesting point, but beyond the scope of the current
study. We plan to explore this and related aspects in a future study.DP: L606-608 to me the framework should be also demonstrated on a 3D simulated
aquifer to properly claim that this approach "holds the keys" to disentangle a problem
that have been a great challenge for many researchers until now. I may agree with that,
and it would be amazing, but it has to be proved.RESPONSE: We agree that further investigations in 3D are needed, but we also
encourage study of systems in which K is evolving. We will modify the text here to note
these points, and to express that this approach potentially holds the key.On behalf of all co-authors I thank Daniele Pedretti again for his helpful comments.
Best regards, Erwin ZeheReferences:
Zehe, E., and Fluhler, H.: Slope scale variation of flow patterns in soil profiles, Journal of
Hydrology, 247, 116-132, 2001.
Zehe, E., Ehret, U., Blume, T., Kleidon, A., Scherer, U., and Westhoff, M.: A
thermodynamic approach to link self-organization, preferential flow and rainfall-runoff
behaviour, Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 17, 4297-4322, 10.5194/hess-17-
4297-2013, 2013.Citation:
AC2: 'Response to review of Daniele Pedretti', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
RC2: 'Comment on hess-2021-254', Hubert H.G. Savenije, 20 Jun 2021
Review of HESS-2021-254
This is a very well written and referenced article that demonstrates that the emergence of preferential flow (away from thermodynamic equilibrium) is directly related to the power of the groundwater flow in the medium and increases with the heterogeneity of the medium. this convincingly derived from physical principles and illustrated by numerical model experiments.
The paper is very convincing and I want to congratulate the authors with this result that builds on, and confirms, the findings in earlier work. Besides some minor edits that I highlighted with yellow in the attached pdf, I accept the paper with minor corrections. However, I have a question, which I hope the authors will consider in the Discussion, although there may not be a reason to expand the paper with these reflections.
To me, the approach still does not answer a fundamental question I have about pattern formation in real geological formations (as opposed to numerical formations). Groundwater that seeps out of a formation is enriched with minerals stemming from this formation (e.g. silicates from sand formations). Rainwater being low in mineral content, it is an aggressive liquid in any erodible substrate. The Okavango river, for instance, is rich in silicates derived from the Kalahari sandy deposits. These silicates, again precipitate into small solid particles when the water is taken up by vegetation on the ridges of the islands in the delta, causing the delta system to grow, not by physical deposition of sediments, but by precipitation of solid crystals (Savenije, 2009).
The erosion of the substrate by dissolution of rock or matrix material leads to the formation of pathways, and would probably attack the bottlenecks of low hydraulic conductivity in the preferential pathways, which the authors mention increases the power in the system. Could the authors reflect on what this would mean for their theory? Probably molar entropy would come into the equation besides thermal entropy.
Savenije, H.H.G., 2009. The Art of Hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 157–161.
