the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
A method for predicting hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions across a region's river network using reach-scale environmental attributes
Jing Yang
Ude Shankar
Scott L. Graham
- Final revised paper (published on 07 Oct 2022)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 23 Aug 2021)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on hess-2021-424', Anonymous Referee #1, 16 Nov 2021
In this manuscript, the authors produce isoscapes for the river networks of New Zealand, based on reach-scale environmental attributes. Their data and new maps for the surface runoff isotopes could be useful contributions in the region, although there are some issues related to the contributions, data, methods and results.
Main issues
(a) The authors have to articulate their contributions clearly. They should not include irrelevant claims which take away people’s attention on their real contributions of the work.
- The main contributions of this work can be (1) new isotope validation dataset (File S1; e.g. Additional monthly data for New Zealand in 2017-2020), and (2) the isotope maps of surface runoff based on precipitation isotope maps and other reach-scale environmental attributes.
- Our readers would want some more specific information related to the specific contributions of this paper on the data legacy and isoscapes in New Zealand.
- Instead of just giving a summary of general processes related to rainout or temperature effects of isotopes, which has been routinely discussed in other similar previous works, the authors could provide a review of the history of environmental isotope studies over New Zealand, so that they can introduce all the crucial datasets or sampling campaigns in the country.
- It will be good that the author can include the georeferenced maps (e.g. the GeoTIFF files) in their supplementary materials.
- One of the main contributions of this paper is that the authors generated surface water maps from a precipitation map. Therefore, please show the river network and catchments in Figure 1 to give people some ideas of how different isotope sampling locations can be related to their data sources or references.
- Although the author used water balanced methods, I did not really see any results related to surface flow mixing or patterns. Moreover, the authors have to recognise their main contribution of the work is not about isotopes in animals or plants. Only the implication of this work can be related to isotopes in animals or plants. However, the current abstract makes people think that the main topic of this work is about isotopes stored in animal and plant issues.
- In Section 3, the authors should articulate their overall results by removing irrelevant and weak discussions.
(b) The authors have to clarify the details of the data and methods. In this study, the used methods are a well-developed kriging approach. Although these used methods may not be a significant advancement for spatial analysis, they should be suitable for this manuscript’s purpose. Even though it is somewhat expected, the authors showed their regression-based kriging was better than the ordinary kriging.
- The authors recognise that that “distance-based” geospatial and statistical interpolation is less appropriate (Ln 15 and Ln 54), but their regression-based kriging methods is still “distance-based” geospatial and statistical interpolation at the end of day.
- In Section 2, there are not many details about how to select five environmental variables in Table 1 from Table S1 (Ln164-Ln165). There are some logic issues here. The authors used the small number of available samples to justify the use of stepwise regression to reduce the number of independent variables.
- A table of the data for developing, calibrating and validating the models should be provided. Therefore, in the table, the authors should give the details of data sources (e.g. related publications), locations (e.g. south or north islands), sampling periods (2007-2009 in Ln 114) and number of samples (e.g. 51 sites Ln113).
- The authors should think clearly why they choose the data between 2017 and 2020 for the residual calculation (Ln 126). The author mentioned a poorer longer-term fit in the other study (Ln 200). Let’s think about it together here. For the annual values between 2007 and 2010, there could be only four data points for computing the correlation…
- At the moment, the model in Equation 3 is only a first order model of environmental variables. Authors may explain why they did not try to explore higher order models for the environmental variables.
- In Section 3, the authors should try to discuss how their selected environmental variables can be related to ground water and vegetative surface (Ln49-Ln50). The author did recognise that their model system was biased (Ln 403) which is very likely related to their selected environmental variables in Table 1.
- In Equation 1, there is no storage consideration. In the implication section, the authors should discuss how storage can affect their overall map results in Section 3.
(c) Some interpretation of results can be problematic and speculative. More discussion of the limitations of the study is needed.
- In L260-L285, the discussions and interpretations related to air masses, regional circulations and orographic effects are very speculating. These discussions are without much strong quantitative evidence in the manuscript.
