Articles | Volume 24, issue 5
Education and communication
 | Highlight paper
14 May 2020
Education and communication | Highlight paper |  | 14 May 2020

Wetropolis extreme rainfall and flood demonstrator: from mathematical design to outreach

Onno Bokhove, Tiffany Hicks, Wout Zweers, and Thomas Kent


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Short summary
Wetropolis is a table-top demonstration model with extreme rainfall and flooding, including random rainfall, river flow, flood plains, an upland reservoir, a porous moor, and a city which can flood. It lets the viewer experience extreme rainfall and flood events in a physical model on reduced spatial and temporal scales with an event return period of 6.06 min rather than, say, 200 years. We disseminate its mathematical design and how it has been shown most prominently to over 500 flood victims.