Articles | Volume 26, issue 14
Research article
18 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2022

A conceptual-model-based sediment connectivity assessment for patchy agricultural catchments

Pedro V. G. Batista, Peter Fiener, Simon Scheper, and Christine Alewell

Data sets

Data and code for: A conceptual model-based sediment connectivity assessment for patchy agricultural catchments Pedro Batista, Peter Fiener, Simon Scheper, Christine Alewell

Model code and software

Data and code for: A conceptual model-based sediment connectivity assessment for patchy agricultural catchments Pedro Batista, Peter Fiener, Simon Scheper, Christine Alewell

Short summary
Patchy agricultural landscapes have a large number of small fields, which are separated by linear features such as roads and field borders. When eroded sediments are transported out of the agricultural fields by surface runoff, these features can influence sediment connectivity. By use of measured data and a simulation model, we demonstrate how a dense road network (and its drainage system) facilitates sediment transport from fields to water courses in a patchy Swiss agricultural catchment.