Hydrological regime of Sahelian small waterbodies from combined Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter data
Data sets
Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S2
Global lake evaporation volume (GLEV) dataset https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4646621
ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1959 to present https://doi.org/10.24381/cds.adbb2d47
Global Precipitation Measurement, GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degreex0.1 degree V06 https://doi.org/10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH/06