Articles | Volume 23, issue 2
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Multi-site calibration and validation of SWAT with satellite-based evapotranspiration in a data-sparse catchment in southwestern Nigeria
Abolanle E. Odusanya
Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), 1190 Vienna, Austria
Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), 1190 Vienna, Austria
Division of Agronomy, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), 3430 Tulln, Austria
Christoph Schürz
Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), 1190 Vienna, Austria
Adebayo O. Oke
Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Land and Water Resources Management Programme, Obafemi Awolowo University P.M.B 5029, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria
Olufiropo S. Awokola
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Julius A. Awomeso
Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology, College of Environmental Resources Management, University of Agriculture, P.M.B.2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Joseph O. Adejuwon
Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology, College of Environmental Resources Management, University of Agriculture, P.M.B.2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Karsten Schulz
Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), 1190 Vienna, Austria
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94 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Comparison of Calibration Approaches of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model in a Tropical Watershed R. Makumbura et al. 10.3390/hydrology9100183
- Application of Satellite-Based and Observed Precipitation Datasets for Hydrological Simulation in the Upper Mahi River Basin of Rajasthan, India D. Bhati et al. 10.3390/su13147560
- Testing the mHM-MPR Reliability for Parameter Transferability across Locations in North–Central Nigeria K. Ogbu et al. 10.3390/hydrology9090158
- SWAT Model Calibration and Validation with Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration data in Maklang-Tuyungbi-Taret lok Ungauged Basin in Manipur, India V. Ningthoujam & N. Romeji 10.1007/s40996-024-01454-1
- Modeling the impact of agricultural crops on the spatial and seasonal variability of water balance components in the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia T. Tigabu et al. 10.2166/nh.2019.170
- Studying Onset and Evolution of Agricultural Drought in Mekong River Basin through Hydrologic Modeling B. Palanisamy et al. 10.3390/w13243622
- Streamflow Analysis in Data-Scarce Kabompo River Basin, Southern Africa, for the Potential of Small Hydropower Projects under Changing Climate G. Ndhlovu & Y. Woyessa 10.3390/hydrology9080149
- Assessing streamflow modeling using single and multi-site calibration approach on Bharathpuzha catchment, India: a case study L. Singh & S. Saravanan 10.1007/s40808-022-01353-2
- Evaluation of global land use/land cover products for hydrologic simulation in the Upper Yom River Basin, Thailand C. Chirachawala et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135148
- Responses of water balance component to land use/land cover and climate change using geospatial and hydrologic modeling in the Gidabo watershed, Ethiopia H. Aragaw et al. 10.1080/10106049.2022.2123956
- An Investigation into the Applicability of the SHUD Model for Streamflow Simulation Based on CMFD Meteorological Data in the Yellow River Source Region T. Bu et al. 10.3390/w16243583
- Improvement of evapotranspiration estimates for grasslands in the southern Great Plains: Comparing a biophysical model (SWAT) and remote sensing (MODIS) L. Qiao et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101275
- Hydrological insights: Comparative analysis of gridded potential evapotranspiration products for hydrological simulations and drought assessment M. Abdallah et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.102113
- Comparing the ability of different remotely sensed evapotranspiration products in enhancing hydrological model performance and reducing prediction uncertainty S. Taia et al. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102352
- Hydrological Implications of Recent Droughts (2004–2022): A SWAT-Based Study in an Ancient Lowland Irrigation Area in Lombardy, Northern Italy A. Bernini et al. 10.3390/su152416771
- Global soil, landuse, evapotranspiration, historical and future weather databases for SWAT Applications K. Abbaspour et al. 10.1038/s41597-019-0282-4
- Evaluation of Water Supply Capacity of a Small Forested Basin Water Supply Facilities Using SWAT Model and Flow Recession Curve J. Choi et al. 10.1007/s12205-022-1075-4
- Impacts of hydrometeorological factors on discharge simulation in the North West Himalayas: a SUFI-2 algorithm-driven investigation using the SWAT model T. Naqash et al. 10.1007/s10661-023-11916-0
- Evolution and Future Challenges of Hydrological Elements in the Qinglongshan Irrigation Area: A Study on the Impact of Climate Change and Land Use Based on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool for the Qinglongshan Irrigation Area Model Z. Yin et al. 10.3390/su17010239
- Use of interpretable machine learning to identify the factors influencing the nonlinear linkage between land use and river water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed Z. Zhang et al. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108977
