Articles | Volume 24, issue 11
Research article
09 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2020

Identifying the optimal spatial distribution of tracers for optical sensing of stream surface flow

Alonso Pizarro, Silvano F. Dal Sasso, Matthew T. Perks, and Salvatore Manfreda

Data sets

Data on spatial distribution of tracers for optical sensing of stream surface flow A. Pizarro, S. F. Dal Sasso, M. T. Perks, and S. Manfreda

Model code and software

Identifying the optimal spatial distribution of tracers for optical sensing of stream surface flow A. Pizarro, S. F. Dal Sasso, M. T. Perks, and S. Manfreda

Short summary
An innovative approach is presented to optimise image-velocimetry performances for surface flow velocity estimates (and thus remotely sensed river discharges). Synthetic images were generated under different tracer characteristics using a numerical approach. Based on the results, the Seeding Distribution Index was introduced as a descriptor of the optimal portion of the video to analyse. A field case study was considered as a proof of concept of the proposed framework showing error reductions.