- For example, the results in L223-L235 are very hypothetical. They are also very repetitive in the manuscript, because the authors repeat these speculations again in Section 3.4. Moreover, the current results are only marginally or speculatively related to cloud processes in Ln43.
- The authors should revise their discussion, similar to Ln 285-L302 where the authors discussed their result based on the fitted model variable results (e.g. usAnRainVar).
- For orographic effects, the authors may need to consider more about “aspect” and “wind” variables in their models, so that they can justify their discussion based on Kerr et al. (2015).
- As I have mentioned in my first comments, the results of this work are unlikely to be useful for studying movement of aquatic organisms (L430). The current maps are only for hydrogen and oxygen. There were no other isotope results such as nitrogen. In general, the discussion of animal and plant tissues (Ln10) is far-fetching in this manuscript. The results of this paper are not really giving much insights into them.
- The system bias of this study (L403) is unlikely to help others improve understanding of isotope patterns. Therefore, the authors should try to reframe their writing by reducing their discussion based on speculations, and suggest more how we can improve our understanding patterns of precipitation isotope values by using hydrological process-based models to investigate how flow and evaporation processes affect isotope patterns.
- Currently, I did not see much mixing and surface flow results which is suggested in Ln16. I also did not see the dam results mentioned in Ln13 and Ln68.
- Until the authors could have results similar to Figure 7 for all the main catchments in New Zealand, the discussion in Ln355 - Ln379 could not be justified. For example, there are no similar results of Figure 7 for the South Island in the manuscript.
- Perhaps, the authors can have more discussion on how results in Figure 7 are related to the “dendritic” patterns (Ln62).
- More insightful thoughts on variations between precipitation and surface water will be useful to demonstrate the values of this work. It would be great to have more quantification and discussion on how the precipitation and new runoff maps could be different in terms of their patterns.
Overall, the data of this work could be useful regionally.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Bruce Dudley, 04 Mar 2022
In this manuscript, the authors produce isoscapes for the river networks of New Zealand, based on reach-scale environmental attributes. Their data and new maps for the surface runoff isotopes could be useful contributions in the region, although there are some issues related to the contributions, data, methods and results.
Main issues
(a) The authors have to articulate their contributions clearly. They should not include irrelevant claims which take away people’s attention on their real contributions of the work.
Response: We have interpreted this comment as a summary of the bullet points given below under the reviewer’s section (a), and address these individually.
The main contributions of this work can be (1) new isotope validation dataset (File S1; e.g. Additional monthly data for New Zealand in 2017-2020), and (2) the isotope maps of surface runoff based on precipitation isotope maps and other reach-scale environmental attributes. R: We agree that our stream measurements dataset, and modelled reach scale values (i.e. those available at as shown below) may be useful contributions regionally.
However, we note that the method used to derive modelled reach scale values improves upon a method originally applied to the continental USA (Bowen et al. 2011). Our improved method is transferrable to other parts of the world and may thus be of value for an international audience. To better clarify to readers of the novelty of this method and the improvement it offers relative to other methods of mapping river water isotope values, we will improve description of the regression kriging method, its uses elsewhere, and the novelty in its application to river water isoscapes (as suggested by reviewer 2).
Our readers would want some more specific information related to the specific contributions of this paper on the data legacy and isoscapes in New Zealand.
Instead of just giving a summary of general processes related to rainout or temperature effects of isotopes, which has been routinely discussed in other similar previous works, the authors could provide a review of the history of environmental isotope studies over New Zealand, so that they can introduce all the crucial datasets or sampling campaigns in the country.
R: We think a brief review of the history of environmental isotope studies in New Zealand is a good idea. We will add text to the introduction to supplement the description of the literature validation dataset in the methods (section 2.4). In response also to comments below from both reviewers, will add a table to show the sources, size and duration of datasets and how these data are used in developing, calibrating and validating the models.
It will be good that the author can include the georeferenced maps (e.g. the GeoTIFF files) in their supplementary materials. Response: We will include the GeoTIFF files for precipitation and river isoscapes in our supplementary materials.
