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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Climate-warming-driven changes in the cryosphere and their impact on groundwater–surface-water interactions in the Heihe River basin
Amanda Triplett
Laura E. Condon
- Final revised paper (published on 26 Jul 2023)
- Preprint (discussion started on 02 May 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on hess-2022-160', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 Jul 2022
This manuscript analyzed the hydrological response for cryosphere change and temperature increase in the middle Heihe River basin. The topic is interesting. I have some major concerns listed below:
- About the PF-CLM model simulation. Because the interaction between the surface and subsurface flow is important, the flow in the river channel in the study region need to be accurately simulated. So, what method is used for the river routing in the study region?
- The pumping of groundwater for irrigation may have significant impact on groundwater simulation in the study region. How is this considered in the model simulation.
- For the glacier scenario, a 15% percent of flow is considered as the contribution of glacier melt. Is this fraction provided by previous observations or other studies?
- The groundwater storage increases in all the scenarios, this may be related to the precipitation changes. So, the results of all the scenarios are also related to the precipitation. Then the conclusions are also need to be revised and analyze the precipitation conditions is need. I suggest to add some scenarios, such as a scenario without the increase in precipitation.
- Figure 3. It seems that the model overestimated the observed flow, why?
- For the permafrost degradation, it may reduce the summer peaks, is this effect considered in the study?
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Amanda Triplett, 29 Sep 2022
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with meaningful feedback about our manuscript. We have provided detailed responses to each of your concerns below. We hope that the explanations and suggested revisions to address concerns are satisfactory.
1. About the PF-CLM model simulation. Because the interaction between the surface and subsurface flow is important, the flow in the river channel in the study region need to be accurately simulated. So, what method is used for the river routing in the study region?
ParFlow is a fully integrated ground and surface water model, it links surface and subsurface flow with an overland flow boundary condition. When ponded water occurs on the surface, ParFlow uses the kinematic wave approximation to solve for overland flow. With this approach there is no need to determine a priori if a cell is a river cell or not, or to have a separate river routing model. In ParFlow, streams can form and disappear over the course of the simulation as areas become ponded or dry out. A full description of this coupled approach is available in a publication by Kollet and Maxwell from 2006, “Integrated surface-groundwater flow modeling: a free-surface overland flow boundary condition in a parallel groundwater flow model.” This is referenced and described in Section 2.2 Hydrologic Modeling Approach on Line 118. We will move the reference from Line 118 to Line 117 to make it clear that a reader should look here specifically for details on the overland flow formulation. In addition, we will expand our methods summary in Section 2.2 to more directly explain the way that streams are simulated per this comment.
2. The pumping of groundwater for irrigation may have significant impact on groundwater simulation in the study region. How is this considered in the model simulation.
Pumping groundwater assuredly has an impact on both ground and surface water in the Heihe River Basin. However, we chose to model a natural flow state in order to isolate the impacts of a warmer climate on streamflow and groundwater storage. Our goal is to quantify how much warming could change the overall water supply of the basin (i.e. the water that managers would have available to them). If we had included management operations simultaneously, they could overwhelm the signal we are trying to see. We agree that that groundwater pumping is important to the region though and needs to be treated carefully. In Section 3.1 we discuss the impacts of modeling a natural flow state and comparing to streamflow and water table depth measurements which have been subject to operations. We also note that future work could build on our current findings to consider how operations might respond (Lines 600-602). In response to this comment, and comment five, we will add a paragraph to Section 2.2 Hydrologic Modeling Approach which more clearly explains the decision to model a natural flow state and the possible impacts of that decision.
3. For the glacier scenario, a 15% percent of flow is considered as the contribution of glacier melt. Is this fraction provided by previous observations or other studies?
