Articles | Volume 26, issue 15
Education and communication
05 Aug 2022
Education and communication |  | 05 Aug 2022

The Thiem team – Adolf and Günther Thiem, two forefathers of hydrogeology

Georg J. Houben and Okke Batelaan

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Subject: Groundwater hydrology | Techniques and Approaches: Theory development
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Cited articles

Anonymous: Zur Wasserversorgung von Breslau, Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, 45, 386–387, 1902. 
Anonymous: Vorarbeiten für die Wasserversorgung von Prag, Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, 46, 133-134, 1903.  
Anonymous: A. Thiem, Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung, 49, 156–157, 1906. 
Anonymous: A. Thiem, Journal für Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung 51, 438, 1908. 
Anonymous: Dr.-Ing. Günther Thiem – Zivil-Ingenieur – Leipzig, Adolf Eckstein, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1910. 
Short summary
Unbeknown to most hydrologists, many methods used in groundwater hydrology today go back to work by Adolf and Günther Thiem. Their work goes beyond the Dupuit–Thiem analytical model for pump tests mentioned in many textbooks. It includes, e.g., the development and improvement of isopotential maps, tracer tests, and vertical well constructions. Extensive literature and archive research has been conducted to identify how and where the Thiems developed their methods and how they spread.