Articles | Volume 27, issue 14
Technical note
18 Jul 2023
Technical note |  | 18 Jul 2023

Technical note: Complexity–uncertainty curve (c-u-curve) – a method to analyse, classify and compare dynamical systems

Uwe Ehret and Pankaj Dey

Data sets

c-u-curve data Uwe Ehret and Pankaj Dey

Model code and software

c-u-cure code Uwe Ehret and Pankaj Dey

Short summary
We propose the c-u-curve method to characterize dynamical (time-variable) systems of all kinds. U is for uncertainty and expresses how well a system can be predicted in a given period of time. C is for complexity and expresses how predictability differs between different periods, i.e. how well predictability itself can be predicted. The method helps to better classify and compare dynamical systems across a wide range of disciplines, thus facilitating scientific collaboration.