Articles | Volume 29, issue 5
Research article
10 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 10 Mar 2025

Improvement of the KarstMod modelling platform for a better assessment of karst groundwater resources

Vianney Sivelle, Guillaume Cinkus, Naomi Mazzilli, David Labat, Bruno Arfib, Nicolas Massei, Yohann Cousquer, Dominique Bertin, and Hervé Jourde

Model code and software

KarstMod 3.0.11 N. Mazzilli et al.

Short summary
KarstMod provides a platform for global modelling of the rain level–flow relationship in karstic basins. The platform provides a set of tools to assess the dynamics of the compartments considered in the model and to detect possible flaws in structure and parameterization. This platform is developed as part of the French observatory network on karst hydrology (SNO KARST), which aims to strengthen the sharing of knowledge and promote interdisciplinary research on karst systems at a national level.