AC1: 'Response to review of Hubert Savenije', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
We sincerely Hubert Savenije (HS) for his thorough and encouraging assessment of our
manuscript. We also thank him for the highlighted edits, which we will happily include in the
revised manuscript.We agree that the interplay of dissolution and precipitation of minerals such as silicate or
carbonate rock, and the related local feedbacks on saturated hydraulic conductivity, will
certainly affect and change the distribution of entropy and power in fluid flow (and in flow of
chemicals). Aspects of dissolution and precipitation and their feedbacks on hydraulic
conductivity, flow patterns and chemical transport are currently addressed in hess-2021-238
by Edery et al. (in review 2021). A precondition for dissolution of e.g., carbonate, is to
maintain a local "saturation deficit", i.e., the actual carbonic acid concentration in relation to
the pH must be lower than the local equilibrium concentration established by the pH. Such
local reaction-limited conditions arise if the low pH is funneled towards the preferential flows
and is not distributed homogeneously over the inlet. This is expected to happen in high
conductivity regions, where preferential flow occurs, and one could imagine that these regions
grow preferentially due to the dissolution (maybe even backwards as rill systems) and
establish a more connected drainage network. Precipitation requires exactly the opposite
conditions: local oversaturation of carbonic acid relative to the pH, because the concentration
is larger than the equilibrium concentration. This could happen upstream of "low conductivity
bottle necks" or perpendicular to the preferential flows, which might imply that conductivity,
locally, declines even more.Overall, this could imply that preferential pathways become more preferential, while local
bottle necks become even more "narrow". Such a system could, overall, still evolve to a more
organized dynamic behavior and we agree with HS that the key to assess this is to include
molar entropy " but also free energy differences associated with the chemical reactions and
chemical energy fluxes associated with chemical transport " into the entropy and energy
balances.We will reflect on these aspects in the conclusion and outlook section of the revised
manuscript; we are currently working on them as a continuation of our study and that of
Edery et al. (in review 2021).Reference:
Edery, Y., Stolar, M., Porta, G., and Guadagnini, A.: Feedback mechanisms between
precipitation and dissolution reactions across randomly heterogeneous conductivity fields,
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.Citation:
AC1: 'Response to review of Hubert Savenije', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
AC1: 'Response to review of Hubert Savenije', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
We sincerely Hubert Savenije (HS) for his thorough and encouraging assessment of our
manuscript. We also thank him for the highlighted edits, which we will happily include in the
revised manuscript.We agree that the interplay of dissolution and precipitation of minerals such as silicate or
carbonate rock, and the related local feedbacks on saturated hydraulic conductivity, will
certainly affect and change the distribution of entropy and power in fluid flow (and in flow of
chemicals). Aspects of dissolution and precipitation and their feedbacks on hydraulic
conductivity, flow patterns and chemical transport are currently addressed in hess-2021-238
by Edery et al. (in review 2021). A precondition for dissolution of e.g., carbonate, is to
maintain a local "saturation deficit", i.e., the actual carbonic acid concentration in relation to
the pH must be lower than the local equilibrium concentration established by the pH. Such
local reaction-limited conditions arise if the low pH is funneled towards the preferential flows
and is not distributed homogeneously over the inlet. This is expected to happen in high
conductivity regions, where preferential flow occurs, and one could imagine that these regions
grow preferentially due to the dissolution (maybe even backwards as rill systems) and
establish a more connected drainage network. Precipitation requires exactly the opposite
conditions: local oversaturation of carbonic acid relative to the pH, because the concentration
is larger than the equilibrium concentration. This could happen upstream of "low conductivity
bottle necks" or perpendicular to the preferential flows, which might imply that conductivity,
locally, declines even more.Overall, this could imply that preferential pathways become more preferential, while local
bottle necks become even more "narrow". Such a system could, overall, still evolve to a more
organized dynamic behavior and we agree with HS that the key to assess this is to include
molar entropy " but also free energy differences associated with the chemical reactions and
chemical energy fluxes associated with chemical transport " into the entropy and energy
balances.We will reflect on these aspects in the conclusion and outlook section of the revised
manuscript; we are currently working on them as a continuation of our study and that of
Edery et al. (in review 2021).Reference:
Edery, Y., Stolar, M., Porta, G., and Guadagnini, A.: Feedback mechanisms between
precipitation and dissolution reactions across randomly heterogeneous conductivity fields,
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.Citation: -
AC2: 'Response to review of Daniele Pedretti', Erwin Zehe, 29 Jun 2021
We sincerely Daniele Pedretti (DP) for his thorough and thoughtful assessment of our
manuscript.DP: The manuscript ("Preferential Pathways for Fluid and Solutes in Heterogeneous
Groundwater Systems: Self-Organization, Entropy, Work") provides a new framework
that combines the use of free energy and entropy to characterize and quantify the
emergence of preferential flow and channelled transport in heterogeneous media.
Although the specific components of this framework are not novel themselves ,as
correctly acknowledged by the authors, their combined use makes it a novel way that
help disentangling open questions regarding the mechanisms of transport in
heterogenous porous media.