We reference several studies which use a variety of methods to estimate glacial contribution to streamflow on lines 244-246. A brief explanation of why 15% was selected is on lines 246-248. To expand, we decided to reduce the glacial fraction by the largest amount we considered possible, higher than the largest literature estimates for the Heihe River of around 10% (Chen, 2014; He et al., 2008; Yang, 1991) for three reasons. First, estimates in the literature of glacial contribution to streamflow are based on historic melt rates and cryosphere interactions and, as such, cannot account for unforeseen nonlinearity under future climate change. Second, it is challenging to gather fine resolution data in mountainous environments such as the Qilian mountains, adding uncertainty to assessment of the glacial fraction. Finally, many studies are for the mainstem of the Heihe River, and while it is the largest contributor of water to the downstream basin, other tributaries do contribute to the total basin water balance and may have smaller or larger fractions of glacial contribution, such as 32% as predicted by Li et al., 2014.
We preferred to err on the side of overestimating the overall glacial fraction so that our findings can be used as an outer bound of what might be expected. Again, because the goal of the study was to look at possible directions and rough magnitudes of trends driven by a warming cryosphere (as opposed to giving exact predictions of what the basin will look like in 2050 for example), we decided that using an upper bound for this value would give the most information while maintaining a low total number of runs. In response to this comment, we will add an additional paragraph explaining this choice in more detail.4. The groundwater storage increases in all the scenarios, this may be related to the precipitation changes. So, the results of all the scenarios are also related to the precipitation. Then the conclusions are also need to be revised and analyze the precipitation conditions is need. I suggest to add some scenarios, such as a scenario without the increase in precipitation.
It is likely that precipitation changes as a result of climate change are occurring in the basin and some studies do indicate there is an increasing precipitation trend in the region (Shi et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2016, lines 47-48). However, we decided explicitly to exclude modeling precipitation changes because of greater uncertainty and variability in future precipitation trends, especially in high mountain regions as stated in lines 48-49. Additionally, by adding more processes to track, it becomes more difficult to isolate the impact of a few changes, namely cryosphere melt and temperature, which this study was focused on.
We would also like to note that our results are not strongly impacted by this trend because all the scenarios were subject to the same precipitation forcing data. All of our major results are also taken with reference to the Baseline, eliminating the influence of precipitation on storage trends. In response to this comment, we will add to Section 3.3 Subsurface Storage to explain that increasing storage could be due to increasing precipitation trends and explain why we think that is not impactful in this study.5. Figure 3. It seems that the model overestimated the observed flow, why?
Yes, the model overestimates flow, particularly peak flows. This is primarily to do with the fact we are modeling a natural flow state, while the observed data we must compare to is subject to operations (this is discussed on lines 283 and 284). This means that in spring and summer months, when water is diverted to reservoirs and for irrigation, our model does not capture that diversion. Additionally, groundwater pumping is not included. Excluding these processes impact how our modeled flow compares to observed. We adjusted the observed streamflow timeseries according to Zhang et al., 2015a to account for surface diversion, which improved our match. However, we should note that this adjustment doesn’t account for groundwater pumping or long-term differences in water table and how they could influence peak flow trends. Our winter month baseflow, when minimal operations occur, was a good match to observations though and we determined that the model is behaving reasonably for our intended natural flow conditions. As we are modeling a natural flow state, we simply have more water than observed data and should expect our flows to be higher. The authors will review Section 3.1 Baseline Model Performance to assure that the reasoning as outlined above is clearly stated and expand on our justifications.
6. For the permafrost degradation, it may reduce the summer peaks, is this effect considered in the study?
We did not reduce peak flows to explicitly account for possible impacts by permafrost degradation. We did this for several reasons. First, we based our perturbations on previous research in the basin. Gao et al. (2018) found the impact of permafrost degradation in the upper Heihe on streamflow to be a 50% increase in baseflow, which was assessed in winter months due to minimal other contributions to streamflow (Gao et al., 2018). While there are likely reductions to peak flows in higher flow spring and summer months due to permafrost degradation, there are many more contributing sources to streamflow at that time, so it is difficult to attribute what changes are due to permafrost degradation and which are due to other processes, specifically precipitation. Any selection of a reduction of peak flows would be arbitrary on our part since we did not explicitly model these processes in the upper basin and there is no previous research to support the estimates we would need. Attributing changes in peak flows to changes in permafrost coverage would be best answered by a physically based model of the upper basin and is unfortunately outside of the scope of our middle basin model.