One of the main contributions of this paper is that the authors generated surface water maps from a precipitation map. Therefore, please show the river network and catchments in Figure 1 to give people some ideas of how different isotope sampling locations can be related to their data sources or references. Response: Figure 1 already shows the river network (panel F) and the locations of validation sites (panel G). It is an issue that at national scale, in panel F the smaller reaches and catchments blend together so that only larger rivers are visible. For this reason, panels A-F show only the Canterbury region of New Zealand. We cannot show every catchment in high detail, but a ‘zoomed-in’ example comparing model results for individual reaches to values from monitoring sites is presented in Figure 7.
For the reader with further interest in the river network and catchments we will add more detail as follows:
- Add reference Smith and McBride (1990) to panel G in Figure 1; this reference describes the design of New Zealand’s national river water quality network, and the catchments from which monthly isotope samples were taken.
- Add text at the start of section 3 to give the reader better access to information about monitoring sites and their catchments, including design of the monitoring network (Smith and McBride 1990), and descriptions of physical (catchment), flow and chemical conditions at monitoring sites (Davies-Colley et al. 2011; Julian et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2020).
· Although the author used water balanced methods, I did not really see any results related to surface flow mixing or patterns. Moreover, the authors have to recognise their main contribution of the work is not about isotopes in animals or plants. Only the implication of this work can be related to isotopes in animals or plants. However, the current abstract makes people think that the main topic of this work is about isotopes stored in animal and plant issues. Response:
Regarding the presentation of results related to surface flow mixing or patterns:
As noted in L. 16, We used a water balance-based method to generate the river isoscape. Patterns of surface flow and mixing are therefore represented by the isoscape outputs in figures 6 and 7, in the reach scale values available at and will be available in the GeoTIFF files for river isoscapes we will add as supplementary material.
Regarding the comment about the main contribution of the work is not being about isotopes in animals or plants:
We will remove mention of animals and plants from the first sentence of the manuscript. This will read: ‘Stable isotope ratio measurements (isotope values) of surface water reflect hydrological pathways, mixing processes, and atmospheric exchange within catchments.’.
We will slightly alter the last sentence of the abstract to make it clear that we haven’t measured any animals or plants. This will read: ‘The resulting river water isoscapes have potential applications in ecological, hydrological and provenance studies for which understanding of spatial variation in surface water isotope values is required'
In Section 3, the authors should articulate their overall results by removing irrelevant and weak discussions.
(b) The authors have to clarify the details of the data and methods. In this study, the used methods are a well-developed kriging approach. Although these used methods may not be a significant advancement for spatial analysis, they should be suitable for this manuscript’s purpose. Even though it is somewhat expected, the authors showed their regression-based kriging was better than the ordinary kriging.
Response: We have interpreted these comments as a summary of the bullet points given below under this review section (b), and address these individually.
The authors recognise that that “distance-based” geospatial and statistical interpolation is less appropriate (Ln 15 and Ln 54), but their regression-based kriging methods is still “distance-based” geospatial and statistical interpolation at the end of day. Response: We agree. We will address this by providing more background on the differences between ordinary kriging and regression kriging (as requested by reviewer 2) and using the term ‘simple distance-based’ to describe ordinary kriging in lines 15 and 54.
In Section 2, there are not many details about how to select five environmental variables in Table 1 from Table S1 (Ln164-Ln165). There are some logic issues here. The authors used the small number of available samples to justify the use of stepwise regression to reduce the number of independent variables. Response: We will provide more detail and support our choice of method with a reference at this point. E.g. ‘From the list of independent variables in Table S1, five were selected for the regression analysis based on BIC (Baysian Information Criteria), following the “one in ten rule” (e.g. Harrell Jr (2015)), i.e. one predictive variable can be included for every ten sites in the dataset.’
We will add t values and P values to this table.
A table of the data for developing, calibrating and validating the models should be provided. Therefore, in the table, the authors should give the details of data sources (e.g. related publications), locations (e.g. south or north islands), sampling periods (2007-2009 in Ln 114) and number of samples (e.g. 51 sites Ln113). Response: Really good idea. Thanks. Reviewer 2 also had trouble working out which datasets were used in which step, and what data these contained. We will add a table to make this clearer.