The paper is well written. The objective, methodologies and conclusions are clear. I
have summarized a line-by-line set of comments for the authors, which makes me
recommending me accepting this manuscript after major revisions.RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive comments.
DP: My major concern is that, while I consider this approach excellently explained, it
should have been demonstrated on a 3D heterogeneous system. Percolation
thresholds are different in 2D and 3D systems. As such, the results of this study could
have been very different if drawn from 2D or 3D stochastic models. I ask the authors to
at least comment on this issue critically in their manuscript.RESPONSE: We agree that a transfer of the proposed assessment to a three 3D
stochastic media would yield interesting insights, which will for sure differ somewhat
from what we found in 2D. However, we respectfully disagree that this might imply a
different qualitatively behavior, as long as we work in a confined system (no flow
boundary conditions for the upper, lower, inlet and outlet boundaries). The local
changes in power arise from the local feedback on the pressure head gradient in front
of the low conductivity bottlenecks. Gradients steepen ahead of the bottlenecks, which
implies a higher power, locally. This feedback will also occur in a 3D confined system, as
it is a direct result of the boundary conditions. It would not likely occur in an aquifer
with a free surface neither in 2D or 3D. In the revised manuscript we will state that an
analysis in 3 D is the next step of a forthcoming study, and explain why think that we
expect qualitatively similar results due to the above stated reasons.
We furthermore like to stress, that percolation considerations are not relevant here, as
the domains are well connected and well above a percolation threshold. Moreover, the
original study by Edery et al. (2014), which we cite, presented already a critical path
analysis in reference to the percolation threshold, based on the common assumption
that preferential flows are a manifestation of percolation, controlled by the lower cut-
off for the hydraulic conductivity from which a path is possible. The limitations of
percolation theory in evaluating the preferential flow are presented therein, and as
such, the equivalence or connection between percolation and entropy is not
straightforward.DP: Thanking the authors for considering our 2017 WRR publication, I also suggest
having a look at our follow-up manuscript (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR where we extend our previous theory by
computing the geological entrogram on evolving sampling scales. I think that most
conclusions we got in those studies there are very much in line with those obtained
through this study. Indeed, in the 2018 paper we also address the question of 2D vs 3D
models, and described at page 4444 how solute particles tend to sample specific K
clusters when travelling in the heterogeneous media.RESPONSE: We will be pleased to read your 2018 paper and refer to the study and
conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.
Best Regards
Daniele Pedretti
University of Milan - UNIMI (Italy).
Line-specific commentsDP: L72-76 I wouldn’t be so strict. Someone has succeeded in this task (Zhang et al
2013 JH for instance). What is really complicated is finding a universal way to predict
solute transport based on the aquifers geological structures. In Bianchi and Pedretti’s
works on geological entropy we found an explanation for that: the lower the structure’s
Shannon entropy, the more organized the flow and transport patterns in the field. In
that set of works our aim was to start from the geology and not from self-customed
flow fields (e.g. power-law distributed seepage velocities).RESPONSE: We thank DP for pointing this out, and will revise this passage to be less
strict.DP: L97 "the probability of solutes to pass through HIGH (not low) conductivity regions".
Please , fix it.RESPONSE: We will fix this; thanks for noting the typo.
DP: L98 Please consider also our follow-up study (Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 WRR),
where we study evolving scales of geological entropy rather than studying fixed-size
blocks (as we did in the 2017 paper). In the 2018 paper we developed the concept of
entrogram scale, which is also nicely correlated with the emergence of preferential flow
and solute channelling.RESPONSE: We will be pleased to read your 2018 paper and refer to the study and
conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.DP: L101 enigmatic OK, emergent not really I would say.
RESPONSE: Agreed. We will delete the term emergent.
DP: L104 Again, I wouldn’t be so strict ("virtually impossible"). I’d rather just say that
such predictions remain challenging. For instance, Bianchi and Pedretti works or Zhang
et al 2013 showed that it can be done. There is also a set of works by Rizzo and de
Barros showing that predictions can be made starting from the aquifer structures.RESPONSE: Agreed. We will revise this passage accordingly. We note, too, that we can
also achieve useful predictions of preferential transport of solutes in the partially
saturated zone, in cases where detailed information about the pdf of macropores in
soil and their connectivity are available.DP: L158 please see comment at L98.