In addition to the uncertainty noted above, we would like to point out that due to the steep elevation gradient between the upper and middle basin there is significant groundwater recharge from the mountain front happening upstream of our model boundary. Thus, we expect that some of the changes the reviewer notes here may already be accounted for in the baseflow adjustment, which may have been greater without reduced peak flows upstream.
Finally, we would like to highlight that similar to the glacial reductions to streamflow, we are attempting to set outer boundaries to the water supply of the naturalized basin. By not reducing the upper basin peaks, we get the maximum amount of water that may be available in this permafrost scenario, while the glacier scenario provides us with the least amount of water that may be available.
We do discuss possible impacts of permafrost degradation to both peak and baseflow in the introduction (lines 58-63), but we agree this is an important consideration and will be sure to explain why we do not explicitly reduce peaks in Section 2.5 Cryosphere Melt Scenarios as per the answer to this comment.
CC1: 'Comment on hess-2022-160', Xingxing Kuang, 01 Sep 2022
This study constructs numerical models to simulate the hydrological processes in the Middle Heihe River Basin in response to glacier loss, permafrost degradation, and temperature increase. The topic is interesting and the study area is an important area. However, there are some problems in the manuscript, which are listed as following.
Major comments:
- Commonly, specific yield is smaller than porosity. In the manuscript, the authors used specific yield as an analogy for porosity. In addition, the authors simplified specific yield values in the model. Specific yield data from 17 unique values calibrated in Tian et al. (2015a) were simplified to three intervals of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. The authors stated that this simplification was used to lessen computational demand. The reviewer doubts the reasonability of such simplification. This oversimplification may cause the model far from real condition and the results may be inaccurate. As supercomputer and parallel computation is so common, computation demand may not be a problem.
- The vertical thickness of the model is 472 m, which may be too shallow for a groundwater model. Many regional groundwater models have vertical thickness of 3-5 km. Can the 472 m thickness capture the main groundwater flow system in the study area?
- For a regional groundwater model with relatively large thickness, the decrease of hydraulic conductivity K and specific storage Ss with depth should be taken into account. Did the authors consider the decrease of K and Ss with depth in their model?
- The constant flux boundary condition along the border between the Upper and Middle Heihe may not be reasonable. The flux from the Upper Heihe is variable, and the flux is different in different seasons and among different years. The authors should clarify why a constant flux boundary is reasonable.
- The authors stated that "about 75% of water coming into the middle basin domain is from streamflow, 20% from precipitation, and 5% from the groundwater boundary condition." Where are the percentages from? Are there any evidence for these percentages?
- A uniform water table depth of 20 m was used in the model. Why the authors use a uniform water table depth? Is there any support material, publications, or evidence for such a water table depth? For such an area, water table depth should be different in different regions.
- For the Combined scenario, the authors used 15% reduction in thawing season flow and 50% reduction in baseflow. Are these reduction percentages have any supporting data, references, or other evidences? Or are they chosen arbitrarily?
- For comparison of the observed and modeled flow at the HRB2 gage, it can be seen from Figure 3 that the modeled values are significantly smaller than the observed values. The fit between observed and modeled data should be greatly improved.
- The authors use Spearman's rho as the standard to determine correlation. Why not use the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient to evaluate the fit between observed and modeled data? The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient is a widely accepted standard for this purpose.
Minor comments:
1) Add a space between numbers and its units, throughout the manuscript.
2) Line 20: 2C should be 2oC, there are other places in the manuscript
3) Line 40: Zongxing et al. should be Li et al., Li is the family name. Please correct this throughout the manuscript.
4) Line 85: "ground and surface water" should be "groundwater and surface water"
5) Lines 216 and 231: Abbreviation "2011WY" should be defined at the first time appearance.
6) Line 494: There is a typo: 3.32.9
7) Figure 14: There is no need to give two color legends.