The authors should think clearly why they choose the data between 2017 and 2020 for the residual calculation (Ln 126).
Response: We will try to make this clearer using the addition of a table as described in the previous comment.
As described in a response to reviewer 2, the 2017 to 2020 river water monitoring data were monthly samples over three years (36 samples per site) from 58 sites spread across the major catchments of New Zealand. Site mean values of δ2H and δ18O from this dataset are appropriate for correcting the river isotope model; the model gives an estimate of ‘average’ river water isotope values for each reach in the river network.
Other data collated from the literature used in final checking of the model (figure 5, and supplementary material S1) is largely from ‘one-off’ samples from river reaches, which are less appropriate for correcting the model because river water isotope values vary seasonally, and under changing flow conditions (Yang et al. 2020). These data do however provide a good independent check of how the model performs compared to other model approaches.
The author mentioned a poorer longer-term fit in the other study (Ln 200). Let’s think about it together here. For the annual values between 2007 and 2010, there could be only four data points for computing the correlation… Response:
We will make sure this field precipitation dataset and its use in model checking are clearly described using the additional table suggested above.
The dataset of field precipitation samples used for this correlation/model checking contained monthly values from 51 sites between 2007 and 2010. So, ca. 1400 data points for computing the monthly correlation, and 51 data points for the annual average correlation (not 4). We will add these samples size values to the manuscript text alongside the R2 and RMSE values. We note that this correlation method and the field dataset are the same as used by Baisden et al. (2016). Using the same corelation method and field dataset allowed us to check our precipitation model replicated their published one well.
At the moment, the model in Equation 3 is only a first order model of environmental variables. Authors may explain why they did not try to explore higher order models for the environmental variables. Response: We didn’t apply nonlinear regression simply because it would increase the complexity for parameter estimates. This was inappropriate given limited number of sites (58) available for validation. We will make this clear in the manuscript.
In Section 3, the authors should try to discuss how their selected environmental variables can be related to ground water and vegetative surface (Ln49-Ln50). The author did recognise that their model system was biased (Ln 403) which is very likely related to their selected environmental variables in Table 1. Response: We will revise this section for clarity.
Spatial patterns of residuals in our method, and predictors (e.g. those in Table 1) could be used to increase understanding of hydrological processes. A simple example of this is that upstream wetland and lake area, which leads to higher evaporative fractionation and thus higher river water δ2H and δ18O values, explained spatial patterns of residuals in our study, which used the (Bowen et al. 2011) water balance model that assumes no evaporative fractionation.
A similar approach may be taken for lowland reaches gaining a large portion of their flow from high-elevation-derived groundwater. These reaches may show up as more isotopically negative than would be expected based on recharge and surface routing of local, low-elevation rainfall.
HOWEVER – our manuscript shows that this type of approach, and similar approaches in isotope enabled hydrological models (e.g. Belachew et al. (2016)) are reliant on the accuracy of the precipitation isotope model. We believe that some of the variables in table 1 reflect correction of spatial inaccuracies of the precipitation model.
We will adjust the discussion accordingly.
In Equation 1, there is no storage consideration. In the implication section, the authors should discuss how storage can affect their overall map results in Section 3. Response: Our method is fairly robust in this respect. Because both input data and data used to correct the model are averaged to give ‘steady state’ values, seasonal variation in contributions of surface and groundwater flows (which may have differing isotope values) to rivers is incorporated.
We will add brief discussion on this point.
(c) Some interpretation of results can be problematic and speculative. More discussion of the limitations of the study is needed. We have interpreted this comment as a summary of the specific bullet points given below under this review section (c), and address these individually.
In L260-L285, the discussions and interpretations related to air masses, regional circulations and orographic effects are very speculating. These discussions are without much strong quantitative evidence in the manuscript. We agree that the discussion of the effects of origin of air masses on precipitation isotope values currently looks speculative because we haven’t referenced previous work well enough. We will add references to studies of isotopes in precipitation in New Zealand (e.g. (McDonnell 1988) to back up this point.
