Articles | Volume 23, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2019

Spatial and temporal variation in river corridor exchange across a 5th-order mountain stream network

Adam S. Ward, Steven M. Wondzell, Noah M. Schmadel, Skuyler Herzog, Jay P. Zarnetske, Viktor Baranov, Phillip J. Blaen, Nicolai Brekenfeld, Rosalie Chu, Romain Derelle, Jennifer Drummond, Jan H. Fleckenstein, Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso, Emily Graham, David Hannah, Ciaran J. Harman, Jase Hixson, Julia L. A. Knapp, Stefan Krause, Marie J. Kurz, Jörg Lewandowski, Angang Li, Eugènia Martí, Melinda Miller, Alexander M. Milner, Kerry Neil, Luisa Orsini, Aaron I. Packman, Stephen Plont, Lupita Renteria, Kevin Roche, Todd Royer, Catalina Segura, James Stegen, Jason Toyoda, Jacqueline Hager, and Nathan I. Wisnoski

Data sets

ESSD, 2019 - Data Collection A. S. Ward, J. P. Zarnetske, V. Baranov, P. J. Blaen, N. Brekenfeld, R. Chu, R. Derelle, J. Drummond, J. Fleckenstein, V. Garayburu-Caruso, E. Graham, D. Hannah, C. Harman, J. Hixson, J. L. A. Knapp, S. Krause, M. J. Kurz, J. Lewandowski, A. Li, E. Martí, M. Miller, A. M. Milner, K. Neil, L. Orsini, A. I. Packman, S. Plont, L. Renteria, K. Roche, T. Royer, N. M. Schmadel, C. Segura, J. Stegen, J. Toyoda, J. Hager, N. I. Wisnoski, and S. M. Wondzell

Short summary
The movement of water and solutes between streams and their shallow, connected subsurface is important to many ecosystem functions. These exchanges are widely expected to vary with stream flow across space and time, but these assumptions are seldom tested across basin scales. We completed more than 60 experiments across a 5th-order river basin to document these changes, finding patterns in space but not time. We conclude space-for-time and time-for-space substitutions are not good assumptions.