8) Check the correctness of the references. For example, In Line 801: Zongxing L. should be Li, Z., Li is the family name and Zongxing is the given name. Similar mistakes lake Hongyi L. and Yongge L.
Citation: -
RC2: 'Comment on hess-2022-160', Anonymous Referee #2, 01 Sep 2022
This study constructs numerical models to simulate the hydrological processes in the Middle Heihe River Basin in response to glacier loss, permafrost degradation, and temperature increase. The topic is interesting and the study area is an important area. However, there are some problems in the manuscript, which are listed as following.
Major comments:
- Commonly, specific yield is smaller than porosity. In the manuscript, the authors used specific yield as an analogy for porosity. In addition, the authors simplified specific yield values in the model. Specific yield data from 17 unique values calibrated in Tian et al. (2015a) were simplified to three intervals of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. The authors stated that this simplification was used to lessen computational demand. The reviewer doubts the reasonability of such simplification. This oversimplification may cause the model far from real condition and the results may be inaccurate. As supercomputer and parallel computation is so common, computation demand may not be a problem.
- The vertical thickness of the model is 472 m, which may be too shallow for a groundwater model. Many regional groundwater models have vertical thickness of 3-5 km. Can the 472 m thickness capture the main groundwater flow system in the study area?
- For a regional groundwater model with relatively large thickness, the decrease of hydraulic conductivity K and specific storage Ss with depth should be taken into account. Did the authors consider the decrease of K and Ss with depth in their model?
- The constant flux boundary condition along the border between the Upper and Middle Heihe may not be reasonable. The flux from the Upper Heihe is variable, and the flux is different in different seasons and among different years. The authors should clarify why a constant flux boundary is reasonable.
- The authors stated that "about 75% of water coming into the middle basin domain is from streamflow, 20% from precipitation, and 5% from the groundwater boundary condition." Where are the percentages from? Are there any evidence for these percentages?
- A uniform water table depth of 20 m was used in the model. Why the authors use a uniform water table depth? Is there any support material, publications, or evidence for such a water table depth? For such an area, water table depth should be different in different regions.
- For the Combined scenario, the authors used 15% reduction in thawing season flow and 50% reduction in baseflow. Are these reduction percentages have any supporting data, references, or other evidences? Or are they chosen arbitrarily?
- For comparison of the observed and modeled flow at the HRB2 gage, it can be seen from Figure 3 that the modeled values are significantly smaller than the observed values. The fit between observed and modeled data should be greatly improved.
- The authors use Spearman's rho as the standard to determine correlation. Why not use the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient to evaluate the fit between observed and modeled data? The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient is a widely accepted standard for this purpose.
Minor comments:
1) Add a space between numbers and its units, throughout the manuscript.
2) Line 20: 2C should be 2oC, there are other places in the manuscript
3) Line 40: Zongxing et al. should be Li et al., Li is the family name. Please correct this throughout the manuscript.
4) Line 85: "ground and surface water" should be "groundwater and surface water"
5) Lines 216 and 231: Abbreviation "2011WY" should be defined at the first time appearance.
6) Line 494: There is a typo: 3.32.9
7) Figure 14: There is no need to give two color legends.
8) Check the correctness of the references. For example, In Line 801: Zongxing L. should be Li, Z., Li is the family name and Zongxing is the given name. Similar mistakes lake Hongyi L. and Yongge L.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Amanda Triplett, 29 Sep 2022
We thank the reviewer for their detailed comments to improve this manuscript and have replied to all major concerns below. We hope that the explanations and planned revisions to address questions and concerns are satisfactory.