RESPONSE: As for the L98 comment, we will read your 2018 paper and refer to the
study and conclusions in our revised manuscript, if/where appropriate.DP: L165-on. Rather than Objectives, these are Results and Conclusions.
RESPONSE: We agree that we provide here some foreshadowing on the results. The
idea is to interest and motivate the reader to study, in particular, the theory section. In
the revised manuscript, from the end of line 164 ("Specifically"), we will define the
text as a new paragraph.DP: L185 I wonder if all these nice concepts can be exported directly to 3D models,
considering the different percolation thresholds between 2D and 3D models. Could the
authors discuss on this?RESPONSE: We think that the above mentioned local feedback on the head gradient
will also occur in a 3D confined system. As such we expect qualitatively similar behavior
in three 3D, as noted in our response to the second comment above. In the revised
manuscript, we will include a brief consideration of these comments/responses in the
conclusion and outlook section.DP: L216 why no local dispersion? This is a physical mechanism, which can substantially
modify the solute pathways by increasing mixing and coalescence among the so-called
"lamellas". Why neglecting it? I think this should have been investigated, from low to
high Peclet numbers.RESPONSE: The modeling approach used here is well accepted and accurate/sufficient
for our purposes. Hydrodynamic dispersion is a macroscale fingerprint of diffusive
transversal mixing of solute between flow lines of different fluid velocities. Adding a
local dispersion term would incorporate implicit assumptions about subscale
heterogeneity in velocities.DP: L256 I totally agree, but again, I think that transversal dispersion could have a big
impact here.RESPONSE: We agree that transversal dispersion would of course work against
steepening of lateral gradients. But lateral dispersion is the result of variability in the
transversal flow field. We do not see much option for that, because the system is
confined and flow is at steady state.DP: L388 see comment at L98
RESPONSE: We will address this point, as noted in our response to the L98 comment.
DP: L395 how this new theory could be connected to previously developed ones, such
as the "lamella" description of solute transport in heterogenous media (e.g. which also strongly depends on concentration
gradients transversal to the main flow directions? or the concepts of "least-resistance
paths" (e.g. We think these concepts are well connected. At the end of the day, an
increase in spatial organization implies to a steepen gradient. There are many ways to
express this, but there is only one mechanism to explain why this implies ordering and
this is the second law of thermodynamics. This is because production of physical
entropy implies essentially to deplete gradients.DP: L403-405 this looks like a conclusion of this work, rather than a result. Consider
moving it to the appropriate sectionsRESPONSE: Indeed we do a little bit of foreshadowing here, but we think this is helpful
to keep the reader on track. We state clearly that "In the following, we demonstrate".DP: L442 this is very similar to a conclusion by Bianchi and Pedretti 2018 (page 4444),
which reads " These observations are further confirmed by the CDFs of the subsamples
of K values, which show a significantly higher variability for 2-D fields compared to 3-D
(Figures 6c and 6d). These results strengthen the knowledge that solutes tend to travel
in the upper 15–20% of the K distribution (K classes 32–40 in Figure 6), which tend to
fully percolate in 3-D correlated random fields regardless of their overall structure
(Fogg et al., 2000; Fogg & Zhang, 2016; Harter, 2005). " Consider commenting on thatRESPONSE: We will happily include this point in our discussion here.
DP: L457 I find it a bit complicated to relate "watts" to something related to groundwater. I
mean, the entire derivation of power is clearly described in the previous sections, but
as a hydrogeologist I have some problem to understand, for instance, if this is a
high/low power. For instance would 2 watts be a high or lower power in this context?