- Surface Water Resources Planning in an Ungauged Transboundary Basin Using Satellite Products and the AHP Method S. Gharehtikan et al. 10.3390/geographies4020018
- Groundwater sustainability assessment under climate change scenarios using integrated modelling approach and multi-criteria decision method N. Mundetia et al. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110544
- Exploring the Application of Flood Scaling Property in Hydrological Model Calibration 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0123.1
- Multi-gauge calibration comparison for simulating streamflow across the Major River Basins in Madagascar: SWAT + Toolbox, R-SWAT, and SWAT + Editor Hard calibration R. Harifidy et al. 10.2166/nh.2024.188
- On the Evaluation of Both Spatial and Temporal Performance of Distributed Hydrological Models Using Remote Sensing Products T. Nguyen et al. 10.3390/rs14091959
- Identifying major climate extreme indices driver of stream flow discharge variability using machine learning and SHaply Additive Explanation Z. Isa et al. 10.1007/s40899-023-00897-0
- Techniques for calibration and validation of SWAT model in data scarce arid and semi-arid catchments in South Africa A. Mengistu et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2019.100621
- Enhancing SWAT model predictivity using multi-objective calibration: effects of integrating remotely sensed evapotranspiration and leaf area index N. Rane & G. Jayaraj 10.1007/s13762-022-04293-7
- Water security assessment in ungauged regions using the water balance and water footprint concepts and satellite observations E. Nkiaka 10.2166/nh.2022.124
- The Application of SWAT Model and Remotely Sensed Products to Characterize the Dynamic of Streamflow and Snow in a Mountainous Watershed in the High Atlas S. Taia et al. 10.3390/s23031246
- Uncertain Benefits of Using Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration for Streamflow Estimation—Insights From a Randomized, Large-Sample Experiment H. Do et al. 10.1007/s11269-024-03840-w
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91 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Comparison of Calibration Approaches of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model in a Tropical Watershed R. Makumbura et al. 10.3390/hydrology9100183
- Application of Satellite-Based and Observed Precipitation Datasets for Hydrological Simulation in the Upper Mahi River Basin of Rajasthan, India D. Bhati et al. 10.3390/su13147560
- Testing the mHM-MPR Reliability for Parameter Transferability across Locations in North–Central Nigeria K. Ogbu et al. 10.3390/hydrology9090158
- SWAT Model Calibration and Validation with Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration data in Maklang-Tuyungbi-Taret lok Ungauged Basin in Manipur, India V. Ningthoujam & N. Romeji 10.1007/s40996-024-01454-1
- Modeling the impact of agricultural crops on the spatial and seasonal variability of water balance components in the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia T. Tigabu et al. 10.2166/nh.2019.170
- Studying Onset and Evolution of Agricultural Drought in Mekong River Basin through Hydrologic Modeling B. Palanisamy et al. 10.3390/w13243622
- Streamflow Analysis in Data-Scarce Kabompo River Basin, Southern Africa, for the Potential of Small Hydropower Projects under Changing Climate G. Ndhlovu & Y. Woyessa 10.3390/hydrology9080149
- Assessing streamflow modeling using single and multi-site calibration approach on Bharathpuzha catchment, India: a case study L. Singh & S. Saravanan 10.1007/s40808-022-01353-2
- Evaluation of global land use/land cover products for hydrologic simulation in the Upper Yom River Basin, Thailand C. Chirachawala et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135148
- Responses of water balance component to land use/land cover and climate change using geospatial and hydrologic modeling in the Gidabo watershed, Ethiopia H. Aragaw et al. 10.1080/10106049.2022.2123956
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- Hydrological insights: Comparative analysis of gridded potential evapotranspiration products for hydrological simulations and drought assessment M. Abdallah et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.102113
- Comparing the ability of different remotely sensed evapotranspiration products in enhancing hydrological model performance and reducing prediction uncertainty S. Taia et al. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102352
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- Global soil, landuse, evapotranspiration, historical and future weather databases for SWAT Applications K. Abbaspour et al. 10.1038/s41597-019-0282-4
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- Evolution and Future Challenges of Hydrological Elements in the Qinglongshan Irrigation Area: A Study on the Impact of Climate Change and Land Use Based on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool for the Qinglongshan Irrigation Area Model Z. Yin et al. 10.3390/su17010239
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- Groundwater sustainability assessment under climate change scenarios using integrated modelling approach and multi-criteria decision method N. Mundetia et al. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110544
- Exploring the Application of Flood Scaling Property in Hydrological Model Calibration 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0123.1