1. Commonly, specific yield is smaller than porosity. In the manuscript, the authors used specific yield as an analogy for porosity. In addition, the authors simplified specific yield values in the model. Specific yield data from 17 unique values calibrated in Tian et al. (2015a) were simplified to three intervals of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. The authors stated that this simplification was used to lessen computational demand. The reviewer doubts the reasonability of such simplification. This oversimplification may cause the model far from real condition and the results may be inaccurate. As supercomputer and parallel computation is so common, computation demand may not be a problem.These are great points of clarification that should be made in the updated manuscript. First, the authors acknowledge that specific yield is not the same as porosity. In this study, we used the same source data as that for the previously published HEIFLOW model. The HEIFLOW model only contains data for specific yield, while the ParFlow model requires porosity as an input. We decided the specific yield values could be used as reasonable estimates of porosity for two reasons. First, the middle Heihe is mostly an unconfined aquifer, with discontinuous aquitard sections (Yao et al., 2015a). This was confirmed with the input data. In unconfined aquifers, specific yield can more feasibly be used as an analog for porosity, although there is certainly some difference between the two values. Second, we note that the underlying data used to build the specific yield estimates was sparse and uncertain. We make the assumption here that the differences between porosity and specific yield are smaller than the uncertainty of the specific yield values themselves which is explained in more detail below.
As stated above, we initialized our model with the same input data used in the HEIFLOW model (Tian et al., 2015b) and with data provided from the Heihe Program Data Management Center. However, we found that using many of the values directly caused unrealistic behavior in our model, not only for specific yield but for hydraulic conductivity. Furthermore, we also found some of the values from the raw data to be non-physically realistic (i.e. anisotropy values of 8000). Given these complications we determined that we would need to conduct a separate model calibration exercise for our simulations. In the initial testing process, we found that our results were more sensitive to hydraulic conductivity than porosity, so we focused our efforts on calibrating that variable. By taking a lumped approach, we acknowledge how uncertain these variables are, and focus on more impactful hydrogeologic variables like K in our system.
Furthermore, we would like to note that when we say to lessen computational demand, we mean the computational demand to perform satisfactory calibration on all possible input variables. This will be clarified in the future manuscript. We absolutely do take advantage of parallel computing in our simulations, and ParFlow has been demonstrated in previous work to have excellent parallel scaling performance. However, it should be noted, that compute resources are still limited by compute allocations and must be used responsibly. One year of simulation with ParFlow alone (i.e. for our spinup runs) requires roughly 250 core hours (running on 972 cores for about 15 minutes). One year of ParFlow-coupled to CLM requires roughly 4800 core hours (running on 972 cores for about 5 hours). Considering the number of years for the groundwater system to return to equilibrium, especially after changes to hydrogeologic variables, this is a significant computing constraint.
2. The vertical thickness of the model is 472 m, which may be too shallow for a groundwater model. Many regional groundwater models have vertical thickness of 3-5 km. Can the 472 m thickness capture the main groundwater flow system in the study area?The previous modeling studies of the Heihe are our best source for the hydrogeology of the basin. As explained in our previous answer, we did have to calibrate our model and change the individual values in the domain, but we tried to maintain the general lithology that they developed. The maximum depth of hydrogeologic data used in the previous modeling efforts was 2094m (Yao et al., 2015a; Tian et al., 2015b) with a no-flow boundary imposed below this. After analyzing the data, only a very small percentage of the domain had data below 1072m (about 8%). Additionally, only about 50% of the MHRB domain has data at depth greater than 472m and a K greater than .005 m/h. Originally, we had an additional bottom layer that was 600m thick in our model to cover the depth of the previous models. Note that the HEIFLOW model has variable thickness while our ParFlow model has constant thickness.
Our study is focused on shallow groundwater and groundwater surface water interactions, and we expected that the deep regional flow paths extending below this depth would have a limited impact on our results especially given the other uncertainties involved. We decided to test without the last large thickness layer. After comparing our results before and after this change, we did not see large enough differences in water table depth and streamflow processes on the time order of our simulations (11 years) to warrant the additional computational costs of keeping it.
In response to this comment, we will make our reasoning for the selection of this depth clear in the manuscript in Section 2.4 Model Configuration and Initialization.