We feel our discussion of regional orographic effects is well supported by the work of Purdie et al. (2010) and Kerr et al. (2015), which we have referenced in the manuscript. We have gone to further effort to back up our statements using Appendix Figure 1 and its accompanying text. However, we will add international references showing the same effects in other mountainous regions worldwide to support our statements.
For example, the results in L223-L235 are very hypothetical. They are also very repetitive in the manuscript, because the authors repeat these speculations again in Section 3.4. Moreover, the current results are only marginally or speculatively related to cloud processes in Ln43. Response: Firstly, we will directly reference Figure 2 in the statement on L. 225-226; i.e. ‘of the eight sites where predicted δ18O values exceed average measured δ18O values by > 1‰ (Figure 2), seven are in alpine-fed rivers on the leeward east of New Zealand.
We agree that there is some unnecessary repetition between sections 3.2 and 3.4. We will work to reduce or remove this.
We will revise the discussion to improve the description of links between:
- The predictors of residuals in Table 1
- The spatial inaccuracy of the precipitation model (and its likely causes)
- Our ability to improve understanding of processes in hydrology using our approach.
Put simply, Table 1 currently contains predictors that correct for spatial inaccuracy of the precipitation model. If we can improve the precipitation model, our method will be more useful for understanding of processes in hydrology (such as evaporation and groundwater contributions to surface water) that change in isotope values of river water.
The authors should revise their discussion, similar to Ln 285-L302 where the authors discussed their result based on the fitted model variable results (e.g. usAnRainVar). Response: As above, we will revise the discussion to improve the description of links between:
- The predictors of residuals in Table 1
- The spatial inaccuracy of the precipitation model (and its likely causes)
- Our ability to improve understanding of processes in hydrology using our approach.
For orographic effects, the authors may need to consider more about “aspect” and “wind” variables in their models, so that they can justify their discussion based on Kerr et al. (2015). Response: Good point. In fact, the ‘usAnRainVar’ variable in Table 1 is strongly correlated with aspect. We will make this clearer as described above.
As I have mentioned in my first comments, the results of this work are unlikely to be useful for studying movement of aquatic organisms (L430). The current maps are only for hydrogen and oxygen. There were no other isotope results such as nitrogen. In general, the discussion of animal and plant tissues (Ln10) is far-fetching in this manuscript. The results of this paper are not really giving much insights into them. Response: The reviewer is right that the current maps have potential use in hydrological studies. With the reviewer’s comments and the readership of HESS in mind, we will make modifications to the abstract, introduction and discussion to lessen the focus on ecological implications of this work and increase focus on hydrological uses and implications.
We do not feel that the absence of nitrogen data from our paper negates the usefulness of our work to (for example) ecological research. While having MORE tracers is almost always better in mixing models (Fry 2006), hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes are useful nonetheless for aquatic ecology (Soto et al. 2013).
We do not agree that the results of this work are unlikely to be useful for the ecological purposes we have outlined in our manuscript. The geographical distributions of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation and surface water form underpin a rich and growing body of research into animal migrations, as well as other cross-disciplinary uses. Quoting from Bowen et al. (2009) ‘Isoscapes have great power as a cross-disciplinary research tool, as exemplified by the translation of hydrology-focused GNIP [Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation] data into tools for animal migration research.’. Examples of ecological (migration) research based on GNIP hydrogen and oxygen isotope data are included in a review by Hobson and Wassenaar (2018). The Global Network for Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR) has similar aims. Quoting from Halder et al. (2015) ‘The aim of the GNIR programme is to collect and disseminate time-series and synoptic collections of riverine isotope data from the world’s rivers and to inform a range of scientific disciplines including hydrology, meteorology and climatology, oceanography, limnology, and aquatic ecology.’ However, the reviewer’s comments make it plain that we have not conveyed this potential for cross-disciplinary use of our work adequately. To address this, we will add brief but specific examples to the manuscript on this topic to section 4.