- Multi-gauge calibration comparison for simulating streamflow across the Major River Basins in Madagascar: SWAT + Toolbox, R-SWAT, and SWAT + Editor Hard calibration R. Harifidy et al. 10.2166/nh.2024.188
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- Identifying major climate extreme indices driver of stream flow discharge variability using machine learning and SHaply Additive Explanation Z. Isa et al. 10.1007/s40899-023-00897-0
- Techniques for calibration and validation of SWAT model in data scarce arid and semi-arid catchments in South Africa A. Mengistu et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2019.100621
- Enhancing SWAT model predictivity using multi-objective calibration: effects of integrating remotely sensed evapotranspiration and leaf area index N. Rane & G. Jayaraj 10.1007/s13762-022-04293-7
- Water security assessment in ungauged regions using the water balance and water footprint concepts and satellite observations E. Nkiaka 10.2166/nh.2022.124
- The Application of SWAT Model and Remotely Sensed Products to Characterize the Dynamic of Streamflow and Snow in a Mountainous Watershed in the High Atlas S. Taia et al. 10.3390/s23031246
- Uncertain Benefits of Using Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration for Streamflow Estimation—Insights From a Randomized, Large-Sample Experiment H. Do et al. 10.1007/s11269-024-03840-w
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- Evaluating a finer resolution global hydrological model’s simulation of discharge in four West-African river basins T. Babalola et al. 10.1007/s40808-020-00948-x
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- Hydrological impacts of climate change on a data-scarce Greek catchment P. Venetsanou et al. 10.1007/s00704-020-03130-6
- Learning from satellite observations: increased understanding of catchment processes through stepwise model improvement P. Hulsman et al. 10.5194/hess-25-957-2021
- The dilemma of objective function selection for sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of semi-distributed hydrologic models across spatial and temporal scales J. Acero Triana et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132482
- Multisite calibration of a semi-distributed hydrologic and thermal model in a large Canadian watershed M. Khorsandi et al. 10.1080/02626667.2022.2132161
- Potential of satellite and reanalysis evaporation datasets for hydrological modelling under various model calibration strategies M. Dembélé et al. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103667
- Development of a new agro-meteorological drought index (SPAEI-Agro) in a data-scarce region P. Kumari et al. 10.1080/02626667.2023.2206969
- Comparison of SWAT and MODIS Evapotranspiration Data for Multiple Timescales P. Parajuli et al. 10.3390/hydrology9060103
- Improved hydrological modelling and ET estimation in watershed with irrigation interference Y. Liu et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131108
- The effect of embedding actual evapotranspiration uncertainty in water balance model: coupling of interval-based hydrologic model and METRIC method M. Khodadadi et al. 10.1007/s11600-023-01112-6
- GRACEfully Closing the Water Balance: A Data‐Driven Probabilistic Approach Applied to River Basins in Iran G. Schoups & M. Nasseri 10.1029/2020WR029071
- A guideline for spatio‐temporal consistency in water quality modelling in rural areas N. Fohrer et al. 10.1002/hyp.14711
- Effect of sensitivity analysis on parameter optimization: Case study based on streamflow simulations using the SWAT model in China M. Li et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126896
- Assessing the Impact of Best Management Practices in a Highly Anthropogenic and Ungauged Watershed Using the SWAT Model: A Case Study in the El Beal Watershed (Southeast Spain) A. López-Ballesteros et al. 10.3390/agronomy9100576
- Evaluating satellite-based evapotranspiration estimates for hydrological applications in data-scarce regions: A case in Ethiopia Y. Dile et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140702
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3 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Combining Landsat TIR‐imagery data and ERA5 reanalysis information with different calibration strategies to improve simulations of streamflow and river temperature in the Canadian Subarctic E. Rincón et al. 10.1002/hyp.15008
- Calibration of a Distributed Hydrological Model (VIC-3L) Based on Global Water Resources Reanalysis Datasets S. Koohi et al. 10.1007/s11269-022-03081-9
- Global gridded products efficiency in closing water balance models: various modeling scenarios for behavioral assessments R. Mousavi et al. 10.1007/s11600-022-01004-1
Discussed (final revised paper)
Latest update: 10 Mar 2025
Short summary
The main objective was to calibrate and validate the eco-hydrological model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) with satellite-based actual evapotranspiration (AET) data for the data-sparse Ogun River Basin (20 292 km2) located in southwestern Nigeria. The SWAT model, composed of the Hargreaves PET equation and calibrated using the GLEAM_v3.0a data (GS1), performed well for the simulation of AET and provided a good level of confidence for using the SWAT model as a decision support tool.
The main objective was to calibrate and validate the eco-hydrological model Soil and Water...