3. For a regional groundwater model with relatively large thickness, the decrease of hydraulic conductivity K and specific storage Ss with depth should be taken into account. Did the authors consider the decrease of K and Ss with depth in their model?We used hydraulic conductivity and specific storage input data as referenced in Tian et al. 2015b and used in additional studies with the HEIFLOW model (Tian et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2018). The creation of these datasets based on observations is described in Yao et al. (2015a). In this dataset, K is shown to decrease with depth. Additionally, any calibration we did was scalar, so the depth relationship we observe in the underlying hydraulic conductivity data has been maintained. The specific storage data, which we used unaltered from the source, was uniform with depth. We believe that some of these discrepancies in the data, for instance only two specific storage values that do not vary with depth, versus 92 values for K which do, highlights the limitations and uncertainty in comprehensive data for regional scale models. We will add text to highlight where these depth relationship trends exist in the input data.
4. The constant flux boundary condition along the border between the Upper and Middle Heihe may not be reasonable. The flux from the Upper Heihe is variable, and the flux is different in different seasons and among different years. The authors should clarify why a constant flux boundary is reasonable.The reviewer is correct that we would expect groundwater flux to change over the course of the year, however our ability to represent this is limited by observations and we don’t have any data to support seasonal variations on the boundary. Tian et al. (2015b) also used a constant flux value based on average annual data, literature estimates and model calibration (table 1) which we translated to our model and further details can be found in that publication. Furthermore, we do think the constant flux boundary is defensible for the following reasons: First, the groundwater flux represents only a small fraction of total water input to the domain, about 5% on average. Thus, the expected range of seasonal flux around this value is not expected to significantly impact the total amount of water entering the domain. We also performed calibration on the groundwater boundary condition (Line 223). The values we tested varied between +/- 75% of the original data. The change showed a minimal impact on groundwater and surface water. Seasonal flux changes seem unlikely to fall outside of that range.
Further, there is a large elevation gradient between the upper and middle basins in the Heihe, so a large fraction of groundwater discharges as streamflow at this boundary which is the same boundary the constant flux boundary condition is applied. So, seasonal changes in baseflow variability will be captured by the surface water inputs to the model.
5. The authors stated that "about 75% of water coming into the middle basin domain is from streamflow, 20% from precipitation, and 5% from the groundwater boundary condition." Where are the percentages from? Are there any evidence for these percentages?We calculated the annual average volume of streamflow input into the domain from historic time series (Table 1, Heihe Program Data Management Center). We then calculated average long-term recharge or the balance of precipitation (Xiong and Yan 2013) with ET (PML V2 ET product, National Tibetan Plateau Third Pole Environment Data Center -, to obtain the rough contribution of precipitation to the water budget. Last, we obtained the magnitude of water entering through the groundwater boundary condition as calibrated in Tian et al. (2015b). The resulting breakdown of these water sources is approximately 75%, 20% and 5%. We will clarify the data source and calculations that result in these percentages in the edited manuscript.
6. A uniform water table depth of 20 m was used in the model. Why the authors use a uniform water table depth? Is there any support material, publications, or evidence for such a water table depth? For such an area, water table depth should be different in different regions.We did not use a uniform water table depth for simulation. We started from a uniform water table depth of 20m before spin-up in order to have a point to initialize from. We then proceeded to run for 115 years to get a new water table to use in the calibration process. At this point, we have a spatially variably water table depth and we deemed the spin-up to be complete because storage as a change of percent recharge was less than 1%. After this, we calibrated the model and after final parameters were selected, we ran for an additional 73 years, again until storage change as a percent of recharge was less than 1%. At this point, we have the water table that we initialized our simulations from. This is described on lines 214-220. The authors will clarify the language in this section to make sure it is clear to the reader what water table the simulations start from.
7. For the Combined scenario, the authors used 15% reduction in thawing season flow and 50% reduction in baseflow. Are these reduction percentages have any supporting data, references, or other evidences? Or are they chosen arbitrarily?We understand from this comment and others that the source of the values for the simulations were not sufficiently clear in the manuscript. We give a brief explanation here of where the values come from and will improve the clarity of this explanation in the manuscript. Additionally, we refer the reviewer to our response to reviewer 1 in comment 3 where we address a similar point.