The system bias of this study (L403) is unlikely to help others improve understanding of isotope patterns. Therefore, the authors should try to reframe their writing by reducing their discussion based on speculations, and suggest more how we can improve our understanding patterns of precipitation isotope values by using hydrological process-based models to investigate how flow and evaporation processes affect isotope patterns. R: We will extend the focus of this paragraph outside of the scope of the current study, towards more general discussion of using river isotope models to understand hydrological processes.
We will restructure this paragraph as follows:
- Some isotope-enabled hydrological models (e.g. Belachew et al. (2016)) use precipitation isotope models as input data to give improved estimates of fluxes between components of the hydrological cycle.
- The accuracy of these flux estimates relies partly on accuracy in input data from precipitation isotope models
- Data from precipitation isotope models will always be imperfect, but improvements in the accuracy of precipitation isotope models can improve our understanding of flow pathways and evaporation processes at landscape scales.
Currently, I did not see much mixing and surface flow results which is suggested in Ln16. I also did not see the dam results mentioned in Ln13 and Ln68. Response:
We will add t values and p values to Table 1 to better support the discussion around upstream lake and wetland area effects on δ2H and δ18O values of river water. We will refer the reader to these results in section 3.3.
Open water behind dams is included in the variable usLWArea. We will add a specific reference to dams to section 3.6.
For clarity, we will replace abbreviated variable names (e.g. ‘usLWArea’) in the results and discussion text with full variable names (e.g. ‘Upstream lake and wetland area’).
Line 16 states ‘We used a water balance-based method, which represents patterns of surface flow and mixing’. Thus, mixing results are incorporated into the water balance results shown in (for example) Figure 2, 6 and 7, and in the online maps shown below.
Until the authors could have results similar to Figure 7 for all the main catchments in New Zealand, the discussion in Ln355 - Ln379 could not be justified. For example, there are no similar results of Figure 7 for the South Island in the manuscript. Response:
We will add t values and p values to Table 1 to better support this discussion section.
Discussion of relationships between environmental variables and river water δ2H and δ18O in Ln355 - Ln379 is backed up by multivariable regression results. Importance ranks for this regression for δ2H and δ18O residuals are already given in table 1, based on t statistics. This regression used δ2H and δ18O data from across New Zealand, not just the catchment in figure 7. Our discussion on Ln355 - Ln379 is limited to statistically significant predictors shown in table 1, of which upsteam lake and wetland area is one.
We could produce plots similar to Figure 7 for all the main catchments in New Zealand, but it is not practical to show them all in the manuscript. Figure 7 gives an example. We have provided access to data shown in Figure 7 at A South Island example is shown below:
Monitoring data (i.e. equivalent to the points in Figure 7, but across major catchments nationally) are available via the IAEA WISER portal.
Perhaps, the authors can have more discussion on how results in Figure 7 are related to the “dendritic” patterns (Ln62). Response: Certainly. We will add some detail on this to the section in L. 364-378.
More insightful thoughts on variations between precipitation and surface water will be useful to demonstrate the values of this work. It would be great to have more quantification and discussion on how the precipitation and new runoff maps could be different in terms of their patterns. Response: Really good point. We will add more discussion to section 4, focussing on implications of differences in isotopes in precipitation and those shown in our runoff maps. In terms of quantification, to some degree this is already visible in the isotopic differences between rivers fed by high elevation recharge and those fed by local lowland recharge (see above). We will add some text to this effect.
Overall, the data of this work could be useful regionally. Thank you. As above, to better clarify to readers the international transferability of our work, we will improve description of the regression kriging method, its uses elsewhere, and the novelty in its application to mapping river water isotope values (as also suggested by reviewer 2).
Baisden, W.T., E.D. Keller, R. Van Hale, R.D. Frew, and L.I. Wassenaar. 2016. Precipitation isoscapes for New Zealand: enhanced temporal detail using precipitation-weighted daily climatology. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 52: 343-352.
Belachew, D.L., G. Leavesley, O. David, D. Patterson, P. Aggarwal, L. Araguas, S. Terzer, and J. Carlson. 2016. IAEA Isotope-enabled coupled catchment–lake water balance model, IWBMIso: description and validation. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 52: 427-442.
