Articles | Volume 27, issue 19
Research article
06 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2023

To what extent does river routing matter in hydrological modeling?

Nicolás Cortés-Salazar, Nicolás Vásquez, Naoki Mizukami, Pablo A. Mendoza, and Ximena Vargas

Data sets

Hydrology and river routing models for the Cautin River basin, Araucanía, Chile Nicolas Cortés-Salazar, Nicolás Vásquez, Naoki Mizukami, Pablo Mendoza, and Ximena Vargas

Model code and software

Hydrology and river routing models for the Cautin River basin, Araucanía, Chile Nicolas Cortés-Salazar, Nicolás Vásquez, Naoki Mizukami, Pablo Mendoza, and Ximena Vargas

Short summary
This paper shows how important river models can be for water resource applications that involve hydrological models and, in particular, parameter calibration. To this end, we conduct numerical experiments in a pilot basin using a combination of hydrologic model simulations obtained from a large sample of parameter sets and different routing methods. We find that routing can affect streamflow simulations, even at monthly time steps; the choice of parameters; and relevant streamflow metrics.