Articles | Volume 28, issue 5
Research article
14 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 14 Mar 2024

Disentangling coastal groundwater level dynamics in a global dataset

Annika Nolte, Ezra Haaf, Benedikt Heudorfer, Steffen Bender, and Jens Hartmann

Data sets

Disentangling coastal groundwater level dynamics on a global data set - data Annika Nolte

Short summary
This study examines about 8000 groundwater level (GWL) time series from five continents to explore similarities in groundwater systems at different scales. Statistical metrics and machine learning techniques are applied to identify common GWL dynamics patterns and analyze their controlling factors. The study also highlights the potential and limitations of this data-driven approach to improve our understanding of groundwater recharge and discharge processes.