Bowen, G.J., C.D. Kennedy, Z. Liu, and J. Stalker. 2011. Water balance model for mean annual hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions in surface waters of the contiguous United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116.
Bowen, G.J., J.B. West, B.H. Vaughn, T.E. Dawson, J.R. Ehleringer, M.L. Fogel, K. Hobson, J. Hoogewerff, C. Kendall, and C.T. Lai. 2009. Isoscapes to address large‐scale earth science challenges. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union 90: 109-110.
Davies-Colley, R.J., D.G. Smith, R.C. Ward, G.G. Bryers, G.B. McBride, J.M. Quinn, and M.R. Scarsbrook. 2011. Twenty Years of New Zealand’s National Rivers Water Quality Network: Benefits of Careful Design and Consistent Operation1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47: 750-771.
Fry, B. 2006. Stable isotope ecology: Springer.
Halder, J., S. Terzer, L. Wassenaar, L. Araguás-Araguás, and P. Aggarwal. 2015. The Global Network of Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR): integration of water isotopes in watershed observation and riverine research. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19: 3419-3431.
Hobson, K.A., and L.I. Wassenaar. 2018. Tracking animal migration with stable isotopes: Academic Press.
Julian, J.P., K.M. de Beurs, B. Owsley, R.J. Davies-Colley, and A.G.E. Ausseil. 2017. River water quality changes in New Zealand over 26 years: response to land use intensity. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 21: 1149-1171.
Kerr, T., M. Srinivasan, and J. Rutherford. 2015. Stable water isotopes across a transect of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16: 702-715.
McDonnell, J.J. 1988. The age, origin and pathway of subsurface stormflow in a steep humid headwater catchment. PhD thesis, University of Canterbury Canterbury, New Zealand.
Purdie, H., N. Bertler, A. Mackintosh, J. Baker, and R. Rhodes. 2010. Isotopic and elemental changes in winter snow accumulation on glaciers in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Journal of climate 23: 4737-4749.
Smith, D.G., and G.B. McBride. 1990. New Zealand's national water quality monitoring network - design and first year's operation. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 26: 767-775.
Soto, D.X., L.I. Wassenaar, and K.A. Hobson. 2013. Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in aquatic food webs are tracers of diet and provenance. Functional Ecology 27: 535-543.
Yang, J., B.D. Dudley, K. Montgomery, and W. Hodgetts. 2020. Characterizing spatial and temporal variation in 18O and 2H content of New Zealand river water for better understanding of hydrologic processes. Hydrological Processes.
RC2: 'Comment on hess-2021-424', Anonymous Referee #2, 08 Feb 2022
Referee comment on:
A method for predicting hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions across a region’s river network using reach-scale environmental attributes
By Bruce D. Dudley, Jing Yang, Ude Shankar and Scott Graham
The paper introduces a new method for predicting isotope distribution using information on the river network and environmental variables. The method is applied to NZ using a number of existing databases and some extra data collected by the research team.
The approach is novel and has potential for the improvement of the predictions, although the actual application to the NZ situation does not show a striking improvement over a more traditional method. I believe this fact should be reflected in the abstract and the conclusions more clearly, so the reader does not have excessive expectations.
I believe a part of the methodology that is somehow understated by the authors is the use of the regression Kriging technique. I would highlight this more throughout the paper and give a bit more background in the introduction and discussion about its rationale, implementation and potential. If this is a common tool used elsewhere discuss its novelty in the application of this particular problem.
The period of analysis of the paper is rather short, 2017-2020. An acknowledgement of this fact and the justification for why it has not been possible to use an extended period would be great. Also, what are the expectations into the future when more data becomes available?
Minor comment: Line 111: “Hence, we checked the results of our procedure by performing regressions between our modelled, amount-weighted monthly precipitation isotope values and measured values from the dataset of Baisden et al. (2016), comprising monthly collections from 51 sites across New Zealand between 2007 and 2009.”
Why is this check carried on over only two years? Again, a justification here would help the reader understand a bit better the limitations of the study.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Bruce Dudley, 04 Mar 2022
Responses to referee comment R2 on:
A method for predicting hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions across a region’s river network using reach-scale environmental attributes
By Bruce D. Dudley, Jing Yang, Ude Shankar and Scott Graham
The paper introduces a new method for predicting isotope distribution using information on the river network and environmental variables. The method is applied to NZ using a number of existing databases and some extra data collected by the research team.
