Articles | Volume 28, issue 11
Research article
11 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 11 Jun 2024

The influence of human activities on streamflow reductions during the megadrought in central Chile

Nicolás Álamos, Camila Alvarez-Garreton, Ariel Muñoz, and Álvaro González-Reyes

Data sets

CR2MET: A High-resolution Precipitation and Temperature Dataset for the Period 1960-2021 in Continental Chile, v2.5 Juan P. Boisier

CAMELS-CL explorer Camila Alvarez-Garreton

Short summary
In this study, we assess the effects of climate and water use on streamflow reductions and drought intensification during the last 3 decades in central Chile.  We address this by contrasting streamflow observations with near-natural streamflow simulations. We conclude that while the lack of precipitation dominates streamflow reductions in the megadrought, water uses have not diminished during this time, causing a worsening of the hydrological drought conditions and maladaptation conditions.