Articles | Volume 25, issue 8
Research article
03 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 03 Aug 2021

Plant hydraulic transport controls transpiration sensitivity to soil water stress

Brandon P. Sloan, Sally E. Thompson, and Xue Feng

Data sets

AmeriFlux US-Me2 Metolius mature ponderosa pine, Ver. 16-5 B. E. Law

Model code and software

LSM for "Plant hydraulic transport controls transpiration response to soil water stress'' B. P. Sloan

Short summary
Plants affect the global water and carbon cycles by modifying their water use and carbon intake in response to soil moisture. Global climate models represent this response with either simple empirical models or complex physical models. We reveal that the latter improves predictions in plants with large flow resistance; however, adding dependence on atmospheric moisture demand to the former matches performance of the latter, leading to a new tool for improving carbon and water cycle predictions.