Articles | Volume 27, issue 13
Research article
11 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2023

Energy efficiency in transient surface runoff and sediment fluxes on hillslopes – a concept to quantify the effectiveness of extreme events

Samuel Schroers, Ulrike Scherer, and Erwin Zehe

Model code and software

shmulik1990/swe_cormack: VersionZero (Version V0) Samuel Schroers

Short summary
The hydrological cycle shapes our landscape. With an accelerating change of the world's climate and hydrological dynamics, concepts of evolution of natural systems become more important. In this study, we elaborated a thermodynamic framework for runoff and sediment transport and show from model results as well as from measurements during extreme events that the developed concept is useful for understanding the evolution of the system's mass, energy, and entropy fluxes.