Articles | Volume 27, issue 24
Research article
18 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 18 Dec 2023

Effects of urbanization on the water cycle in the Shiyang River basin: based on a stable isotope method

Rui Li, Guofeng Zhu, Siyu Lu, Liyuan Sang, Gaojia Meng, Longhu Chen, Yinying Jiao, and Qinqin Wang

Data sets

Stable water isotope monitoring network of different water bodies in Shiyang River Basin, a typical arid river in China Guofeng Zhu

Short summary
In semi-arid regions, the problem of water shortages is becoming more and more serious with the acceleration of urbanization. Based on isotope data and hydrometeorological data, we analysed the impact of urbanization on the water cycle of the basin. The results showed that urbanization sped up the process of rainfall runoff. The MRT got shorter from upstream to downstream, and the landscape dams that were built during urbanization made the river evaporate even more.