The approach is novel and has potential for the improvement of the predictions, although the actual application to the NZ situation does not show a striking improvement over a more traditional method. I believe this fact should be reflected in the abstract and the conclusions more clearly, so the reader does not have excessive expectations.Response: We agree that the majority of the variation in river water isotope values across New Zealand can be explained by the water balance model used by Bowen et al. (2011) for the continental USA. This is a good point, and we will change the abstract and conclusions to make it clear.
Nevertheless, the additional effort put into regression kriging does result in improved predictions, and there are some areas of river networks, such as downstream of dams and wetlands, where it appears particularly beneficial.I believe a part of the methodology that is somehow understated by the authors is the use of the regression Kriging technique. I would highlight this more throughout the paper and give a bit more background in the introduction and discussion about its rationale, implementation and potential. If this is a common tool used elsewhere discuss its novelty in the application of this particular problem. Response: Yes, regression kriging is tool used elsewhere, particularly in soil mapping (e.g. see (Hengl et al., 2007; Keskin and Grunwald, 2018). We will add text to the introduction to describe other common uses of regression kriging and discuss the novelty (and appropriateness) of its application to this particular problem.
The period of analysis of the paper is rather short, 2017-2020. An acknowledgement of this fact and the justification for why it has not been possible to use an extended period would be great. Also, what are the expectations into the future when more data becomes available? Response: Yes, while the uncorrected river model was generated using 20 years of gridded climate data, only a 3-year period of river isotope data were available to correct the river model. We will add text (and a table) to the manuscript to make this clear.
Because the uncorrected river model gives an estimate of flow-weighted average δ2H and δ18O at any reach, we needed comparable average values at each of our 58 river monitoring sites to correct it. While more data is always better, annual means (of monthly) δ2H and δ18O values at our monitoring sites were relatively consistent across the three years of monitoring data we have, so we are confident that our 2017-2020 dataset is adequate for the purposes of model correction. As a rough illustration of this consistency between years, the isotope biplots below show all monthly river water samples from our 58 validation sites, with additional years of data showing in red, then blue. We note also that the monitoring dataset we have collected is the largest and by far the longest record of river water isotopes available for New Zealand.In response to the reviewer’s question about expectations for the future: we will make our code publicly accessible so that updates to modelling methods, and additional data can iteratively improve these maps. We continue river sampling at monitoring sites, and we are also now working to improve the national precipitation isotope model. These new input and validation data will be incorporated into revised maps. When available, updated maps will be made available online via
Additional (measured) river data will be added to the dataset we have provided to the IAEA WISER database.Minor comment: Line 111: “Hence, we checked the results of our procedure by performing regressions between our modelled, amount-weighted monthly precipitation isotope values and measured values from the dataset of Baisden et al. (2016), comprising monthly collections from 51 sites across New Zealand between 2007 and 2009.” Why is this check carried on over only two years? Again, a justification here would help the reader understand a bit better the limitations of the study. Response: This period of analysis was again limited by availability of field (measured) data. We will add text to the manuscript to make this clear, and, as suggested by reviewer 1, a table showing the different datasets used in model development, correction and checking. The reviewer has also highlighted a typo – the dataset of Baisden et al. (2016) extended into early 2010 at some sites. We will correct this.
Bowen, G. J., Kennedy, C. D., Liu, Z., and Stalker, J.: Water balance model for mean annual hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions in surface waters of the contiguous United States, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 116, 2011.
Hengl, T., Heuvelink, G. B. M., and Rossiter, D. G.: About regression-kriging: From equations to case studies, Computers & Geosciences, 33, 1301-1315,, 2007.
Keskin, H. and Grunwald, S.: Regression kriging as a workhorse in the digital soil mapper's toolbox, Geoderma, 326, 22-41,, 2018.Citation:
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Bruce Dudley, 04 Mar 2022
Peer review completion