RESPONSE: We absolutely agree that power and W/m is not very common
groundwater and vadose zone hydrology. Zehe et al. (2013) analyzed energy
conversion associated with infiltration and found that macropores increase power in
the infiltrating water flux. The maximum values during a rainfall event were of order 2
W/m2. The use of W/m2 is much more common when dealing with the landsurface
energy balance, as evaporation as water flux can be expressed as energy flux as well. In
this context it is interesting to recall that the climatological land-surface energy balance
is of order 100 W/m2. By comparison, a difference of 2 W/m2 is hence quite significant.
In the revised manuscript, we will add text to include this background information, and
comment on the significance of a 2 W per unit width increase as noted on L457.DP: L455-478: these are great findings. It is particularly interesting that at some point
the system behaves effectively as a 1D system. I’m wondering if they also hold for a 3D
system, which is in general more percolated than a 2D one.
RESPONSE: Thanks. You raise a very good point. We expect that the 3D system will
deviate even more from the 1D approximation, but the local feedback on the head
gradient will remain in a confined aquifer. As mentioned above, we will address this
point in the conclusions and outlook section of the revised manuscript.DP: L487-488 for the same token, then solute injection mode (i.e resident vs flux-
averaged) could be also important to control the "effective" system power, right? Even if
the flow field is the same, you change the way particles are already injected into certain
flow zones.
RESPONSE: Good point, thanks. We will mention this in the revised manuscript.DP: L505-507 this is well aligned with the result of Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018, who
expressed geological entropy with the BTC moments.
RESPONSE: Agreed. We will mention this in the revised manuscript.DP: L537 also similar to Bianchi and Pedretti 2017,2018.
RESPONSE: Agreed, See reply to the previous comment.DP: L558 notice an underlined word: just a writing typo?
RESPONSE: Indeed, we will fix this.DP: L564 and the 2018 work, which extends the previous one.
RESPONSE: Yes, we will read this work and refer to it where appropriate.DP: L571 I agree that the CTWR beta could be a good indicator to connect to entropy. In
general, any indicator that explains the departure from the BTC symmetry could be
also good. This is why in Bianchi and Pedretti 2017, 2018 we did not fit a power-law
curve to our BTCs, but limited ourselves to the third moment of the BTC, which is
strongly correlated with geological entropy indicators. However, in Pedretti and Bianchi
2018 ADWR ( we found that for a
system with very-low geological entropy (i.e. high spatial order) all BTC tailing tended to
the same power-law value, close to one. Any comment on that?
RESPONSE: We agree that various measures of non-symmetry in the BTC may act as
good measures of non-Fickian transport. Zehe and Flühler (2001), for example, used
also the skewness of vertical travel distance as a measure of preferential flow in
infiltration patterns. In fact, one could also use, for example, the difference in the
entropies of the actual BTC and the (homogeneous case) Fickian BTC. However, these
additional comments are beyond the focus of our current study.DP: L604 I think it could have been worth looking at the probability of transitioning of a
particle from a low to a high flow zone, and relate it to the derived power P.
RESPONSE: This is certainly an interesting point, but beyond the scope of the current
study. We plan to explore this and related aspects in a future study.DP: L606-608 to me the framework should be also demonstrated on a 3D simulated
aquifer to properly claim that this approach "holds the keys" to disentangle a problem
that have been a great challenge for many researchers until now. I may agree with that,
and it would be amazing, but it has to be proved.RESPONSE: We agree that further investigations in 3D are needed, but we also
encourage study of systems in which K is evolving. We will modify the text here to note
these points, and to express that this approach potentially holds the key.On behalf of all co-authors I thank Daniele Pedretti again for his helpful comments.
Best regards, Erwin ZeheReferences:
Zehe, E., and Fluhler, H.: Slope scale variation of flow patterns in soil profiles, Journal of
Hydrology, 247, 116-132, 2001.
Zehe, E., Ehret, U., Blume, T., Kleidon, A., Scherer, U., and Westhoff, M.: A
thermodynamic approach to link self-organization, preferential flow and rainfall-runoff
behaviour, Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 17, 4297-4322, 10.5194/hess-17-
4297-2013, 2013.Citation:
Peer review completion