We did consult the literature to assess these values. An overview of the literature consulted for the Glacier scenario and a brief explanation of the value selection is given on lines 244 to 248. Estimates in the literature of glacial contribution to streamflow are based on historic melt rates and cryosphere interactions and cannot account for unforeseen nonlinearity under future climate change. Additionally, many studies are for the mainstem of the Heihe River, and while it is the largest contributor of water to the downstream basin, other tributaries do contribute to the total basin water balance and may have smaller or larger fractions of glacial contribution, such as 32% as predicted by Li et al., (2014). Thus, we decided to reduce the glacial fraction by the largest amount we considered possible which is higher than the largest literature estimates for the Heihe River of around 10% (Chen, 2014; He et al., 2008; Yang, 1991) to account for this. We could then conclude that any other reasonable fraction used would result in a smaller impact and use that to guide the conclusions at which we arrived. Again, because the goal of the study was to look at possible directions and magnitudes of trends and not give exact predictions of what the basin will look like in 2050 for example, we considered this value selection the one that would give the most information.
For the permafrost scenario, we used a study by Gao et al. (2018) which presented data for the increase in winter baseflow in the upper Heihe. Gao et al., (2018) state that since there are no (or few) other contributions to streamflow other than groundwater discharge in this period that any increase to winter flows would be directly caused by increases in baseflow from permafrost degradation. By linear interpolation of their data, the increase over a 30-year period of winter baseflow was 50% for an 8% loss in permafrost area. Assuming a similar loss in permafrost area in an additional 30 years, we increased baseflow by another 50%. Even though the impact of permafrost degradation to streamflow can most easily be assessed in winter, the changes to hydraulic conductivity caused by permafrost degradation are permanent. Thus, we assume the baseflow impact applies year-round.
8. For comparison of the observed and modeled flow at the HRB2 gage, it can be seen from Figure 3 that the modeled values are significantly smaller than the observed values. The fit between observed and modeled data should be greatly improved.The authors are in agreement that the modeled flows (dark blue, figure 3) are significantly higher than the observed flows (red, figure 3). The authors were modeling a natural flow state, while the data we had to calibrate the model to were subject to operations. Operations include reservoir and canal diversions as well as groundwater pumping which are significant in this region. For this reason, we do not expect to be able to match the observed flows. In fact, if we are modeling the natural system correctly, it is quite impossible that we would match the observed data in such a heavily managed system. For this reason, we chose to focus on matching winter baseflows when there are few water management operations occurring and also chose to attempt to “naturalize” the data to better assess our fit. After those adjustments, our streamflow comparisons are more reasonable (note that we also discuss this point in our response to reviewer 1 in comment 5). We state our plan to address comments 8 and 9 together after comment 9 below.
9. The authors use Spearman's rho as the standard to determine correlation. Why not use the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient to evaluate the fit between observed and modeled data? The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient is a widely accepted standard for this purpose.To also address the reviewers concerns about using Spearman’s Rho instead of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, we wanted to be able to assess improvements in our fit from calibration that were not so heavily weighted by missing high magnitude peak flows in Spring and Summer as we expected to not fit those well due to modeling a natural flow state. Spearman’s Rho tells us if we are getting directional changes right, with less emphasis on magnitude. Thus, it is a more appropriate metric for us to compare our natural flow state to observations subject to operations.
This all being said, we understand how this seemingly very poor fit would erode confidence in the findings of the study. So, we will add a section highlighting (1) the fact that we are modeling a natural flow state, (2) justifying that decision, (3) better highlight our comparisons to the baseflow and naturalized streamflow which are a more reasonable metric for comparison here, and (4) speaking to why that still allows this study to make the conclusions it does.
Minor comments:
All minor comments will be fixed as specified below in the final manuscript. Extra care will be taken to review all references and assure that they have the correct family and given name both in the manuscript and reference section so that credit is properly attributed.Citation:
Peer review completion







