Articles | Volume 25, issue 6
Research article
17 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 17 Jun 2021

Low and contrasting impacts of vegetation CO2 fertilization on global terrestrial runoff over 1982–2010: accounting for aboveground and belowground vegetation–CO2 effects

Yuting Yang, Tim R. McVicar, Dawen Yang, Yongqiang Zhang, Shilong Piao, Shushi Peng, and Hylke E. Beck


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Short summary
This study developed an analytical ecohydrological model that considers three aspects of vegetation response to eCO2 (i.e., stomatal response, LAI response, and rooting depth response) to detect the impact of eCO2 on continental runoff over the past 3 decades globally. Our findings suggest a minor role of eCO2 on the global runoff changes, yet highlight the negative runoff–eCO2 response in semiarid and arid regions which may further threaten the limited water resource there.